Carrying and get pulled over?

What is this your first f***ing rodeo?

Went through the scenario, a whole bunch of times. And they all act like your overreacting when you just dive on the ground.

It’s easier to put yourself on the ground, then let them do it for you.

That’s not to say they won’t shoot you on the ground but f*** it. It’ll look better in court if you’re immune to bullets like me.

It’s another good reason to open carry at least there’s no secrets.
Did they shoot him with his own gun? I can’t quite tell that would really piss me off.

One time I called the police for help which was a terrible idea, but I figured it was better than the alternative. They emptied my revolver. I saw them empty it, but they closed the cylinder and the guy kept laser beaming me with my own gun and I f***ing lost it.
Do cops pull you out of the car to disarm you for *officer safety*?
Nah man. It's a caucasian thing. When we get pulled over the cop says.." Oh I'm sorry man. I didn't realize you were white. I pulled you over for doing 85 in a 35, but it's ok because you are white... But if you were a black guy, you would have tried to wrestle my gun away and been shot!!!"
LOL! Have a good night and be on your way fellow white man!
Then he clicks his heels together and throws the nazi salute.
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