Range etiquette for ammo usage

What about a stranger you bump into at the range? I feel like the norm is friend 2.
I don't bump into strangers at the range. you need to be one special individual for me to invite you into my shooting space and handle and shoot my guns. if an unsolicited "friend" asks...someone smarter than me invented a cool 2 letter word to toss out....NO!
Just stop going to the range with the skinflint. Problem solved. I also don't want ammo running through my guns if I don't know where it was sourced, who loaded it, etc, especially when it comes to handloads. Firearms are not insignificant in their costs. Some - like ARs in MA - are essentially irreplaceable at this point. Protecting one's investment is just a wise thing to do.
It's my way of saying I don't have tons of ammo or the ability to get it without trying to suck everyone's pity dick. Saying I'm poor around guys with thousands of dollars of disposable income monthly to spend on things I dream of sounds like me trying to fish for a handout, and I don't like it, because it reminds of when I was younger and did exactly that, and it disgusts me in hindsight. Same reason when I help run machine gun shoots I don't accept the greatly appreciated and very gracious offers to let me mag dump some 7.62x39 or 7.62x54r or 30-06 or various other expensive rounds.

The thing here is they are your friends and should know your situation. Friends 2-4 are most likely better friends than #1 if you’re being truthful. #1 seems to be a taker kind of guy.

Thing is when I go to the range the ammo I bring I don’t expect to bring it home. Only bring what you can afford and if need be mention this to #1. Maybe he is just oblivious but it doesn’t sound like it.
When it comes up, it’s nearly always #2 friend.

It’s not unreasonable to say to #1, “next time you bring the ammo”.

It’s unfortunate we (generally) suck at talking about money, so “I don’t have as much disposable income as you, can you bring ammo?” Is hard to say. (It shouldn’t be, but it is)

If someone tries to give you money or ammo, there’s nothing wrong with accepting it. (Assuming you’re sure it’s a genuine offer, and not just being polite)
In my mind

1) a friend didn’t abuse the privilege
2) everyone should mind their own business by default
3) if you ask to shoot my guns the answer is no
4) if you ask to shoot my guns and use up all my ammo you’ll get an appropriate response
5) if I OFFER to let you shoot my guns don’t abuse the privilege by mag dumping everything I brought down range. See (4).
6) You guys have friends??
If someone tries to give you money or ammo, there’s nothing wrong with accepting it. (Assuming you’re sure it’s a genuine offer, and not just being polite)
Waiting for the inevitable "But now you may be selling ammunition to a person who may not have a valid LTC and you're doing it without a state license !!!!" post. :rolleyes:
Friend 1 spends more time shooting my guns than his own, and loads my ammo into my guns, burning through my not huge reserves of ammunition, to the point I have had on two trips this summer had to switch off my 9mm and into my .22LR pistol just to conserve. Sure, each mag is only about $2.50 but it adds up. Especially over 2 or 3 hours of shooting. I've stopped going to the range with him over this, but we occasionally socialize outside the range and I don't want to make drama within that circle of friends, so saying something wasn't in the cards.

It occurs to me that friend 1 might not be deliberately being a skinflint or taking advantage.

- He might see "shooting with friends" as an opportunity to shoot stuff he doesn't own. e.g.: "I can shoot my Glock any time I want, but rarely do I get to shoot a CZ 75" When I go to the range with friends, it's as much "show-and-tell" as "parallel play" I *expect* my friends to want to shoot the weird stuff I brought.

- He might have a friend like #3, and is trying to respect the "only my ammo in my guns" thinking. (without asking, which is a little weird)

- He might not know how big the delta in disposable income is. i.e. "some ammo" might not seem like a big number to him.

Tangentially: I try not to make "doing stuff with friends" transactional. I offer stuff, they offer stuff, and more or less it comes out so nobody feels taken advantage of.
This is probably just me being over-sensitive, but I've noticed something and just want to play with the NES braintrust.

I have been to the range with 4 different friends.

