Black Helicopters over Narragansett no markings not on FlightAware

There's no such thing as "black helicopters". [laugh]
That's what people said for years in an attempt to shame or silence the right, claiming it was all tinfoil hat conspiracy by lunatic fringe........and then there they were.
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Blackhawks, Seahawks, and Jayhawks fly out of JBCC and sometimes Winsor fairly frequently. As we speak there is a Blackhawk Callsign Patriot31 flying from Hartford towards Worcester. Another one took off from Westover a short time ago. Patriot15 flew over the Sterling area not too long ago.

If you press the "U" button on the ADS-B website you'll see only military aircraft. As a rule, combat aircraft do not fly with the transponder on. At least not the civilian one and I don't know if they have a different one that only the military can see.

A helicopter without skids is like a Sikorsky S71.
Blackhawk few pretty damn low over Quincy about 30min ago. Since March I've seen ARNG and CG helicopters almost daily.
Anyone here try out Skyglass? It apparently has a lot more crowd-sourced data on transponder off aircraft. Haven’t played with it much.
There's a C-130J flying loops all over that area as far out as JBCC. Right now it's at about 1,100 feet and has been as high as about 10,00 feet.
They'd need larger helicopters.

Prepping for RvW decision?

Bunch of morbidly obese short haired water buffalo women named Pat that never had a chance of getting laid(much less pregnant) in the 1st place are gonna go ballistic! The copters are probably practicing capturing them with live capture nets like in Jurrasic Park.
After a while you can start to figure out which helicopters are what. The ones that end in NE are Boston Medflight. They have bases at Hansom, Mansfield, and Plymouth. I think Lawrence too. Air Methods helicopters are also medical. Air Methods is a very large provider of medical helicopters. They provide the ships, maintenance, and pilots.
FWIW, I heard some sort of cargo plane, or maybe one of those WWII relics about an hour or two ago, while I was in my garden. Didn't see it, but definitely 4 engine propeller plane.
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