Baker or Cahill?


Road Warrior
NES Member
May 14, 2008
Living Free In The 603
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I went to the steak dinner tonight at the Maynard Rod & Gun Club, and there I met former republican state rep Paul Loscocco. He's Tim Cahills running mate, and he was there with a few staffers trying to win over some voters. He was also at the GOAL Banquet last week along with Tim. They're trying pretty hard to get the message out that they're Pro 2A and agree that the gun laws here in Mass are a complete clusterf***.
I had a long conversation with Paul and he gave me straightforward answers without the typical political beating around the bush BS.
I was leaning towards voting for Baker because I always vote republican, but Baker has the charisma of a used car dealer and doesn't seem to have any problem with the Mass gun laws as they currently stand.
I originally looked at Cahill as the spoiler in this race, but now I'm not so sure because he just may be the better candidate for us 2A supporters.
Can anyone give me a good reason why I should vote for Baker instead of Cahill?

As such I could never vote for him. Don't loose site of what a hack he is.

Let's face it, they're all hacks.
I just want to choose the lesser of three evils.
Corruption is a given on Beacon Hill.
It's a longstanding tradition that won't go away in one election cycle.
We're all going to get screwed one way or another, that's expected.
Yes, Cahill was a dem that jumped ship to run as an independent and chose a republican running mate. At this point, I don't see how Cahill could possibly be any worse than what we have now, or any of the former RINO governors we've had in the last 20 years.
Cahill has gone on record as a supporter of 2A rights and opposed to the travesty our gun laws have become. Baker thinks they're just fine the way they are now, and we know how Coupe Deval feels on the subject.
Best reason of all.... avoiding having Deval Patrick as governor again.

I think Cahill is actually decent (that is, by MA standards) but the problem is I think he's going to end up the spoiler here, and we will end up with $%#$# uhaul again.

One of the two needs to just drop out so we can get rid of Uhaul-Deval.

Best reason of all.... avoiding having Deval Patrick as governor again.

I think Cahill is actually decent (that is, by MA standards) but the problem is I think he's going to end up the spoiler here, and we will end up with $%#$# uhaul again.

One of the two needs to just drop out so we can get rid of Uhaul-Deval.

I just have this sickening feeling that Baker is the wrong horse to back in this race to oust Deval. I know how many of the dems crossed over to vote for Scott brown, but I don't really see that happening again in the governors race. I think far more dem crossover voters could be swayed to move a little bit to the right and go for Cahill, rather than take that full jump to the right and vote for Baker.
I don't like compromising when choosing a candidate to support. Problem is, it looks like I won't have much choice in the mater, as either of the two will be a compromise. [thinking]
The leftist moonbats absolutely love what is going on here. Cahill *is* the made-to-order spoiler they desperately needed to keep insanely incompetent & corrupt Governor "Cadillac" Deval in office.

Like it or not, Baker is our only hope. A vote for Cahill is a vote to put loony moonbat "Cadillac" Deval back in there for another 4 years. That is a fact.

I just have this sickening feeling that Baker is the wrong horse to back in this race to oust Deval. I know how many of the dems crossed over to vote for Scott brown, but I don't really see that happening again in the governors race. I think far more dem crossover voters could be swayed to move a little bit to the right and go for Cahill, rather than take that full jump to the right and vote for Baker.

I agree but he was hit pretty hard by the Republicans. I personally am leaning towards Cahill at this point.
a vote for Cahill is a vote for the devil, keep it up.


Let the people vote their "feelings" I'm sure Deval for another four years of more anti gun legislation and higher spending is better than having to vote for Baker. At least when you can only buy one gun a month and can't do a private sale you'll feel better knowing you voted your with your heart. [rofl]

You guys need to realize at some point that this country as a whole and MA as a state can no longer be corrected via the voting box. We are already beyond the point of no return. Far too many people on the .gov tit and more going on it daily. Once Amnesty is passed say good night.
Baker was on Howie Carr's show recently and said that MA has the toughest gun laws in the country, Deval's bill was unnecessary and a burden on the law-abiding, and that he would lock up the gang-bangers and criminals who carry and use guns illegally. Baker does have some real-world business background, and he wants to roll back the sales and income tax hikes.
Cahill may be saying the right things, but he really is a Boston hack, and he has a snowball's chance. A vote for him is worse than a wasted vote - it's a vote for Deval.
Cahill may be saying the right things, but he really is a Boston hack, and he has a snowball's chance. A vote for him is worse than a wasted vote - it's a vote for Deval.
Amen. It actually brings me to tears every time I read about good, solid, pro-gun conservatives throwing their votes away on "spoilers" (often "plants" or simply nuts with a grudge or an agenda) with zero chance of winning. Pragmatism beats "making a statement" (and thereby throwing away your vote) every time.

