Dec 5, 2009
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My uncle is here visiting from EDMONTON,CANADA.We were talkings guns and he said I could have his REMINGTON 30-30 lever commemmorative(spelling?).Is there any way of doing this.Any info appreciated I here canada makes mass look good.
I needs to be exported (Canadian paperwork) and imported (US BATFE paperwork/fees) thru a US Customs bonded warehouse (last I knew) to an FFL in MA. I think that the fees run in the $200 range to do this.

If you do business with Carl/Four Seasons, ask Carl for the contact info on a prior employee. One of his guys left FS to run import/export firearms business full-time. That guy was a real nice guy and quite knowledgeable and should be able to run down what needs to be done and what the costs run.
If the gun is being permanently imported (which it appears to be) there is no ITAR exemption or license requirement, it is just a licensable commodity being permanently imported but it will require proper brokerage through Customs and transport afterwards should be arranged by an FFL. The dutiable rate varies depending on the declared value, country of manufacture of the rifle, and which HTS (harmonized tariff schedule) is chosen on the entry. A quick glance shows it will likely be classified under either under heading 9303.30.80 (3.1% duty on the value of the rifle) or 9301.90.3020 (4.7% duty on the value of rifle). Note that if the rifle was manufactured in either the US or Canada it potentially qualifies for duty-relief under NAFTA but a Certificate of Origin may likely be required or a Manufacturer's Affidavit.
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Thanks guys.Being that its a comm. gold trigger(has been fired) I think its well worth it,but hes up in years and old fashion.Hes kinda leary about shipping,he wants me to go visit him and take it back with me but I know that won't or can't happen.
Thanks guys.Being that its a comm. gold trigger(has been fired) I think its well worth it,but hes up in years and old fashion.Hes kinda leary about shipping,he wants me to go visit him and take it back with me but I know that won't or can't happen.

...go visit him and take care of the process yourself/ with him?
FWIW Myself and many people on the SKS boards have discussed the chances of trying to get Russian SKS rifles from Canada to the US and we've all come up with squat![sad2]
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