Buying Legal Pot Will Get You On The Federal Database

Maybe this should be under the thread, "Things that make you go Hmmmmmm"

I know the local bars will scan a drivers license to make sure it is real. Do they STORE that data? Is it recoverable data after a patron gets into an accident after leaving that location?

Regarding recreational MJ: Pot buyers face privacy issues

Partial quote:
Once at the store, people will have to show a government-issued ID. NETA uses a scanner similar to those used at clubs and bars to make sure the IDs are real, said Amanda Rositano, director of compliance for NETA.

At least one privacy expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, however, is warning that there is a potential for people’s information to be kept once their IDs are scanned.

“The key question a privacy-conscious customer needs to ask is whether these systems keep records — for instance to enforce individual dispensing limits — and how often they’re purged,” said R. David Edelman, a cybersecurity researcher at MIT. “The makers of ID-verification systems will want to implement new features, and those features often require keeping data in order to analyze it.”
That article refers to medical patients. I cannot find an instance of someone becoming a federally prohibited person after purchasing recreational marijuana in a state where it is legal. It is nice of the firearms community to warn each other of this, but we should be careful to differentiate between medical and recreational because it is a whole different animal. Having said that, the ATF has warned MA residents specifically about buying pot: Marijuana Users In Mass. Can't Buy Guns

I believe the MA Cannabis Control Commission has stated that purchase records, if they exist, will not be shared with law enforcement, but I can't find that quote. I can, however, find the full law of Question 4: Full Text Of Massachusetts Question 4 (2016 Marijuana Legalization Initiative)

So basically, don't shop at a store that records your information. NETA in Northampton will be scanning IDs, but we are taking them at their word that the scan will not record anything. Cultivate in Leicester has not said whether they will scan or not.

That would be...amazing!

I'm not for absolute unlimited unfettered personal liberty, but marijuana is legal at the state level and marijuana regulation was not a responsibility enumerated in the Constitution as being a power of the federal government, hence it belongs to the state. So both you and the feds can piss up a stump with that attitude! :emoji_grin:

Yet it’s still a federal law so there’s that. I really don’t care if people want to smoke that sh*t, go for it but going through a dialogue of Enunerated Rights of the Fed Govt versus the Open Ended of the State Givt is like pissing in the wind, it’s been argued at the SCOTUS level and they always fall back on Substances Act (CSA) (21 U.S.C. § 811). So the choice is simple, register, smoke and lose your LTC which the Bloomberg’s of the world will appreciate or don’t. Then again why register? It’s already decriminalized so go for it. Or you can keep going over the Fed argument because that seems to be working
For the life of me I cant figure out why free thinking people celebrate alcohol and demonize marijuana.

At the Wayland Town Meeting there was an article to ban sales of the demon weed. It passed overwhelmingly. I didn’t speak agains I because I didn’t want to piss people off before speaking against the no discharge article that was later on the agenda. But I was very tempted to point out the hypocrisy of banning sales of marijuana while we sell liquor in stores, bars, and restaurants in town.
At the Wayland Town Meeting there was an article to ban sales of the demon weed. It passed overwhelmingly. I didn’t speak agains I because I didn’t want to piss people off before speaking against the no discharge article that was later on the agenda. But I was very tempted to point out the hypocrisy of banning sales of marijuana while we sell liquor in stores, bars, and restaurants in town.
You should have spoken out.
An article in the Boston Herald today said that the pot shop opening on Tuesday in Northampton will be using an ID scanner. A spokesperson for the shop is quoted as saying that the scanner will not store buyer information — maybe that is correct and maybe it is not.

It might be like one of those gizmos that small liquor stores sometimes use that just validates the id by checking the security features with laser etc...
You should have spoken out.

My highest priority was defeating the no discharge article. I couldn’t risk pissing off people by speaking against the marijuana sales ban. The marijuana sales ban passed overwhelmingly. My speaking against it wouldn’t have had any impact.
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We don't even have Stop & Shop up here anymore.

I know all about globally unique identifiers and transaction records -- they're my customer's bread and butter. But I've also spent plenty of time in vaguely-titled offices in Crystal City, and I know there's no way "the federal database" is being used as an attributable reason for NICS denials without maintaining a paper-trail a mile long.