Democrats see that. Why the heck can't conservatives see that???

I like Cahill a lot more than Baker. Unfortunately he`s the 3rd party candidate and probably doesn`t have much of a chance. Also he could steal enough voted from Baker to let Coupe Deval win. Not good.
The leftist moonbats absolutely love what is going on here. Cahill *is* the made-to-order spoiler they desperately needed to keep insanely incompetent & corrupt Governor "Cadillac" Deval in office.

Like it or not, Baker is our only hope. A vote for Cahill is a vote to put loony moonbat "Cadillac" Deval back in there for another 4 years. That is a fact.


This, exactly.
And on 2 separate occasions I've heard callers on WRKO directly ask Cahill if he would promise that he wouldn't take a job in the Patrick administration if he loses the election, basically inferring that he was being put up to running on the promise of being rewarded with a job when the dust settles, and both times he refused to answer the question or otherwise commit.
The latest poll on the election: Patrick 38, Baker 31, Cahill 9. If it's really "the race to oust Deval", then the choice is obvious. Baker is at best luke-warm, but as others have noted, a vote for Cahill is truly a vote for Patrick. That's without even looking past Cahill's current pretense to be an "independent".

This thread really does raise an interesting quandary for me and, I'm sure, other people.

Can you REALLY vote for a candidate based purely on one topic, i.e. 2A position?

I suspect not, as most often, there are more overriding factors higher up the priority list to think about. Are you a liberal or conservative when it comes to things like social programs, government spending, taxes, schools, etc?

For me its a bit more tricky given I am a liberal but like and support gun rights. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the liberals out there do not support them. What to do, what to do.

I suppose all I can do is still vote my conscience and lobby my local rep and senator to support 2A specific bills.

Just my $0.02 worth
For me its a bit more tricky given I am a liberal but like and support gun rights. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the liberals out there do not support them. What to do, what to do.
If you are truly a dedicated liberal, you should be more than willing to give up your gun rights.


Cahill is a liberal at heart. I don't trust a word out of mouth.

The old saying "How can you tell when a politician is lying? His lips are moving!" is truer than anything else.

Pols know to tell the majority of their constituents what they want to hear . . . until they are elected . . . then the fangs grow and you find out what kind of a blood-sucking vampire you are stuck with.

There were almost as many pols (and aides) at the GOAL banquet as GOAL members this year! Ask yourself when you last saw any of them at a GOAL event? That will answer the question "who supports us?"

There were a few people there (pols) who we typically see at most GOAL banquets, they are our real supporters. The rest (most of them) were flash-in-the-pan to get votes, and they will screw us as soon as they are elected.

Sad, but choices aren't good when we get to the polls . . . and this has become SOP over the past 20-30 years.
This thread really does raise an interesting quandary for me and, I'm sure, other people.

Can you REALLY vote for a candidate based purely on one topic, i.e. 2A position?

I suspect not, as most often, there are more overriding factors higher up the priority list to think about. Are you a liberal or conservative when it comes to things like social programs, government spending, taxes, schools, etc?

For me its a bit more tricky given I am a liberal but like and support gun rights. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the liberals out there do not support them. What to do, what to do.

I suppose all I can do is still vote my conscience and lobby my local rep and senator to support 2A specific bills.

Just my $0.02 worth

My thoughts also. None of the 3 are 2A champions like we want and deserve but i'll vote on who will do the less amount of damage which i think is Baker. I've posted before Baker is avoiding the 2A discussion to remain in the center and gain some independent and moonbat votes. If he gets in i think GOAL will have an easier time with him than the other 2.
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