Boston having a gun buy back

I highly doubt that these are 100% funded by private donors. They may be supplying gift cards, but I bet we're still paying the cops and other "public servants" to be there. (I have no idea if this is true or not, just an assumption on my part.)

Either way it makes no difference. A "successful" buy back is one where many guns are collected. If you add to the pile you make it more "successful." Pretty simple to understand, even for a dummy like me.

I disagree for several reasons:
1) I disagree that there will be more or less guns; they usually run out of funds capping the number of guns. This program has a limit of $100,000 and will run "indefinitely or until they are out of funds" Seems to me if you want to stop it, drain their funds.
2) In reality 10 or 50 more or fewer guns won't mean diddly squat.
3) Better to use up their funds on Ravens and not Colt Pythons

Also, we discussed the paying for cops' time earlier. The way this program is working, the "customer" goes to a church who calls a cop to come evaluate the gun. That cop is on duty and could be doing this or stuffing donuts, so it's soft dollars. It's not a weekend/overtime event.
I disagree that there will be more or less guns; they usually run out of funds capping the number of guns. This program has a limit of $100,000 and will run "indefinitely or until they are out of funds" Seems to me if you want to stop it, drain their funds.

You really think that if they "run out of funds" they won't immediately get in front of a camera and cry about how the they need more money to get all of those evil guns off the street? And do you really think that they'll just turn grandma away if she shows up with her dead husband's mint Python? I'm pretty sure you're just trolling at this point.
You really think that if they "run out of funds" they won't immediately get in front of a camera and cry about how the they need more money to get all of those evil guns off the street? And do you really think that they'll just turn grandma away if she shows up with her dead husband's mint Python? I'm pretty sure you're just trolling at this point.

Yet again... please control yourself from impugning my motivations. I am not trolling. Stop the name calling.

I'm out of this conversation until the mods can behave themselves.
Yet again... please control yourself from impugning my motivations. I am not trolling. Stop the name calling.

I'm out of this conversation until the mods can behave themselves.

Or what? You're going to stomp your feet?

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They offered 50, then 100, now 200. Soon it will be 500, then a 1000. The more they offer, the less resistance to buybacks "ooh 200 hundo for my raven"
Then they will advocate for a tax on ammo to buy back guns and people will say "I'll buy my ammo in NH, whats the big deal"
They will continue to scare the sheep into believing we have an "epidemic" and trot out examples of their success.

It's us vs them, we will never convince them. fact of life. As long as they have the propaganda, they will have the spotlight. We can only outlast them, till the next crusade for them comes along.
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Or what? You're going to stomp your feet?

Is it a mod's job to poke fun and act like a troll around here? Is it in the job description? Just wondering, because frankly each of you would have had a stern talking to or a termination on my forums.
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They offered 50, then 100, now 200. Soon it will be 500, then a 1000. The more they offer, the less resistance to buybacks "ooh 200 hundo for my raven"
Then they will advocate for a tax on ammo to buy back guns and people will say "I'll buy my ammo in NH, whats the big deal"
They will continue to scare the sheep into believing we have an "epidemic" and trot out examples of their success.

It's us vs them, we will never convince them. fact of life. As long as they have the propaganda, they will have the spotlight. We can only outlast them, till the next crusade for them comes along.
It's an interesting argument but really a strawman. Thre's been no advocating for a tax on ammo to fund a buyback with which I'm familiar. I could argue that if we don't do this they'll advocate confiscation of Ravens.

I like the idea of $1,000 for the Raven though. Maybe I should hold out.

You are correct. We'll never convince them. We aren't trying to convince THEM.
It's an interesting argument but really a strawman. Thre's been no advocating for a tax on ammo to fund a buyback with which I'm familiar.

At the federal level, Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., proposed a bill that would impose a 10 percent tax on "any concealable" firearm. The revenue would be used to help fund a national gun buyback program. The bill is still in committee.

