Biden to Gun Owners: You’ll Need an F-16 to Go Against the Government: President Joe Biden again mocked gun owners over the weekend

I can honestly say until FJB allegedly became president, I have never hated a man (Obama came close) but I truly hate this idiot. This man has absolutely NO redeeming qualities.

He and his troop of fools are destroying this country and the worst part of it is, many, some even here on NES, will still vote for this addle brained stooge if he runs again. [banghead]
Biden and Trump are both 1:1 for banning gun features by executive action. Don't think that the other side is any better. They all want you disarmed and helpless.
(Biden - pistol braces, Trump - bump stocks)
We do not need AR-15s to go against our military.

We may need AR-15s to go against tyrants in government, their friends, family, and enablers in mainstream media and big tech.
We need ARs when the next incarnation of the Gestapo shows up at the door, to load us on the cattle cars. Or when the Turkish butcher squads show up to grab your female relatives as sex slaves.
Biden and Trump are both 1:1 for banning gun features by executive action. Don't think that the other side is any better. They all want you disarmed and helpless.
(Biden - pistol braces, Trump - bump stocks)

Yeah, Trump was no friend of the 2A, but if you think the brace ban rule is the only thing the Biden administration has pushed then you’re blind. Yes, Trump would be better in office for the 2A than Biden. Trump hamstrung federal agencies by mandating they couldn’t make new rules unless they got rid of existing rules. I say all this as someone who wishes Trump would just go away. It is naive to say they’re equally bad for the 2A.
Group Buy?

We do not need AR-15s to go against our military.

We may need AR-15s to go against tyrants in government, their friends, family, and enablers in mainstream media and big tech.

Note to secret service, DOD, FBI, or whoever's snooping on this thread.

*I* mean no threat to anyone. The 'we' mentioned above is 'we Americans' at some time in the future should the need truly arise. i.e. the reason for the Second Amendment. I'm just stating a legitimate use case in opposition to Biden's contention that Americans would be fighting against the American military (air force F-16s?). We The People wouldn't be fighting the military. That's all. carry on
Group Buy?

Not impressed. That's just a plane. What's important is what will Uncle Sam let you hang off it lol. The 20 mil vulcan should be protected under the 2A, right? RIGHT? Shame our gubmint doesn't let the average Joe buy amraams.
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