Friend 1 spends more time shooting my guns than his own, and loads my ammo into my guns, burning through my not huge reserves of ammunition, to the point I have had on two trips this summer had to switch off my 9mm and into my .22LR pistol just to conserve. Sure, each mag is only about $2.50 but it adds up. Especially over 2 or 3 hours of shooting. I've stopped going to the range with him over this, but we occasionally socialize outside the range and I don't want to make drama within that circle of friends, so saying something wasn't in the cards.

Friend 2 is more my style. When we shoot each other's guns, we still load our own ammo, provided its a caliber we already have. This feels way more "give and take" and is what I thought is the norm for range etiquette.

Friend 3 insists I shoot his guns and ammo. And he has.... WAAAAY more guns than me. Lots of REALLY cool guns in calibers I don't have. Guns I enjoy shooting but feel bad once I go back and realize I'm throwing $6 a shot ammo down range (.458 Winmag). I am STILL waiting for targetsports to get the .460 ammo back in stock that he shoots so I can replace a box he let me shoot after seeing the sticker, and that is the cheap stuff.

Friend 4 Doesn't like letting people shoot his guns. Which is fair. On the rare occasion I did shoot one of his, he stopped me when I started loading my New Republic into his mag, and had me load his "special" ammo. I understand why some people don't want to run steel-case or hand loads they didn't make themselves through their guns, but in terms of bulk target ammo, is there some concern for accelerated wear? Gun in question was a SW 5906 PPC (which I still want SO FRIGGIN BAD).

What is normal for you guys? I try to be really considerate when someone is kind enough to let me shoot their guns, offering one of mine up to them in return, and thought the norm was if someone is going to let you put wear and tear on a gun, you should at least not be spending their ammo too when possible.
Try to think why you got into a situation with no polite boundaries set in a case 1, and if you want no confrontation, then just preload some mags you bring with you and do not open extra ammo boxes.

As you already found a 22lr solution- even better.
I don't bump into strangers at the range. you need to be one special individual for me to invite you into my shooting space and handle and shoot my guns. if an unsolicited "friend" asks...someone smarter than me invented a cool 2 letter word to toss out....NO!
I met @richc at the range.
The only people I generally shoot with at the range nowadays are my kids (14 and 11)
and those two little jerks always shoot all my ammo and never offer to pay for any or bring there own.
They are just doing their job of reminding you that you will be paying for, in more ways than one, for bringing them into the world for the rest of your life! 😂🤣 And it's AWESOME!👍🏻
I'll never forget the early days when mine went through a brick in just over an hour.
Their Grandfather participated in the early trips too and those memories and pictures are PRICELESS! One of the best was them shooting his AR for the first time and afterwards telling them "Don't tell your Mother"!🤣🤣. She, at the time, was petrified of it. Of course, the youngest sang and I was in the doghouse for weeks, but it was worth it!🤣

Back on topic: Whatever any of us friends bring to the range is fair game for all to try, including using ammo. It's a rare day when we all can go, so why ruin it worrying about costs.
New shooters: I don't expect any compensation and like others have stated, I expect to have zero ammo left. I want my range bag to be lighter to carry at the end of the day!
Ive slowed down inviting people who don't own guns to shoot. The cost is just insane if you're shooting rifle.

If someone wants to dick around with my 22 mk4 go for it, but $.4 a round for 556? Thats an expensive trip.