At least six states have proposed bills in May and June to increase taxes by as much as 50% on firearms and ammunition purchases. The reason is to “generate” more money for buy back programs and fund safety courses.
Go Familiarize Yourself
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Well, that's Federal, and they can propose anything that they want. But you're right. They could propose a tax on ammo to fund buybacks.
In New Jersey
An Act imposing a gross receipts tax on the retail sale of firearms ammunition in this State and a use tax on the use of certain firearms ammunition in this State for which a tax has not been paid and establishing the "Gun Buyback Fund,"
But given the recent shitstorm of anti gun legislation I consider NY, NJ, and CT to be more like refugee camps, rather than states. [smile]
It ought to be a policy that any NES member outing themselves for turning in a gun to a buyback gets banned from NES for life.
The money for the gun buybacks come from somewhere. Making it known who funds these things and boycotting those businesses should be SOP for all of us and our families.

Seig Hiel! A jackass comment like that is just like I have heard at Union meetings. "If you're not going to vote democrat, you should be thrown out of the Union." So, anyone who disagrees with YOU...should be banned? You have an attitude that parallels the rabid liberal extremists. Couldn't be another side to the argument, like, properly handled, the idea that paying $200 for a piece of shit $40 Raven .25 is a joke, the gun would make the streets SAFER being on the streets, as they barely function, new out of the box. Maybe a PROACTIVE stance might be more productive than pissing&moaning and doing nothing except hiding behind your mammas keyboard?
I was thinking of calling the number they have for private turnins, 888-guntips

I have a couple Mosin M1895's they are evil handguns, worth about $125 each now, I would like to get $200 each, also a Erma RX22 semi-auto .22 caliber - they were touting in the Herald that they got a .22 caliber off the streets!

I will let you know what they say
Is it a mod's job to poke fun and act like a troll around here? Is it in the job description? Just wondering, because frankly each of you would have had a stern talking to or a termination on my forums.

Do you really think that we live in some magical land where you're going to empty the anti-gun coffers by trading in a few trash guns for donated gift cards, and that you'd get positive media coverage if that were to happen? A few YouTube clips? Really? The whole premise is ridiculous. I thought you were just trolling, but I'm starting to think that maybe you actually are that naive.

I'd love to check out your forums.
just curious...

If you were to show up with 500 (100? 50? 25?) ravens, do you really think they'll hand over $100,000? And in theory, if you run out to purchase 25 ravens with the intention of turning them in, isn't that by definition a "straw purchase"? Again in theory, doesn't that make you a prohibited person?

So they win again
I called the number and the first thing they asked me is if I am a Boston Resident, I said yes, the Police Officer seemed doubtful, probably showed Walpole on Caller ID LOL
Anyhow I mentioned I had a couple Mosin 1895s to turn in, and they said as long as they work. I could turn them in at the West Roxbury Police Sta on Center St You have to leave them in the car and then go into the station and an officer will come out and removed them from the car - and my luck run my plate at the same time.

Can you get into trouble if you get caught not being a Boston Resident? It is supposed to be all anonymous but in this state... also just what I would need, to try to get an extra $100 out of 2 guns and lose my LTC for trying to scam the PD
I called the number and the first thing they asked me is if I am a Boston Resident, I said yes, the Police Officer seemed doubtful, probably showed Walpole on Caller ID LOL
Anyhow I mentioned I had a couple Mosin 1895s to turn in, and they said as long as they work. I could turn them in at the West Roxbury Police Sta on Center St You have to leave them in the car and then go into the station and an officer will come out and removed them from the car - and my luck run my plate at the same time.

Can you get into trouble if you get caught not being a Boston Resident? It is supposed to be all anonymous but in this state... also just what I would need, to try to get an extra $100 out of 2 guns and lose my LTC for trying to scam the PD

Please tell me you're just trolling Boston PD and don't actually intend to turn in milsurps.
I called the number and the first thing they asked me is if I am a Boston Resident, I said yes, the Police Officer seemed doubtful, probably showed Walpole on Caller ID LOL
Anyhow I mentioned I had a couple Mosin 1895s to turn in, and they said as long as they work. I could turn them in at the West Roxbury Police Sta on Center St You have to leave them in the car and then go into the station and an officer will come out and removed them from the car - and my luck run my plate at the same time.

Can you get into trouble if you get caught not being a Boston Resident? It is supposed to be all anonymous but in this state... also just what I would need, to try to get an extra $100 out of 2 guns and lose my LTC for trying to scam the PD

Why do you want to help the anti-gun people?

