AZ - Jose Guerena Shot 60 Times By SWAT Team

Please tell me exactly what threat was made? She said, according to the newspaper article, "I hope you are not ever my patient." She could have very easily been saying just that - that she didn't want to ever have to take care of him.

The cop, in this case, is a jerk and should lose HIS job.

This isn't a court of law. No proof beyond a resonable doubt is needed to come to a conclusion here. Was the cop a jerk in this case? Yeah, probably. However, the fact that when confronted with this accusation, she never denied it and instead said it was her right, is more likely the reason she was fired. She could have been saying that she didn't want to ever have to take care of him, or she didn't ever want to see him again. Did she clarify that when confronted with it?
... or get shot in the back for being 11 and having a dirt bag for a dad.

... or get shot while on your knees holding your baby because the officer covering you freaks out when he hears other officers executing your dogs. and thinks the gunfire he hears is coming from you.


Remember, of course, these are all just, insignificant, "Isolated Incidents". Nothing to see here, move along" [thinking]

Remember, of course, these are all just, insignificant, "Isolated Incidents". Nothing to see here, move along" [thinking]


Just wondering if these all go in the books as gun related deaths? It looks like we could cut that number down significantly if they excluded the 'legal' shootings
Ambush-style police deaths are still so rare that experts don't know what's causing them, said Smith, who refers to the trend of people going into the community and “hunting police officers” as the country's “war on cops.”
Read more:

I could give them a good place to start looking for what's causing them... like googling "cops raid wrong address" and "cop shoot dog". [rolleyes]

Stop using no-knock warrants, stop bashing in the wrong doors, and stop shooting innocent citizens and dogs? I mean, it's just a wild guess here. [thinking]

Damn - it looks like "Unintended Consequences" is coming to life..........
What if somebody found a way to show you and everyone else that we may not be as fringe as you think?

That would be good - if true.

For this stuff to stop - it's going to have to become something that mainstream US gets seriously pissed off about.

If some of the people on NES are any indication - then there are a lot of people out there who are perfectly OK with armed good squads busting down their neighbors doors and shooting them dead - as long as the dog gets it first of course.
That would be good - if true.

For this stuff to stop - it's going to have to become something that mainstream US gets seriously pissed off about.

For the mainstream US to get seriously pissed off about it, the mainstream media needs to seriously start covering it. Unfortunately, our MSM cared more about some guy in England getting married than they did about a guy in Framingham, in the state where they live, getting shot to death as he lay on the ground, completely submissive to police, by a police officer. Until these things start to be headline news, the masses will never even know they happened.
For the mainstream US to get seriously pissed off about it, the mainstream media needs to seriously start covering it. Unfortunately, our MSM cared more about some guy in England getting married than they did about a guy in Framingham, in the state where they live, getting shot to death as he lay on the ground, completely submissive to police, by a police officer. Until these things start to be headline news, the masses will never even know they happened.

Almost all of these stories involve legal gun owners. The mainstream liberal media hates gun owners(ship), they wouldn't want to promote such ideals that are outdated and have no place in a modern & civilized country.

The police would probably have to [STRIKE]accidentally kill[/STRIKE] murder an entire daycare center for them to cover it for more than an hour.
For this stuff to stop - it's going to have to become something that mainstream US gets seriously pissed off about.
If things like the Pittsburg G7 conference abuses, which took place in working-class neighborhoods in a heavily armed state, didn't provoke people to react, I don't know what it will take.
Almost all of these stories involve legal gun owners. The mainstream liberal media hates gun owners(ship), they wouldn't want to promote such ideals that are outdated and have no place in a modern & civilized country.

The police would probably have to [STRIKE]accidentally kill[/STRIKE] murder an entire daycare center for them to cover it for more than an hour.

So.........liberals are a virus. Don't we have drugs that kill viral infections?
Sheriff Breaks His Silence As Search Warrant Released...