Sadly ammo costs have kept me away from the range. I only shot 2 or 3 times in 2024.
Everyone is different, and has Different financial situations. It’s all good if someone’s a little Stingy with ammo. I have no problem sharing. If it got too much like you said just stop going with them.
My main range buddy is very generous with his ammo and guns. When I shoot his guns I generally try to load my ammo, but he usually has it filed for me with his. With us, if the ammo is on the table it’s up for grabs. We’re just there to plant some freedom seeds, relieve some stress and go home to the family’s. Anyone with either of us is welcome to shoot our guns and ammo.
Range Shooting is supposed to be low stress
I really only shoot with 1 other person - occasionally there are 2 others who join us, but not often. He and I shoot our own guns, and own ammo. If he offers me to shoot one of his guns, he loads the ammo for it. If I offer him my guns, he shoots the ammo I load in it. If one of us runs out of ammo and we want to keep shooting, we share. We don't make a point of counting ammo, or keeping track of what we shoot. We know eventually we will pay each other back over time with ammo sharing. This person is also the same person I reload with. We collect brass at the end of the day, and basically split it 50:50. We buy and use our own reloading supplies. If one of us has fresh brass, that belongs to the person who bought it. Never a squabble. Never even a comment about ammo.
I have a couple of friends where the most common phrase uttered among us is "It all evens out in the end" When we're together, whoever happens to have cash on hand or goods or food just kind of offers it up or throws it out there. We know that over the years it really has most likely evened out. There have been times, were I was the lowest bread winner and other times when one of us was going through a divorce and another may have been between work for a while. Ups and Downs come and real/true friends are there to elevate each other.

If you've gotten to the point where #1 is a burden, then maybe it's time to just walk away
If someone tries to give you money or ammo, there’s nothing wrong with accepting it. (Assuming you’re sure it’s a genuine offer, and not just being polite)
Take it anyway, they made the offer, which means they do feel 'some' obligation if there is no other way that 'it will even out' in the future. As mentioned, in most 'group' activities, thing will eventually come full circle and even out. But not always. Personal finances may not support #1, and there's a big difference between a day of .22lr and .308. You have you decide where your personal line is.
Let's hope the multiquote works while I try to catch up on this thread. Thanks everyone for your input.

Is friend 1 the ar malfunction guy?

Friend 2 is the norm for me.
I'm often friend 3 but I only shoot with people that are at least somewhat important to me. And I enjoy watching the excitement of shooting as much as actually shooting
Friend 4 is a common one. His tools his rules.

No, AR Malfunction guy still has not been to the range. He did finally get a red dot though, and I I bore-sighted it for him.

I prefer my ammo in my guns. So if I’m shooting with someone then I’ll load the mags with my ammo.

Why? Because I know my ammo and how it’s loaded. I don’t want someone’s +P stuff in some of my guns. I’d also prefer to not have a bunch of steel case ammo through some. Some of my plastic guns, I don’t care but it seems I rarely take those to the range anymore.

As for using up all my ammo. I take a lot to the range every time. I usually bring some back because I take too much to begin with. I’ve had people offer to pay or buy lunch. I thank them but pass. But I also haven’t had the issue of it being one person who takes advantage over and over again. If that were the case then I’d either say something to them or just stop going with them

+P and steel case I absolutely understand, but also I don't use, for the exact same reasons.

Just stop going to the range with the skinflint. Problem solved. I also don't want ammo running through my guns if I don't know where it was sourced, who loaded it, etc, especially when it comes to handloads. Firearms are not insignificant in their costs. Some - like ARs in MA - are essentially irreplaceable at this point. Protecting one's investment is just a wise thing to do.

I have, but at the same time, I can't call him a skinflint. This is the only area of our interaction where he exhibits skinflint behavior.

The thing here is they are your friends and should know your situation. Friends 2-4 are most likely better friends than #1 if you’re being truthful. #1 seems to be a taker kind of guy.

Thing is when I go to the range the ammo I bring I don’t expect to bring it home. Only bring what you can afford and if need be mention this to #1. Maybe he is just oblivious but it doesn’t sound like it.
See above.

Waiting for the inevitable "But now you may be selling ammunition to a person who may not have a valid LTC and you're doing it without a state license !!!!" post. :rolleyes:
why? you want to buy some?

It occurs to me that friend 1 might not be deliberately being a skinflint or taking advantage.

- He might see "shooting with friends" as an opportunity to shoot stuff he doesn't own. e.g.: "I can shoot my Glock any time I want, but rarely do I get to shoot a CZ 75" When I go to the range with friends, it's as much "show-and-tell" as "parallel play" I *expect* my friends to want to shoot the weird stuff I brought.

