ATF eForm 1 mega thread. Process and approvals!

Submitted two form1s yesterday. Efile Form1 Individual, digital prints EFT file, and FBI VAF UPIN. Let's see how quickly (or not quickly) this goes. My last form1s were approved in roughly 3-4 weeks the old snailmail prints way, (back in February) also before I had a UPIN.
I’m hanging around 20 days and pending still. On the Reddit NFA people are posting approvals under 10 days. One guy said 3 days. It makes no sense how they process them.
I’m hanging around 20 days and pending still. On the Reddit NFA people are posting approvals under 10 days. One guy said 3 days. It makes no sense how they process them.
Some FFLs have gotten expedited approvals from the ATF for active duty and reserve people being deployed and out of country unable to pick up their NFA items but those instances are the exception, not the rule.
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Some FFLs have gotten expedited approvals from the ATF for active duty and reserve people being deployed and out of country unable to pick up their NFA items but those instances are the exception, not the rule.
I know they expedite FFL's that are going out of business as well. The people posting to that sub just seems to be regular folk who sent in their own forms.
These guys say average 30 days. And if some people like tartakovsky are getting them in 11 days I guess some other people might be suffering for 50.

ATF Form 1 & ATF eForm 1 Average Approval Time - NFA Approval Tracker

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Again, I submitted with a finger print EFT file electronically, saving the time of mailing a cover letter with physical print cards. I also had a FBI VAF UPIN, hopefully expediting the FBI check process. If you submit neither with your form1, I think its fair to assume you’re adding atleast a week to the process but only BATFE knows.
BTW, I submitted two within minutes of each other on 12/6. One was approved Saturday 12/17 at 6am. The other is still in-process. Go figure. EFT and UPIN Attached electronically.
Folks have mentioned booking a fingerprint scan for an EFT file through National Gun Trusts for $60.

However if you don't mind paying $5 more and want to cut out the third party you can book directly through PrintScan who make the scanners/software and place them in select UPS stores.

To book go to this page and click on the ATF logo...

My second was just approved (digital prints):
Submitted - 12/19/22
Approved - 1/4/23
Seems really good given the holidays in there.

I also just had a suppressor come in that was on back order. So I will soon have 2 form 4s on hold. Also have 1 more suppressor on backorder. I’m hoping that comes in soon and all three are batch approved.

And that will probably pause my spending spree as a new NH resident (except ammo and training).
My second was just approved (digital prints):
Submitted - 12/19/22
Approved - 1/4/23
Seems really good given the holidays in there.

I also just had a suppressor come in that was on back order. So I will soon have 2 form 4s on hold. Also have 1 more suppressor on backorder. I’m hoping that comes in soon and all three are batch approved.

And that will probably pause my spending spree as a new NH resident (except ammo and training).
Lots of people claiming the ATF isn't batch approving eForm 4s. I had four eForm 4s approved within hours of each other and the submissions were over two weeks. The problem is the volume was still so light in December of 21 and early January of 22 it's hard to know if they were batched or just together because the volume was low.
Lots of people claiming the ATF isn't batch approving eForm 4s. I had four eForm 4s approved within hours of each other and the submissions were over two weeks. The problem is the volume was still so light in December of 21 and early January of 22 it's hard to know if they were batched or just together because the volume was low.
That makes me sad. I hope it works for me. Wouldn’t surprise me if they aren’t doing it though - especially in this administration and with the current backlog. Hopefully my last suppressor will at least come in soon so I can start the clock.
I filed a Form 1 online with 2 other responsible persons on the trust, but the process did not explain how/when to send in the prints. Seeking that info.
I filed a Form 1 online with 2 other responsible persons on the trust, but the process did not explain how/when to send in the prints. Seeking that info.
You received a cover letter in your email the moment you paid in the ATF portal. Send a pair of prints along with the cover letter to the WV address listed. You have 10 days to get them to the ATF, for a while they were being cool with not meeting the 10 days but they have been doing disapprovals again if the prints aren’t there.
Where are you guys getting your fingerprints scanned electronically? I’m hung up at this point on my form 1 for making my 870 receiver I have into an sbs

Same page 10 posts above yours...

Does anyone know what the current situation is WRT form 1 suppressors? Last I knew around this time last year AFT went nuts because “solvent traps” and mucked things up for those making their own cans.
I got rejected on an SBR form recently:

1) Did not include MA LTC - requirement not mentioned (at least not that I saw)
2) CLEO city/state did not match one trust member; they paid no attention to the second CLEO address provided. Sorry buddy, you getting booted from the trust.

In the old days they corresponded with you to fix such defects; now the refund your $200 and send you to square 1.
I got rejected on an SBR form recently:

1) Did not include MA LTC - requirement not mentioned (at least not that I saw)
2) CLEO city/state did not match one trust member; they paid no attention to the second CLEO address provided. Sorry buddy, you getting booted from the trust.

In the old days they corresponded with you to fix such defects; now the refund your $200 and send you to square 1.
Woof. Should have asked around here. Everyone knows ltc is a must

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