Censored Protest at Ground Zero

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This is another perfect example of why protests by any group other than one supported by the liberal left media is a waste of time.

There were approximately a dozen people that showed up last month at the State House in support of Deval's H.4102 and that got more coverage than this NY protest did.
I like this poster


It's a shame that this did not get any media coverage. I am disgusted by the idea of a Mosque at Ground Zero.

This is a good picture too.

So, would it be better to build a Catholic church there or other christian churches? Cuz...I mean...the Christians have never committed acts of terrorism right?

If they were to say...No churches of any type...I'm fine with that...but its un-American to single out one religion.
This is a good picture too.


Yeah...no. Those are not rational arguments. We are talking about America here...not Saudi Arabia. If you want to change the 1st Amendment...fine. But we can't discriminate against one religion until you do so.

Is it in poor taste...yeah. Should it be banned...no. Either make it where you have churches for every religion represented or none at all.
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So, would it be better to build a Catholic church there or other christian churches? Cuz...I mean...the Christians have never committed acts of terrorism right?

If they were to say...No churches of any type...I'm fine with that...but its un-American to single out one religion.

Except when the religion in question has paragraphs in its holy books that discuss world domination and killing everyone that doesn't agree with them.

Their rights end where my f**king country begins, buddy. We're not talking about some whacked-out gang of hippies that want to worship Barney the Dinosaur, we're talking about a gang of extremists with the ways, means, and desire to make war on the rest of the rational world - and they want to build a temple to their sadistic god RIGHT WHERE THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS DIED BY THEIR HANDS.

That doesn't strike you as a little distasteful?
So, would it be better to build a Catholic church there or other christian churches? Cuz...I mean...the Christians have never committed acts of terrorism right?

If they were to say...No churches of any type...I'm fine with that...but its un-American to single out one religion.

Come on now - its all about location. Your statement as is makes sense but your logic fails you.
Why should I tolerate someone who won't tolerate me and actively seeks to kill me, my family and my friends and destroy my way of life?

According to radical Islam if you are not a Muslim you are an "infidel" fit only to be tortured, raped and killed. Our Constitution protects the right to practice your religion but last time I checked that didn't include flying a f*ck*ng plane into a building and killing 2,000 people.

As for the mosque, I don't have a problem with them personally. What I do have a problem with is the fact that this is a shrine to radical Islam's victory over America being put up under the guise of "freedom of religion". It's a documented fact that Islam has always built mosques over their conquests in celebration of what they accomplished. Anyone who can't see this for what it is needs to pull their head out of their a** and stop drinking the kool-aid.

So come get me Mohammed. I'm ready and willing to introduce you to your Allah. This country is headed for another 9/11 and when it happens I would like to think that Americans will rise up and do what needs to be done. However, the comments some people make lead me to wonder sometimes...
So, would it be better to build a Catholic church there or other christian churches? Cuz...I mean...the Christians have never committed acts of terrorism right?

If they were to say...No churches of any type...I'm fine with that...but its un-American to single out one religion.

Really dude?
So, would it be better to build a Catholic church there or other christian churches? Cuz...I mean...the Christians have never committed acts of terrorism right?

If they were to say...No churches of any type...I'm fine with that...but its un-American to single out one religion.
There is only one "religion" out to kill me and my family... and yes, they should be singled out.

Yeah...no. Those are not rational arguments. We are talking about America here...not Saudi Arabia. If you want to change the 1st Amendment...fine. But we can't discriminate against one religion until you do so.

Is it in poor taste...yeah. Should it be banned...no. Either make it where you have churches for every religion represented or none at all.

Where on those signs does it suggest that the US government should write a new law banning mosques?

This is simply a peaceful protest.

Unlike the violent protests in support of illegal immigration in AZ.
Well technically it's not at Ground Zero, it's a couple of blocks away in a privately owned derelict piece of property. Do I think it should be built? No, it's a bit insensitive (and still, 2 blocks is still pretty close). Do I think there should be laws passed to ban its construction? No freaking way.
So, would it be better to build a Catholic church there or other christian churches? Cuz...I mean...the Christians have never committed acts of terrorism right?

If they were to say...No churches of any type...I'm fine with that...but its un-American to single out one religion.

[self censored]
I don't think anyone here insinuated that a law should be passed banning its construction. It is perfectly lawful for the terrorist group to apply for permits to build the mosque, and it's ALSO perfectly lawful for the city's residents to get pissed off and do something about it if they don't think it's right.

Would anyone be clamoring to these savages' defense if they were building a strip club across the street from an elementary school?