- He might have a friend like #3, and is trying to respect the "only my ammo in my guns" thinking. (without asking, which is a little weird)

- He might not know how big the delta in disposable income is. i.e. "some ammo" might not seem like a big number to him.

Tangentially: I try not to make "doing stuff with friends" transactional. I offer stuff, they offer stuff, and more or less it comes out so nobody feels taken advantage of.

I agree with making stuff no transactional, but I also try to make it balanced. I have a friend who insists on eating out all the time and knows I can't swing it. So he does. 1-2 nights a week I show up and cook a massive home made meal for him and his roommates (this is AR Malfunction guy btw @Marty McFly ) because it means the entire crew eats from-scratch chicken parmesan or something along those lines and has dinner + lunches for work for the next two days. Best way I can show my appreciation.

Everyone is different, and has Different financial situations. It’s all good if someone’s a little Stingy with ammo. I have no problem sharing. If it got too much like you said just stop going with them.
My main range buddy is very generous with his ammo and guns. When I shoot his guns I generally try to load my ammo, but he usually has it filed for me with his. With us, if the ammo is on the table it’s up for grabs. We’re just there to plant some freedom seeds, relieve some stress and go home to the family’s. Anyone with either of us is welcome to shoot our guns and ammo.
Range Shooting is supposed to be low stress

This is what I'd call ideal for myself as well.
In general, if I invite you, either to the range or to dinner or on vacation, you are my guest and I expect to foot the bill.
Most of the people I take shooting are noobs. My son asked me how many people I have introduced to shooting through the years and took for their first range trip. We started counting, and when I got to 35 he helped me remember a few more and we figure about 43 newbies we have introduced to shooting. Of that number at least 30 have gone on to get their LTC.

It is very rare that I go to the range with a friend that is also a shooter. Most of my range trips are purpose driven. Training with a carry gun, finding out if a gun likes specific ammo, making sure a rifle is still zeroed, etc. I prefer to do that on my own and am really not there to socialize. Besides, a gun range is a lousy place to have a conversation.
If at the range, someone asks me if I want to try their gun, or shoot it to offer an opinion, I will shoot one magazine only. If I have that caliber with me, I will reload the magazine.

I really do not worry about round count through my guns. I bought them to shoot them, and if I like a gun so much that I shoot the barrel out of it, it warrants replacement.
I guess the only exception is my S&W model 29. Everyone wants to shoot Dirty Harry's gun. But I will usually only bring a box of 44 magnum, but a bunch of 44 special. Most people just want to shoot one cylinder of 44 mag any way, just so they can say they did.

The thing that bothers me about your first friend is that if you are truly friends, he knows you situation and puts you in an uncomfortable spot. Not the best friend to go shooting with. I mean, who does that? And not just at the range. If someone asks you to come to a cookout, the first thing you ask is "what can I bring?" and if they insist you bring nothing, you still don't show up empty handed. You bring some beer of something.
If friend 1 is someone you enjoy shooting with, for whatever reason, be proactive and the next time he asks if you want to hit the range say something like, " Sure, you bring some 9mm and I will bring some 45." Or if it's @Broc Tuah tell him to bring .40.
In general, if I invite you, either to the range or to dinner or on vacation, you are my guest and I expect to foot the bill.
Most of the people I take shooting are noobs. My son asked me how many people I have introduced to shooting through the years and took for their first range trip. We started counting, and when I got to 35 he helped me remember a few more and we figure about 43 newbies we have introduced to shooting. Of that number at least 30 have gone on to get their LTC.

It is very rare that I go to the range with a friend that is also a shooter. Most of my range trips are purpose driven. Training with a carry gun, finding out if a gun likes specific ammo, making sure a rifle is still zeroed, etc. I prefer to do that on my own and am really not there to socialize. Besides, a gun range is a lousy place to have a conversation.
If at the range, someone asks me if I want to try their gun, or shoot it to offer an opinion, I will shoot one magazine only. If I have that caliber with me, I will reload the magazine.

