ATF eForm 1 mega thread. Process and approvals!

Without googling the exact language you are only required to produce a stamp when requested by the ATF, not produce one immediately, I never carry a stamps. If you ever have an ATF agent is asking to see a stamp I'm willing to bet you are about to be properly f***ed for something much bigger. I bought my first NFA item in 1994 and I've never interacted with anybody the ATF asked to see a stamp, it practicality it just doesn't happen, unless you messed up bad.

That said, if you want to carry a stamp you only need to carry a copy of the stamp page, that is your permission slip. The other option is to set up files on your phone or on a shared drive with all of your stamps. On a shared drive you will have access on all of your devices. I have a two main folders, Form 1s and Form 4s. Form 1s are just a bunch of SBRs I've made. In the Form 4 folder I have sub folders for SBRs, Silencer, Machine Guns and Destructive Devices. Then I drop the stamp in the proper folder.

The only exception I have is when I fly with an NFA item I print a copy of the stamp to shove in the case. This is my built in defense against the potential of an overzealous TSA dude. I have never had an issue with TSA to be fair.
Perfect, this is kind of what I expected, just curious from a more experienced pov. I've always said if the atf is "knocking" I have bigger problems, and my dogs are pretty important to me!!! Haha
I submitted a form 1 on 5/31, efile, eprints, social, fbi UPIN, NH resident. I submitted three more three weeks ago, same deal, all within 5 min of each other. Two of the three from three weeks ago were approved in under a week. Nothing on the one from 5/31. Nothing on the other one from three weeks ago. Called the ATF. They were (are) useless. Stupid agency with stupid processes. Stupid by design. Just tells me that some people do their jobs and some don’t. It’s a crapshoot which person gets your forms. If anyone from the ATF is reading this, GFY.
Eform. Eprints. Second time so not super familiar with the process.
Date efiled=9/1 (Sunday)
Date approved=9/5 (Thursday)
The email shows 9/5 for a submission date. So It was looked at and approved the same day i'm guessing.
So what’s the consensus?
Thinking maybe I should form1 another MSR so I have 2 in 556 cal. Worth another $200?

It’s been awhile, use original trust with the new MSR added to the trust? Attach that to the submission?

What’s the ePrints mentioned and how/where to get them? Did messy ink prints last go around. I assume can still use the cards but probably need new ones.

What else is new with eForm1?
Eform 1
Self made Eprints with OpenEFT
Submitted 9/28
Approved 10/1

Form 1'd a HK SP5,
Overall super confusing for a first time applier but, being approved on 10/1 is still good signs.

EDIT: shouldve mentioned the trust has 2+ peoples on it.
EDIT#2: realized im stupid and put wrong dates, fixed
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So what’s the consensus?
Thinking maybe I should form1 another MSR so I have 2 in 556 cal. Worth another $200?

It’s been awhile, use original trust with the new MSR added to the trust? Attach that to the submission?

What’s the ePrints mentioned and how/where to get them? Did messy ink prints last go around. I assume can still use the cards but probably need new ones.

What else is new with eForm1?
If you go to the Mill, Dean Safety/Randy does the EFT print files there for you. Thats what you need to send in. It’s better than using the kiosks at UPS store and cheaper.
Given our new law in MA, what does the Form 1 give you that you can't have on an 8/1 lower? You can put a real shoulder stock and use it legally if you register it as a short barrel? You need Form 1 to legally own a silencer? Are these the only 2 reasons to file Form 1?
Yes you can put an actual stock but now after the preamble you can make it a collapsing or folding stock on it instead of a brace. No suppressors in Ma unless you have the proper FFL.
Yes you can put an actual stock but now after the preamble you can make it a collapsing or folding stock on it instead of a brace. No suppressors in Ma unless you have the proper FFL.
So for example without Form 1 I can only have a fixed brace because it can only be a pistol if the barrel is <16"? And with Form 1, it's an SBR, so I can put any stock on it that I want?
So for example without Form 1 I can only have a fixed brace because it can only be a pistol if the barrel is <16"? And with Form 1, it's an SBR, so I can put any stock on it that I want?
Just a brace with lop no greater than 13.5”. Doesn’t have to be fixed for a pistol.

Any stock on an SBR is allowed.
Given our new law in MA, what does the Form 1 give you that you can't have on an 8/1 lower? You can put a real shoulder stock and use it legally if you register it as a short barrel? You need Form 1 to legally own a silencer? Are these the only 2 reasons to file Form 1?
You can’t own a suppressor in MA unless you’re exempt (not up to date on what the latest exemptions are).
Given our new law in MA, what does the Form 1 give you that you can't have on an 8/1 lower? You can put a real shoulder stock and use it legally if you register it as a short barrel? You need Form 1 to legally own a silencer? Are these the only 2 reasons to file Form 1?
SBR also allows Vertical fore grips.
IIRC they are verboten on pistols.
There are a bunch of slightly angled foregrips available

BCM and Srike have some.

BCM below.

View attachment 926158
A quick look around and it appears that there is no specific angle to the grip allowed or not. There are a number of references to the ATF using "designed to be held with two hands" and being able to wrap your thumb around it. Maybe a lawyer out there, can search for some cases on this.
You be you, but I wouldn't want to be arguing that this example isn't a foregrip in court. It pretty much guaranteed that a cop, DA, ATF will call it that and charge if they are looking at into you.

ETA: The fact that BCM calls it a vertical grip isn't going to help saying it's not.

BCM® Vertical Grip Mod 3 (M-LOK® Compatible*) - Black
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BCM® Vertical Grip Mod 3 (M-LOK® Compatible*) - Black
A quick look around and it appears that there is no specific angle to the grip allowed or not. There are a number of references to the ATF using "designed to be held with two hands" and being able to wrap your thumb around it. Maybe a lawyer out there, can search for some cases on this.
You be you, but I wouldn't want to be arguing that this example isn't a foregrip in court. It pretty much guaranteed that a cop, DA, ATF will call it that and charge if they are looking at into you.

ETA: The fact that BCM calls it a vertical grip isn't going to help saying it's not.

BCM® Vertical Grip Mod 3 (M-LOK® Compatible*) - Black
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BCM® Vertical Grip Mod 3 (M-LOK® Compatible*) - Black

I get it, And the fact that they call it a VG.

I was pointing out several have an angle.

The Flux has one, and they say molded in, not a VFG
Oh, what about a barricade/handstop?

Almost impossible to use as a grip, mostly to prevent reaching out too far and touching the barrel?

something like this

Form 1 is filled out by the applicant. The applicant put it in the comments field. This is also the field that you would typically put what you are engraving (otherwise you need your complete full name)
Thanks. Is that on e forms? I have only done a paper form 1 which is why I ask. I would like to use the efforts next.
Thanks. Is that on e forms? I have only done a paper form 1 which is why I ask. I would like to use the efforts next.
Same field on both. There is no difference in the form you fill out whether paper or eForm. Clearly eForm is always faster/better when combined with electronic fingerprints. We have customers with approvals in as few as 12 hours.
I’ve got a couple sbrs. Really been thinking of an sbs. Maybe a 14.5 mossberg 590. In mass im aware it has to be factory built and can’t be built by an individual. Anyone go through the process of doing an sbs?
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