On Thursday, Sheriff Clarence Dupnik broke his long public silence about the May 5 SWAT shooting that claimed the life of former U.S. Marine Jose Guerena, and sat down for an extended interview with KGUN9 News Anchor Jennifer Waddell. He addressed questions about why authorities felt it necessary to dispatch a SWAT team that day to execute a series of search warrants, and also talked about other issues surrounding the controversial shooting. The sheriff made the startling revelation that he believes Guerena greeted the SWAT team with a rifle because Guerena thought he was about to be arrested on a charge of murder.....

The man killed in a SWAT team raid last month had been under investigation by the Pima County Sheriff's Department for 20 months as part of a major drug and homicide investigation, Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said Tuesday during an editorial meeting with the Star.

But details of the investigation into Jose Guerena's activities won't be released because an informant for the Sheriff's Department could be in danger, Dupnik said.

"There's a chance that our informant is going to get killed," he said.....

It's been almost a month since a SWAT team shot and killed former Marine Jose Guerena.

Now 9 On Your Side has the sworn statement investigators used to get that warrant.

It outlines their claim Guerena was just part of an active mid-level drug operation.

The affidavit is a detective's sworn statement to a judge to convince that judge to issue the search warrant.

It outlines the Sheriff's Department opinion that Guerena, and some of his family show ample signs of dealing in drugs.....

A superior court judge released court documents that shed new light to that deadly SWAT shooting that occurred on May 5th.

The documents outline José Guerena's alleged ties to a drug trafficking organization.....

Read warrant affidavit here: Document0582_000.pdf
This is smacking of a major case of guilt by association. Guy socializes with his wife's family and because the wife's family are scumbags, he is consorting with scumbags.
Wow, that's pretty predictable.... Dup-Dick is now trying to railroad the dead guy and send up smoke to try to distract people from the obvious fail that occurred here.

Wow, that's pretty predictable.... Dup-Dick is now trying to railroad the dead guy and send up smoke to try to distract people from the obvious fail that occurred here.


So they broke up a mid-level drug ring and cracked a homicide investigation by killing an innocent man and making no arrests?

Does not compute.
In the interview, the sheriff told Waddell that the shooting was fully justified, that the Pima County Regional SWAT team is one of the best in the nation,
Did he watch the same video I watched?
FYI - I think the final actual tally was 71 shots fired - 22 hits. Piss poor shooting into a fatal funnel, and way too many shots for a single person perceived threat.

Also, apparently the search warrant was authorized over being pulled over one time with a small amount of marijuana and a gun in the car (the gun was legal) and they didn't press charges, and they found plastic wrap in the car (which can be used to wrap drugs....), and his car was seen at a "stash house" a few times. Wow. Really?
This is smacking of a major case of guilt by association. Guy socializes with his wife's family and because the wife's family are scumbags, he is consorting with scumbags.

and his car was seen at a "stash house" a few times.

Which was his BIL's house. See how these warrants can be manipulated based on bad or misleading characterizations...
FYI - I think the final actual tally was 71 shots fired - 22 hits. Piss poor shooting into a fatal funnel, and way too many shots for a single person perceived threat.

That's the larger point. When the CIA found bin Laden, they didn't nuke the city. They used enough force to eliminate the threat. Shouldn't this be doubly true for law enforcement in residential neighborhoods? Seeing a potential threat doesn't mean the neighbors should be picking bullets out of their sugar bowls.
FYI - I think the final actual tally was 71 shots fired - 22 hits. Piss poor shooting into a fatal funnel, and way too many shots for a single person perceived threat.

Also, apparently the search warrant was authorized over being pulled over one time with a small amount of marijuana and a gun in the car (the gun was legal) and they didn't press charges, and they found plastic wrap in the car (which can be used to wrap drugs....), and his car was seen at a "stash house" a few times. Wow. Really?

That was his brother in law that got pulled over and charged, not him.
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