Boston Common Rally Saturday 8/24 @ 0900/1000

He’s an instructor…. Met him a couple times at IDPA matches in Pembroke and Harvard. Seemed nice enough but don’t know him that well.

I met him in 2019. How could I forget. His girlfriend or something like that was a photographer. He convinced her to take photos at the MA States IDPA match and in return I let him shoot the match for free. I had him shoot on staff day with the rest of the sponsored shooters. He showed up with a Hi Point. The gun jammed so many times I lost track.
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I continue to be shocked and amazed by the gun owners who haven’t even heard about this new law.

I was over a friends house today. Life long gun owner in his 80’s. He had no idea that this was the new law. Shocked at how far they went this time.

Yes a rally is dumb at this point but most, non NES gun owners have no idea that this even exists much less what’s in it.
The media did a great job of keeping this silent.

Shit they still haven't reported much on it at all......
Agreed. They won't even bat an eye because of this. It would be far better to just start a donation fund to support the legal actions needed to fight it in court.
i agree i would definitely donate to the cause the only way to beat them is on their own game in the justice system
Gonna be a bright rally
Energydrink GIF by Rogue Energy
So GOAL is encouraging people to attend this?

And my club just emailed something around talking about GOAL's website possibly having been hacked, and they only moved links around?
So this thing is really happening? Is anybody actually going to it?
Forget where I saw it, most likely snapface, but there's a ~over a dozen orgs/shops giving stuff away and a sizeable speaker lineup, so im asssuming they expect a turnout. There is also a march/gathering for catholics/jesus in the same area. Guessing that maybe some conservative political organizers decided to bring both together on the same day to juice attendance up - but I also don't know shit about anything so take that for what it's worth.

I don't jump up like a trained dog anymore when people I don't know from Adam tell me I have to go to the Boston Common Gazebo for yet another pointless 2A rally. Been there, done that too many times in the last 50 years and achieved precious little for doing so.

So sorry, I will not be there. I will be doing my own 2A thing for sure... but it won't be on the Boston Common on a Saturday when all the anti-2A leftist pols are nowhere to be found.
What the hell is the point of the rally? We don't have the numbers to make a statement with it and even if we did the media wouldn't report it and the legislature would continue to not GAF. Seems like a complete waste, yet GOAL and the gun stores are apparently promoting it. What am I missing?

We'd literally be better off having a bake sale to fund legal action. I make a good Key Lime bro.
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