Boston Common Rally Saturday 8/24 @ 0900/1000

No, but, see, this gets the message out. And everyone knows who and what we are, because of Signs, and they know not to be afraid because we have No Guns and No Kit. See????


Dumb. Just dumb. If we want to stand up and let people see who we are, we need to bring guns. Not to shoot, but to carry. Loud and proud. Anything else is just a random crowd near the Frog Pond, and nobody will pay them any attention at all.

I continue to be shocked and amazed by the gun owners who haven’t even heard about this new law.

I was over a friends house today. Life long gun owner in his 80’s. He had no idea that this was the new law. Shocked at how far they went this time.

Yes a rally is dumb at this point but most, non NES gun owners have no idea that this even exists much less what’s in it.
What's 4558?
Isn't it 4885 that was passed?
May want to update that

Does anyone even know who put this out? No name or .org title attached at the bottom and it’s a completely different bill listed as you noted.

My first thought was it’s gotta be some anti-gun f*** face just trying to mess with gun owners for laughs or…?
Still no word on any group claiming responsibility for organizing this? A reverse image search for the posters in the OP turn up nothing except a couple of links to the FB pages for some far flung gun ranges (that probably got it from someone on here).

@508Guns&Ammo has this updated image on their FB page, posted yesterday. Are they leading it?

Unless you go with guns and the full intent to use them, you're pissing into the wind.

You could call it "Lexington and Concord II, Starting from Scratch Again-But with Better Guns"

Mass is after all, the birthplace and final resting place of Freedom in America.

Perhaps will someday become known as the rebirthplace of Freedom and personal responsibility.

Hey, it could happen.
Re-reading the thread...

No group is visibly driving this?

I would be more than a LOT concerned about the possibility of a false flag campaign.

Could anti-gun forces be at work to stage a "pro-gun" rally that goes badly on a world news level?

Just as possible the driver is a well-intended but poorly focused person/org.
Not sponsored by GOAL but mentioned on GOAL website. Looks like a rough draft was released and now more info is being posted.
I continue to be shocked and amazed by the gun owners who haven’t even heard about this new law.

I was over a friends house today. Life long gun owner in his 80’s. He had no idea that this was the new law. Shocked at how far they went this time.

Yes a rally is dumb at this point but most, non NES gun owners have no idea that this even exists much less what’s in it.
What law?
Still no word on any group claiming responsibility for organizing this? A reverse image search for the posters in the OP turn up nothing except a couple of links to the FB pages for some far flung gun ranges (that probably got it from someone on here).

@508Guns&Ammo has this updated image on their FB page, posted yesterday. Are they leading it?

View attachment 906007
He’s an instructor…. Met him a couple times at IDPA matches in Pembroke and Harvard. Seemed nice enough but don’t know him that well. IMG_5989.png IMG_5990.png
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I should have guessed that this "event" originated on that septic tank of a FB page. The 20 or so people who show up to this are going to be glowing brighter than Chernobyl
Yeah, if you want to see some pant shitting and dumb ass questions being asked look no further than those groups.
Then he posted this on the Woburn sportsman’s association action shooters page….maybe trying to promote this training group??🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
Mad Max Reaction GIF
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