Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Boston Bomb

Honestly Bloomberg is the furthest thing fom a liberal there is. He's just riding their agenda as a way of enhancing his personal power. Bloomie wants to be king, simple as that.
Never let a crisis go to waste ..... when you can use it to push an agenda, and promote yourself, at the same time.....
Cut Bloomie some slack, he only wants what's best for us all.


Remember, nobody has defended the 2nd amendment as much as he has, he said so himself:

Mr. Bloomberg claimed to be the strongest defender of the Second Amendment around.
“I don’t think there’s anybody that’s defended the Second Amendment as much as I have,

Bloomberg: No One Has ?Defended the Second Amendment as Much as I Have? | Politicker

bloomberg I will be happy to give up my soda and cigars if you give up your tax payer guards and pull you head out of wall streets fat ass
Really feeling some bad juju for this country in the near future, and I for one hope I have plenty of mags to partake in it!

"Look, we live in a very dangerous world. We know there are people who want to take away our freedoms."

Hmm, I can't think of anyone, can you , Bloomie?
“Look, we live in a very dangerous world. We know there are people who want to take away our freedoms."

JFC, yeah, and thats you ya stupid ****. I'm starting to hope for "go time"
Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Bos...

So the world is becoming more dangerous, and yet we want to remove guns from your house.

Sounds logical.
Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Bosto

“If tyranny and oppression come to this land it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”
― James Madison

“Rebellion to tyranny is obedience to God.”
― Thomas Jefferson
I'm my ****ing limit with reading shit these douchebags have to say. Let's blame EVERYONE because a scarce minority are ****ing crazy. Let's take everyone's license the next time someone kills someone else due to DUI. This shit drives me to drink.

You can’t do that driving is a privilege. It’s not even in the bill of rights! I need a drink.
Bloomers really need to get a women[wink]
Fortunately he only can only continue to F'up NYC which sadly is a lost cause anyways.
Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Bosto

Bloomturd does not deserve to live in this once great nation. He is a dishonor to every hero who died in battle to protect our freedoms.
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