Evans (on the right) and Timmy... definite family resemblance

White Feather
Go Familiarize Yourself

In New Jersey

But given the recent shitstorm of anti gun legislation I consider NY, NJ, and CT to be more like refugee camps, rather than states. [smile]

Wow. OK, you've convinced me.

Thanks for actually showing me I was wrong about taxes for buybacks. That's reason enough for me to stay away from them.


Now, where can I dump this Raven for $200? ;-)
I thought the same thing as everyone else once. Turn in a POS for some quick cash.


All you are doing is giving the anti ' s more ammo (pun intended) they will lump all of your POS guns in a pile and go on the news saying "look at how many mean guns we got, this program saves lives" when we all know it is bullshit. Don't give in.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk
How would that article go?
AP Boston Mass. A man turned in 5 Saturday Night Specials and used the money to buy an AR 15 Assault Rifle, the same type of weapon that mowed down 22 children and teachers at the Sandy Hook Massacre. Because the buyback was anonymous, and we refuse to name him because we have a constitutional right to protect or sources, the buyer remains at large.
The subject is being called a person of interest and is being sought after by local law enforcement. "These weapons have no place on our streets" says Sgt Jack MeHoff.
A shelter in place order has been issued. It is believed that the alleged potential spree killer may have planned his activities on the internet. If you have any information please, drop a dime. "


The gun surrender, or what gun prohibitionists call a "buy back," is solely a PR exercise. Every gun they can add to the pile to be captured on video by a very-sympathetic media is a win for the gun restrictionists. Since RKBA advocates do not have the media on their side, any attempt to outsmart the gun surrender PR effort will be met with hostility. Whether or not gun restrictionists have publicly admitted to the ineffectiveness of gun surrenders is entirely irrelevant since the argument for gun restrictionism is purely from emotion.
I called the number and the first thing they asked me is if I am a Boston Resident, I said yes, the Police Officer seemed doubtful, probably showed Walpole on Caller ID LOL
Anyhow I mentioned I had a couple Mosin 1895s to turn in, and they said as long as they work. I could turn them in at the West Roxbury Police Sta on Center St You have to leave them in the car and then go into the station and an officer will come out and removed them from the car - and my luck run my plate at the same time.

Can you get into trouble if you get caught not being a Boston Resident? It is supposed to be all anonymous but in this state... also just what I would need, to try to get an extra $100 out of 2 guns and lose my LTC for trying to scam the PD

So... You need a car to participate in the buy-back?

I haven't seen any pictures. Usually they lay out all the "serious street guns" for a photo-op. Are there any pictures of what they've collected so far?
I called the number and the first thing they asked me is if I am a Boston Resident, I said yes, the Police Officer seemed doubtful, probably showed Walpole on Caller ID LOL
Anyhow I mentioned I had a couple Mosin 1895s to turn in, and they said as long as they work. I could turn them in at the West Roxbury Police Sta on Center St You have to leave them in the car and then go into the station and an officer will come out and removed them from the car - and my luck run my plate at the same time.

Can you get into trouble if you get caught not being a Boston Resident? It is supposed to be all anonymous but in this state... also just what I would need, to try to get an extra $100 out of 2 guns and lose my LTC for trying to scam the PD
Did you use your own phone?
I thought the same thing as everyone else once. Turn in a POS for some quick cash.


All you are doing is giving the anti ' s more ammo (pun intended) they will lump all of your POS guns in a pile and go on the news saying "look at how many mean guns we got, this program saves lives" when we all know it is bullshit. Don't give in.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk

Look at all the negative press they got over the squirt gun and pellet guns being bought and turned in. Now immagine the bad press that would come from a group of say 100 or more people showing up w/ 2 mosins each. Trading them in and then going to the press as a group and explaining how now they can go out and buy 4 mosins each. Or "I sold a few shitty $50 guns and now have enough money to go out and buy an assault rifle. Thanks Boston!"

Doing it as an individual doesn't get you far. But doing it as a large group and talking to every media outlet that will listen after will absolutely have a very negative effect on these buybacks. Especially since this one seems to be privately funded. I bet the antis who caughed up the cash this time won't next time if they knew their money was being used to buy MORE evil scary guns...
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