I really do not worry about round count through my guns. I bought them to shoot them, and if I like a gun so much that I shoot the barrel out of it, it warrants replacement.
I guess the only exception is my S&W model 29. Everyone wants to shoot Dirty Harry's gun. But I will usually only bring a box of 44 magnum, but a bunch of 44 special. Most people just want to shoot one cylinder of 44 mag any way, just so they can say they did.

The thing that bothers me about your first friend is that if you are truly friends, he knows you situation and puts you in an uncomfortable spot. Not the best friend to go shooting with. I mean, who does that? And not just at the range. If someone asks you to come to a cookout, the first thing you ask is "what can I bring?" and if they insist you bring nothing, you still don't show up empty handed. You bring some beer of something.
If friend 1 is someone you enjoy shooting with, for whatever reason, be proactive and the next time he asks if you want to hit the range say something like, " Sure, you bring some 9mm and I will bring some 45." Or if it's @Broc Tuah tell him to bring .40.

No, I'll tell at @Broc Tuah to bring 6.5 PRC because creedmoor is dead.

The more I think about Friend 1, I think he's only been to a range with people like Friend 4. I haven't had a range trip with him since winter 2023-2024, and the guy helped push my Lincoln out of the parking lot as packed down snow had turned to ice.
I'll throw out my .02 on this and say I don't mind letting friends/acquaintances shoot my guns and my ammo, except when it comes to my 7.62x51 or 7.62x54r stuff. For the former I load my own (I have no factory ammo left) and the latter I have a limited amount of high quality surplus ammo left. Maybe some day they'll start letting cheap surplus back into the US but for now my 7N1 is like gold to me.
I have had to use someones gun to finish a steel match I used their ammo because it ran in his gun (22 lr) I gave him a box the next time I saw him, I have offered to let some one use my gun at a match and included the ammo ; I didn’t want thunderbolt going through my race 22 😁. At low key club events it’s common for my friend group to run a string with a friends gun to try the gun or optic the ammo situation evens out in the end
I have had to use someones gun to finish a steel match I used their ammo because it ran in his gun (22 lr) I gave him a box the next time I saw him, I have offered to let some one use my gun at a match and included the ammo ; I didn’t want thunderbolt going through my race 22 😁. At low key club events it’s common for my friend group to run a string with a friends gun to try the gun or optic the ammo situation evens out in the end
Ya see? I told you guys it does happen.
If I was there, I would have had a gun, and ammo for you, and I wouldn’t have even thought about being compensated for it…
With this one... you're overthinking it. It doesn;'t matter what the rationale is here it's his gun and if he doesnt want you shooting weird off brand doodoo in it, or some brand that he doesn't like, the reason is 200% completely irrelevant.

It's just a respect thing, no different than having an asian friend who politely asks you to take off your shoes in their house.
Buy him a nice bottle of whatever he likes if he rejects payment for bullets.

That's how I operate anyway.
I think if person A offers to let person B shoot their gun, then they should expect that the person B will be shooting person A’s ammo and shouldn’t expect that person B will be obligated to replace it. But I do think it’s nice if personal B offers ammo, if that scenario occurs frequently.

like any relationship, when it’s dramatically one sided, that’s when it becomes a problem. If you offer, don’t expect anything in return. But if someone’s always asking to use your stuff, they should also be offering to “make you whole” by doing something like paying for the ammo in this case.

Ideally what happens with your range buddies is you all mostly shoot your own stuff and if you all have stuff you’re confortable letting other shoot, then you all occasionally offer to let others try your stuff, or you ask to shoot eachothers stuff, without expecting anything in return. And you never think twice about it.
Sounds like you have this all figured out! Stop going with Friend #1. Enjoy the time with Friends #2, #3 and #4. Replace the ammo you shoot with Friends #3 and #4!
Sounds like a good group of friends. #I be straight with him. He probably thinks 9 and .22 are cheap. Just lay it out and I bet it will all work out. The others are fine. As others have said, understand #4 can make any rules about his guns.

They all sound like great guys.
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