I was a 20 yr member before moving to NH. I attended almost every meeting, and have a pretty good understanding of the club management. So I'll offer some insight to your points.
1. Noise and "blast" make rifles unlikely indoors . . . very uncomfortable for others on the range. Rifles also need to stretch out more than 25 yds (new clubhouse range).
2. Not every likely again. That horse left the barn with the bullets striking Carradona's warehouse, the USPO, etc. and NRA "range experts" who reviewed the range and were aghast that (up until that time) we allowed shooting without range officers present. That report was given to the local PD and ROs became a requirement that IMNSHO will never be lifted. If you search here on NES you might find a few of my posts with a lot more detail about what happened and when.
4. This club is anything but penny-pinching. They spend a ton of money on maintenance and upgrading things that the management (which includes a BOD member whose job is to bring member issues in front of the BOD) feel are good to do or needed. There was steel on the middle pistol range that got a lot of use. I don't know what might have happened to it or what decisions have been made since I left the club.
No club is perfect, they all have room for some improvements, so if you attend the meetings and speak up, maybe some things will get addressed.