Range etiquette for ammo usage

If I invite someone to go shooting with me, I'm providing all the ammo. Sharing is caring. I'd absolutely offer up payment, my own ammo, w/e if I were invited.
My only 2 cents… I find New Republic ammo pretty filthy. I stopped buying it and will gladly pay an extra cent per round to make my gun cleaning easier. That said, if a friend wanted to run a mag or two through my gun I wouldn’t think twice. Not gonna make a big enough difference. But I also don’t baby any of my guns.
I'm Friend 3, most my friends are versions of Friend 3 or Friend 2. I haven't had a friend 1 or 4 since I was in my early 20's. It has nothing to do with guns, Friend 1 is always going to take advantage of people and Friend 4 is always going to be a pain in the ass. Most of 1 and 4 were weeded out right around 21 years old. 1 didn't have any money to pay the bill at the bar and 4 wanted an accountant to make sure he wasn't paying a penny more than he had to. Both can... f*** off.
I'm Friend 3, most my friends are versions of Friend 3 or Friend 2. I haven't had a friend 1 or 4 since I was in my early 20's. It has nothing to do with guns, Friend 1 is always going to take advantage of people and Friend 4 is always going to be a pain in the ass. Most of 1 and 4 were weeded out right around 21 years old. 1 didn't have any money to pay the bill at the bar and 4 wanted an accountant to make sure he wasn't paying a penny more than he had to. Both can... f*** off.
This.....Im Friend 3 as well.......Friends 1 and 4 get weeded out when you get older or are meeting people..... Especially #1........that guy always sticks out like sore thumb and for me its usually a fxck me once experience, and not getting called again.

Im meeting new guys here and mostly its thru Sporting Clays....which most of those people can't be #1 because you have to have some money to shoot.
So most are #3 generous as hell, or #4 snobby a**h***s. Most of my group now are #3 with a smattering of #2's. Sporting Clays and Bird Hunting absolutely suck doing yourself....you have to have a group of guys or at least one person to shoot with to make it fun.

Rifle Range...right now, I just really prefer to go myself as I don't feel like fxcking around everyone's schedules, and i don't mind shooting by myself.
I WFH...and the weather's always nice so if I want to take some time in the afternoon and just go.....I do that without making plans. Most of the time I'm playing with new rifles and loads I built, so Im fine doing all that on my own time.
Friend #3 has plenty of money and enjoys letting other people shoot his guns.

Don't ruin his fun. Accept his generosity graciously and thank him profusely.

If you can't make it up to him at the range because all you own are basic guns that use basic ammo, consider getting him a gift certificate to a restaurant that he likes or something along those lines.

In have a friend who I shoot with who does me favors sometimes. He makes an insane amount of money. It would be insulting to offer him anything like cash.

So last year, I gave him a $150 bottle of Scotch and told him it was just a thank you for all he has done for me. It's more than money because this Scotch generally can't be had on the open market without paying scalper pricing.

For most shooters, I'm kind of Friend 3. I've got a bunch of interesting guns. But if you show up and want to shoot my cool AR, then it's BYOA.

Back when I used to own a 9mm MG, I would hand out mags to people and tell them they could shoot it as much as they could afford. ha.
Before an LTC I would go to my cousin's club in Seekonk, and we would shoot his guns and ammo. He introduced my son to proper range safety, more than I could at the time. Occasionally other members of his club would offer up a caliber or firearm I was unfamiliar with. I always took 3 or 4 shots just as a trial, and thanked them profusely when done. Now as a multi year member of my local rod and gun club, I'll bring my brother or a friend w/o their own FID/LTC to the range and shoot with them. When we do organized shoots on Sundays, some of the guys who, unlike me, know how to properly dial in a scope, who have failed to get a good enough score to win some free meat, will offer up the firearm they were just competing with to me to try out. It usually comes with, "Here. I'm out. Try it... with your ammo." Have tried a few different rimfire target pistols that are far superior to what I have to bring the range.
and 4 wanted an accountant to make sure he wasn't paying a penny more than he had to. Both can... f*** off.

Yeah, we still have a Friend #4 and going out to dinner can be a PITA especially if it's more than 2 couples. When we go out with them just the 4 of us we always ask for separate checks right at the start. It's not worth trying to figure out exact amounts for each couple. If I say lets just split it, you'd think I was trying to rip them off or something.
I have no more friends. LOL

I've never had any issues. Of course, all of us were big adults that knew to bring our own guns and ammo. I don't think I've ever shot out someone's stuff or vice versa. The worst I ahve is my kids. My ADULT kids. Who I take to the range and they JUST shoot my stuff and my ammo. They also use my rods and lures when we go fishing. I think I'm just a softie.
I bet #1 is a skinflint and this behavior likely isnt
Yup, and I bet you're better off with him using your ammo than the crap he'd buy.

Had a friend want to shoot my paratrooper carbine with a combo of some old lead hunting rounds his grandpa stored in the basement and some crap he picked up at a show.

Absolutely f***ing not.
Friend one knows you and how much you like guns and this great gun forum called NES.

He just read this thread and now knows how you really feel about him. So now he feels like shit and won't answer your texts. Problem solved.
Usually, when I got it's with people who shoot their own stuff. when I've taken people to the range, they've generally offered me something for the cost incurred. One time I wouldn't accept anything as the amt of ammo was relatively small.. went home to find a $100 bill in my range bag

some people are just good people..
Yup, and I bet you're better off with him using your ammo than the crap he'd buy.

Had a friend want to shoot my paratrooper carbine with a combo of some old lead hunting rounds his grandpa stored in the basement and some crap he picked up at a show.

Absolutely f***ing not.

This is the only skinflint behavior I've ever see him engage in. We went to the Mill, I buy a G44, he buys a G26, he tries to throw me gas/toll money, I decline, he sneaks the check and buys me dinner. When I ordered ammo for him through TS, his total is $240 for 500 9mm, sends me $250.

The more I think about it, the most likely scenario is 1 of 2 things - He was around a Friend #4 too much and picked up bad habits, or he genuinely thought my ammo boxes were his, and if that is the case, he probably thinks I am the a**h*** who took his ammo home.
I’m with you and whacko on this, I prefer empty ammo cans on the ride home. Usually means a good range trip.

I’ve had many generous people provide me the opportunity to shoot firearms I don’t own and try things out (red dots!).
Plus lugging the ammo out is a bitch

Much better coming in
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