Automatic Revolver...

Mar 23, 2006
Live Free or Die !
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Ok, ok it's really "Semi-Automatic", I know Webley made something similar several decades ago but I never found any modern versions untill I was browsing Cabela's gun library. (Now iffin' it only worked like a real library...[thinking])

Ya just don't see stuff like this every day so I thought I'd put this up for your enjoyment.

Mateba .44 Magnum Semi-Auto Revolver

Cal./Gauge: .44 Magnum
Chamber(s): Six-shot
Barrel(s): 6"
Weight: 53 ounces.
Sights/Scope: Standard.
Manufacture Date: SN: 001539
Extras: Hard case, compensator and scope rings.

Mateba Semi-automatic Revolver .44 Magnum. This rare, interesting and yet functional semi-automatic revolver fires the venerable .44 Magnum. It has a deep-blue finish and includes a hard case, scope rings and barrel compensator. It has been fired, but well taken care of.



Ya gotta admit, this would make a nice addition for a collection.
Can't help but wonder iffin' it qualifies as a "Curio". [smile]
Ok, ok it's really "Semi-Automatic", I know Webley made something similar several decades ago but I never found any modern versions untill I was browsing Cabela's gun library. (Now iffin' it only worked like a real library...[thinking])

Ya just don't see stuff like this every day so I thought I'd put this up for your enjoyment.



Ya gotta admit, this would make a nice addition for a collection.
Can't help but wonder iffin' it qualifies as a "Curio". [smile]

I do not think so. I think they are still made.
I think I want one[thinking].

Besides being ugly, I see nothing special about it. It looks like a revolver that feeds from the 6 o'clock position rather than 12 o'clock. It is different...
Did you buy it? I've been looking for one of these things for YEARS. Where is it?

Gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Besides being ugly, I see nothing special about it. It looks like a revolver that feeds from the 6 o'clock position rather than 12 o'clock. It is different...

And the crane swings up rather than down.

Still with the recoil action and I've heard firing from the 6 o'clock will tame the recoil more.

I always like guns that do things a little different. [smile]


-Weer'd Beard
It is a gas-driven auto-revolver. Rather than the series of events being:

Double action pull cocking hammer while turning cylinder, then releasing hammer on positioned cartridge, gun goes bang, repeat.

It is rather:

Double action pull cocking hammer, then releasing hammer on positioned cartridge, gun goes bang, gas operates cylinder positioning next round "automatically" if you will.

More bang-click than click-bang.

I've been trying to chase one of these down for years to add to my "What the hell is that?" collection. I've seen a video of one in action and it's pretty freakin' cool IMO. Plus very few people have one, as opposed to the 6 billion S&W revolvers out there (Of which I own three [grin]).

I ask again, did you buy this, or just post it for it's cool factor? I would most absolutely spring for one of these under the right circumstances.
I ask again, did you buy this, or just post it for it's cool factor? I would most absolutely spring for one of these under the right circumstances.

Sorry for the delay, I've been working on the Honey-do list. [thinking]

Did I buy this ? Man I wish ! [sad] Me thinks I shoulda stated that a bit clearer in the first post. I was just browsing Cabela's gun library when I stumbled across it, and thought I'd share.

I would sooooooooooooooooooooooo love to have one ! [smile]
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I've always wondered why revolvers didn't fire from the 6 o'clock position. Seems a lower bore axis would be a benefit. I suppose the hammer arrangement is easier in the 12 o'clock, but I can't see that being such a huge deal.

Although I have to admit that it looks strange.

Then again, those free-pistols which seem to some straight out of the hand also look odd, but obviously work.
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