Before and After

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jose
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That's a nice little snubbie! Model 19? What did you do, give it a good polish along with the grips? The after looks really sweet.
That's a nice little snubbie!
Thank you.
Model 19?
Nope. Model 29-3. That would be a .44 Magnum, thank you. [smile]
What did you do, give it a good polish along with the grips? The after looks really sweet.
The "polish" is just the difference between flash (before) and natural (after) illumination. The other important mod is the trigger. The gun came with a (incorrect for model) wide target trigger. I had it swapped for a narrow combat trigger and then had its face smoothed and edges radiused. I also had an action tune up on it which rendered the gun much more shootable in double action.
Kim Ahrend's grips are made as if they were designed for my hands.

One of the big reasons why I carry revolvers more than anything else is because of how naturally they point at the target.

I am a FIRM believer in point shooting at self defense distances.
Real nice, Jose! Let us know how it shoots with the new trigger/action once you get to try it out.

A few days ago I got a box of 500 .44 Magnum cases to go with the 200 grain hard cast bullets and Hornady three die set. Today or tomorrow I will stop by my local gun pusher to get a brick of large pistol magnum primers and some more W231 and it's off to the loading bench.

My main reload will be 7.2 grains of W231 in Starline .44 Magnum brass which should give about 950 to 1000 fps from the 3" barrel. Basically a warm .44 Special without having to scrub carbon rings out of the chambers.

I should have some shooting impressions next week.
Shot it today with both magnums and my 44 mag reloads (44 specials in a magnum case).

Recoil with Fiocchi 240 grain magnums was still fierce, but my thumb feels much better. My new reloads (200 grain Oregon Trail hard cast round nose flat point over 7.2 grains of W231 in a Starline 44 magnum case) were a joy to shoot and still hit steel plates with authority. A bit smoky, though.
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