You missed my point -- if the government is going to be collecting and using purchase data for something auditable (like a NICS denial), the FBI isn't going to sidestep around the rules, buy door scanner records from Colorado dispensaries, sniff data in transit; they need to be doing it all above-board, with a paper trail.

If "Turn all Pot shop visitors into Prohibited Persons" were an actual Federal program, it would've appeared in the Federal Register and gone out to bid as yet another a multi-million dollar database project, and I would've had the opportunity to work on it.

When I read the repetiles posted article the first thing i thought was that the instructor cited is full of shit and was just eructating bullshit someone else told him, as if gnomish mysticism would compel a pot user to not lie on a 4473.... lol
Yet it’s still a federal law so there’s that. I really don’t care if people want to smoke that sh*t, go for it but going through a dialogue of Enunerated Rights of the Fed Govt versus the Open Ended of the State Givt is like pissing in the wind, it’s been argued at the SCOTUS level and they always fall back on Substances Act (CSA) (21 U.S.C. § 811). So the choice is simple, register, smoke and lose your LTC which the Bloomberg’s of the world will appreciate or don’t. Then again why register? It’s already decriminalized so go for it. Or you can keep going over the Fed argument because that seems to be working

Just cut to the chase and use your LTC for your government issued ID.

I know the local bars will scan a drivers license to make sure it is real. Do they STORE that data? Is it recoverable data after a patron gets into an accident after leaving that location?
Many do, with intent to use it for market research, etc. PatronScan, for example, preserves for 90 days the full name/gender/age/photo from IDs scanned, and can deliver this data electronically to law enforcement on request.

When I read the repetiles posted article the first thing i thought was that the instructor cited is full of shit and was just eructating bullshit someone else told him, as if gnomish mysticism would compel a pot user to not lie on a 4473.... lol

Agreed -- While there's no doubt some Feds have free reign to trawl the PatronScan database, the claim that this data is used for NICS denials stinks of FUD.
I see a business opportunity for someone's who's already PP as a front and delivery service. I wonder if there's a law against it yet?
There are like 20-30 shops/cornerstores in Springfield alone that have been selling weed in every form for like 2-3 years. There are HUGE expos run all the time. If you smoke, vape, ingest, dab or whatever and your concerned about ending up on a database just get it how you have been getting it. IMO the prices/taxes at shops is ridiculous anyway. If you buy from a licensed shop at this point your a sucker IMO

Definitely this. Pandora's box has been opened at this point. Lookup groups like Reliable Bud and the events they put on.
Yet it’s still a federal law so there’s that.

I wasn't arguing that there is such a law, I'm arguing that it's unconstitutional. Your first post seemed to support the notion that this is acceptable.

Just cut to the chase and use your LTC for your government issued ID.

Should I do this and YouTube it?
Unless MA has unlimited purchasing when it comes to weed,they will have to record your info to make sure you don't go over the daily limit.

I know for sure CA does this,and pretty sure CO has limits.Dont see why MA will be any different.
Unless MA has unlimited purchasing when it comes to weed,they will have to record your info to make sure you don't go over the daily limit.

I know for sure CA does this,and pretty sure CO has limits.Dont see why MA will be any different.

I don't think there's actually a purchasing limit in MA, beyond what you're legally allowed to possess at a given time. While you can only possess 1 oz outside your home, there doesn't appear to be anything preventing you from buying an ounce, bringing it home and going back for more in a given day.

Marijuana Laws
Maybe not a law, but if they are scanning IDs you.can bet your ass they'll rat you out to the popo in a heartbeat.

Ever try to deposit or withdrawal a large some of cash at the bank? Same idea. Gov gets the data and decides whether you have their permission.
Yup. People laugh about kids getting high off of cough syrup but it’s a real thing.
Nothing new, NyQuil was popular growing up for some. Drink the entire bottle and fight the sleepy part and they where off thier rockers for the rest of the night. Some people just want to get high
I know the local bars will scan a drivers license to make sure it is real. Do they STORE that data? Is it recoverable data after a patron gets into an accident after leaving that location?

Reviewed the local restaurant/pub/bar/etc license scanner this day. Yes data is stored. They don't scan many since they only do it for questionable age people and it's not a kid magnet location. They had well over 100 scanned license data going back a few months. Name, DOB, Lic number.... Nasty stuff there. IT WAS ALSO CAPABLE OF BEING DELETED. I did so as well as setting the correct date and time since that was screwey as well. If the local places did their due diligence, they could delete data on opening.

