I have heard that but AFAIK those people dont have a lobbying group pushing for that shit, etc.
The industry shit WRT imports is definitely real, though. its what drove a lot of that shit with the AKs getting banned in the 80s and 90s.
I dunno of any shop owner thats actually like this, I mean yeah, that boost in sales is great but the disruption on the other end of the
stick is a problem. Also long drawn out moonbat induced crises end up fatiguing a customer base. You want people coming back and buying shit. the problem is moonbat crisies cause the prices of shit to go up, particularly on consumables like ammo. And the cost of ammo as an input variable into buying habits is HUGE.
Meh, a guy making a hundred or two hundred bucks on a lower doesn't really bother me. People gotta eat, unless people going to pay the dealers electric bill, rent, and other shit (BTW even for a small op this is thousands of dollars a year just to keep the lights on). Especially in MA where residential FFLs basically dont exist anymore.
Besides its a fake problem- hardcore skinflints can still score deals and know how to inbound their own shit for the price of the transfer or
whateve.r It's not that hard to make a couple phone calls and click a mouse a few times and get a poverty pony in MA in a week or two for under $100 if one is being
really frugal. In most cases though people gon be like "f*** that shit" and theyll just go out and drop double that so they can get it yesterday. don't blame the shop and dont blame
the buyer, either. It's not really a lot of money. I mean lets not act like its someone getting raked over a clapped out "pre healey" $600 - M&P 15 Sport for $2500 just because it has a fake FA-10 with it with a fake date on it.
FWIW I know gun shops in free states that sell things like poverty pony lowrs for $100+ too, they still sell. Like hotcakes actually. "Convenience" has a
price. The buyers do not care, everyone wins. It's no different than like when I go to cumberland farms and pay like $5 for a box of cookies that I could have gotten at the store for $2.50. I am buying the cookies there because I want them NOW and with less inconvenience.