Why is it okay to shit all over the American people by building a temple yards away from the ultimate resting place of thousands of American citizens who were killed by followers of the religion that this very same temple is to be constructed in honor of?
bottom line is the muslims are at best out to lunch and have no clue that this is totally inappropriate, and at worst are sticking it to us in many ways I'd rather not think about.

either way, this does nothing to make me feel good about that religion or the people that practice it.
You want to know what is un American killing Americans(even if they were not directly responsible) and then say gee ya know what would really boil their blood a shrine to the very religion misconstrued and bent to the will of madmen to have committed this atrocity. America needs to wake up we are letting the government take our guns, our jobs, our money our land and our outright freedom and rights. I for one am sick of everything that has been going on and all people have to say is "doesn't matter you can't fix any of it" or "not my problem I don't worry about things that happen outside my box I live in". I have to call blindfire out on his comment because you just made yourself look like one of the "pc liberals" that everyone on here bitches about daily. Does the constitution grant freedom of religion yes but does that grant you immunity to do whatever you want whenever you want no. I think do say they should be allowed to build there and I mean anything let alone a mosque is downright shameful and who ever agrees with this might as well put a big imperial flag over the Arizona because Islam has declared war on us the second they hijacked the first plane. I have allot of friends allot that are overseas and they don't come back with the "no really they don't like the Taliban either" that the news pushes, they come back with one less leg and say" I just talked and joked around with the guy the other day and he came back with a bomb". We are all just being pushed and pushed and asked to step further and further back with the border issue, the Islam issue, the economy, our gun rights and eventually well will find ourselves falling off the cliff of our own country strangers to the places we grew up in, it is time people started making the calls educate others start to make the change happen. And with that my lap top battery is going to die.
Two can play this game:

Let them build their mosque. Us enterprising Americans will build a strip club right next to the mosque and name it something like "Arab Delight." Then we can build a pig farm on the other side of the mosque. If they wish to demean us, we shall do so right back at them within the bounds or the laws set forth in this country. Heck, we could even build a restaurant across the street that only sells pork.
So, would it be better to build a Catholic church there or other christian churches? Cuz...I mean...the Christians have never committed acts of terrorism right?

If they were to say...No churches of any type...I'm fine with that...but its un-American to single out one religion.

When 200 years ago?? [thinking]
Except when the religion in question has paragraphs in its holy books that discuss world domination and killing everyone that doesn't agree with them.

Their rights end where my f**king country begins, buddy. We're not talking about some whacked-out gang of hippies that want to worship Barney the Dinosaur, we're talking about a gang of extremists with the ways, means, and desire to make war on the rest of the rational world - and they want to build a temple to their sadistic god RIGHT WHERE THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS DIED BY THEIR HANDS.

That doesn't strike you as a little distasteful?

Hmmm...so Christians are not terrorists? Ever hear of the KKK? They claimed to be christian and yet killed and terrorized countless African Americans in the south without prosecution for decades. If that isn't terrorism...I don't know what is.

As for the Koran...yeah...you can interpret the scriptures that way...but guess what...the Holy F'ing Bible that every god fearing christian holds sacred is full of that sh*t. Mass genocides in God's name...whole nations wiped out because they didn't believe in THEIR god. Don't get it twisted...Islam shares the same roots that Christianity does. It goes back to Jewish faith (Old Testament stuff).

You are all completely missing my point.

Was what happened on 9/11 horrific...F*CK YEAH IT WAS! Do I wish ill/death/unspeakable pain to those who carried it out and supported it...GOD DAMN RIGHT I DO. Will I generalize / stereo type all Muslims and hold them accountable...F*CK NO. Should a Mosque be built there...NO. But my larger point which seems to escape the majority of people and the mental giants who refer to me as "Dumbass" is that our country was founded in part on "Freedom of Religion". If part of that involves building a church/synagogue/mosque/temple whatever...we cannot and should not interfere with it...ESPECIALLY...when it is on privately owned property.

<SARCASM>If the logic is that all Muslims want to kill us...why not go out and round them up like we did with the Japanese and Germans during WWII. Then, once we have them ALL rounded up, we could summarily execute them for being Muslim. Sounds like a plan to me. End of the problem. Final Solution. </SARCASM>
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Two can play this game:

Let them build their mosque. Us enterprising Americans will build a strip club right next to the mosque and name it something like "Arab Delight." Then we can build a pig farm on the other side of the mosque. If they wish to demean us, we shall do so right back at them within the bounds or the laws set forth in this country. Heck, we could even build a restaurant across the street that only sells pork.

I'm with ya there.

Thank you.

Thought provoking as well, I hope.

When Sharia Law and wanton elimination of the rest of the world's population is the goal of a people, I feel okay saying they need to stay out of the U.S. and keep their maniacal ideology where it came from. One can look to examples in the UK for our ultimate fate if we let this promulgation of radical Islam continue.

The quote below doesn't say anything about willingly harboring those that would do us harm. Nor does it imply sacrificing the country's ideals to accommodate a group that means to divide and conquer the very soil that these words lay upon.

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
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