I have been told, and I don't know how accurate that is, that there is no hookup to any Data Base. Now I find it amusing that the scan only verifies a read license ID and the data does not hook up anywhere.... (YET)
Anybody here have a Massachusetts Liquor ID card? Do they print your residence address, or will they print your mailing address (PO Box) instead?

I have been told, and I don't know how accurate that is, that there is no hookup to any Data Base. Now I find it amusing that the scan only verifies a read license ID and the data does not hook up anywhere.... (YET)

Anytime a site asks to "scan" an ID, I hand over my Passport card.

Qualifies as Real ID for air travel and access to government offices, is proof of age and identity even though neither the text nor the barcode/RFID offers up a mailing address, SSN, or even state of residence (it lists DOB and state of birth).
I don’t want to be at the range with a pothead dope fiend loser high next to me in next lane. Man. Thanks.
Kidding of course, but you need to consider the fact that just because someone may use cannabis does not mean they will be going to the range high, just like being a drinker of alcohol does not mean one will be going to the range drunk. And I thought potheads were paranoid...
One thing I'm not clear on.

If the various scans/databases are operated and maintained by states -- Colorado, Massachusetts, etc. -- how and why would they tie into a federal NICS database?

(Keeping in mind that the states know they are running afoul of federal laws by allowing the purchase of marijuana.)
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If you want to smoke pot. Just grow your own. Its easy. I have a friend with a medical card and he's been doing it for YEARS.
He's not a gun guy, so it didn't matter to him.

The law legalizing recreational use had provisions for growing your own that are VERY VERY liberal. As in, you could never ever smoke as much as they allow. If you grow your own, you aren't on any database and all is good.

Kind of like reloading in CA. Ha.
I was watching the news this morning and they were interviewing people in line waiting for the first store to open. The guy they picked was from Connecticut. The talking head made it clear that it would be illegal for him to bring pot to Connecticut and he basically said, who's going to stop him? He's never been stopped before driving back and forth over the border so he had no issues with it at all. This prompted me to ask myself if there was going to be some type of registration or ID recorded at the time of the sale? Here in CT you can't buy a single round without an AMMO ID or permit. As a CT citizen, no matter what licence or permit I have I can't buy ANYTHING ammo related in MA. So, it seems to me that there's going to be some type of 'registration' of those buying pot. I wonder if even a CT resident (no MA ID) will be permitted to buy anything at all. Just curious.
One thing I'm not clear on.

If the various scans/databases are operated and maintained by states -- Colorado, Massachusetts, etc. -- how and why would they tie into a federal NICS database?

(Keeping in mind that the states know they are running afoul of federal laws by allowing the purchase of marijuana.)

I will post this again. This is happening at the state level in Hawaii but I’m sure that Massachusetts will be different. /S

The department will continue to deny firearm permits to applicants who have current medical marijuana permits.

This is a new area of concern for cities across the country, and we in Honolulu want to develop a policy that's legally sound and serves our community," Ballard said, in a statement. "Formulating the policy will take time, but we want to do it right."

Law enforcement experts say that just because someone has a medical marijuana card doesn't mean they have the actual drug.

But anyone caught with prescription pot can be ordered to surrender weapons.

Federal law does not recognize medical marijuana as legal.

Police to pot card holders: You can hold on to your gun (for now)
I don't think there's actually a purchasing limit in MA, beyond what you're legally allowed to possess at a given time. While you can only possess 1 oz outside your home, there doesn't appear to be anything preventing you from buying an ounce, bringing it home and going back for more in a given day.

Marijuana Laws

Just watched the news out here and Northampton was in the spotlight.Maybe MA just looks at your DL to check your age,news said no sales of more than 1oz and 100 edibles at a time,that's a lot of weed in a day.

With no monthly purchase limits like here in CA,there should be no reason for shops to do nothing but check your DL for your age,unless it's to join their mandatory pot "club".
I wonder how the host would react if one brought "edibles" to a pot luck supper? Maybe cookies for dessert.

Many years ago, when I was still a lil critter, we went to a picnic at friends of the family. They had two sons my age-ish, and there may have been a few other tykes with their parents there as well.

My folks aren't fans of that particular herb, but the friends were. First thing the wife told my mother, "Be sure not to give any of the brownies to the kids."

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