Censored Protest at Ground Zero

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I'm betting that if they build a MEGA MOSQUE, the Muslims will take it as a sign that we THANK them for blowing up the WTC.

And, if that happens, I'm digging up Timothy McVea (sp?), and placing his dead and rotting body in front of the mosque.

Civil unrest?

Hmmm...so Christians are not terrorists? Ever hear of the KKK? They claimed to be christian and yet killed and terrorized countless African Americans in the south without prosecution for decades. If that isn't terrorism...I don't know what is.

Yes, I have heard of the KKK. What's that have to do with this?

As for the Koran...yeah...you can interpret the scriptures that way...but guess what...the Holy F'ing Bible that every god fearing christian holds sacred is full of that sh*t. Mass genocides in God's name...whole nations wiped out because they didn't believe in THEIR god. Don't get it twisted...Islam shares the same roots that Christianity does. It goes back to Jewish faith (Old Testament stuff).

Please provide sources that indicate large groups of Christians are currently waging a holy war against all other religions.

You are all completely missing my point.

I don't think we are. You're missing the forest for the trees, IMO.

Was what happened on 9/11 horrific...F*CK YEAH IT WAS! Do I wish ill/death/unspeakable pain to those who carried it out and supported it...GOD DAMN RIGHT I DO. Will I generalize / stereo type all Muslims and hold them accountable...F*CK NO. Should a Mosque be built there...NO.

So why condemn those who have the brass to say so vocally in the middle of the street?

But my larger point which seems to escape the majority of people and the mental giants who refer to me as "Dumbass" is that our country was founded in part on "Freedom of Religion". If part of that involves building a church/synagogue/mosque/temple whatever...we cannot and should not interfere with it...ESPECIALLY...when it is on privately owned property.

Do you see who the people are behind this project?

http://nomosquesatgroundzero.wordpress.com/ (note paragraph below video, particularly.)

<SARCASM>If the logic is that all Muslims want to kill us...why not go out and round them up like we did with the Japanese and Germans during WWII. Then, once we have them ALL rounded up, we could summarily execute them for being Muslim. Sounds like a plan to me. End of the problem. Final Solution. </SARCASM>

Well, it's all sarcasm until you consider that the extremist Muslims really DO want to kill all of us Americans.. As they so loudly proclaim.. And the people building this mosque are in bed with them, or in some cases ARE them...
You are all completely missing my point.

No, dude, you're the one who's completely missing the point. Nobody even vaguely suggested that the government should prohibit a mosque on that site or any other site. What they plainly said was that it was a blatantly provocative move and that they were totally opposed to it.

The post about a monument to Hitler at Auschwitz was a little off point, but close. Consider the idea of building a National Socialism Educational Center there, teaching about the true goals of the NSDAP, namely restoring German pride after the horrible impositions of the Versailles Treaty, rebuilding the German economy, improving the conditions of German workers and their families, and resisting Bolshevism. (I have no idea what a real Nazi would say they were, but those sounded good off the top of my head.) Oh, and if you really pushed them, they'd concede that Hitler made a horrible mistake in killing all those people, that really wasn't anything that true National Socialism would condone, and dammit, everybody should stop blaming them and persecuting them for something they had nothing to do with. That's exactly what they want to do in lower Manhattan.

As to the historical evils perpetuated under the guise of Christianity, yeah, we get it. You've got a hair across your ass about religion, they way that some people do about guns or gays or globalization.

Two can play this game:

Let them build their mosque. Us enterprising Americans will build a strip club right next to the mosque and name it something like "Arab Delight." Then we can build a pig farm on the other side of the mosque. If they wish to demean us, we shall do so right back at them within the bounds or the laws set forth in this country. Heck, we could even build a restaurant across the street that only sells pork.

Pig farm may be against zoning but a smoke house that specialized in pork butts and bacon would be perfect, nothing like the greasy smoke of pig fat wafting through and sticking to everything in the area, and scantly clad waitresses would make the sauce that much sweeter. I bet that is something you could make happen very easily in NY
I believe Christians do it under the guise of Missionary work.

Please provide sources that indicate large groups of Christians are currently waging a holy war against all other religions.

You quoted the request, but didn't actually provide any data in response to it. Where are the screaming bands of extremist Missionaries?

Please bear in mind that I'm neither Christian, nor muslim. I have no particular love for either. I'm speaking as an American - not a member of a particular religion.
So, would it be better to build a Catholic church there or other christian churches? Cuz...I mean...the Christians have never committed acts of terrorism right?

If they were to say...No churches of any type...I'm fine with that...but its un-American to single out one religion.

I seldom do this.......but I just gave you negative rep points!
Group buy on a restaraunt across the street....Booby-que anyone? That ought to get they're heads spinning.

Rib shack, bacon burgers and pork pies!! Mmmmm

Featuring.. The Bacon Explosion!

Maybe we could implement a state of the art ventilation system that would vent all of the vaporized pork fat directly into the mosque.
Check your history books. When muslims conquer a city or country they build mosques and monuments to celebrate their victory. Apparently they feel they conquered New York City on 9/11.
I didn't hear anything about building a church, only a mosque. Personally I think they should keep all that imaginary detritus out of ground zero.
Personally, other than a flag draped down the side with a middle finger extended eastward, I think we should have re-erected the twin towers exactly as they were.

As time goes on, we are bowing to the desire of the terrorists more and more. They want us to remind ourselves of their attack as often as possible.
I already read all about this in my new subscription to Inspire the new magazine for English speaking terrorists in the US, UK and Canada. Make no mistake, inch by inch these people are looking to complete a common goal.
You quoted the request, but didn't actually provide any data in response to it. Where are the screaming bands of extremist Missionaries?

Please bear in mind that I'm neither Christian, nor muslim. I have no particular love for either. I'm speaking as an American - not a member of a particular religion.

Currently - all over Africa

Previously - the 200 years worth of crusades against...guess who?

And they may not be screaming, but that doesn't mean their motives are any less insidious. I'm no fan of any religion; I think they all do more harm than good. That being said, I respect anyones right to practice whatever faith they desire.
Currently - all over Africa

Previously - the 200 years worth of crusades against...guess who?

Please do keep in mind that wasn't a one-sided affair... Islam as a form of governance was doing its level best to wipe what we recognize today as western civilization off the map from its earliest days...
I don't believe that a couple of hundred Christian missionaries scattered around a large continent with millions and millions of people qualifies as a large extremist group. Plus, I have not heard of any of these missionaries blowing up what infrastructure is in that area. If anything, they are building things, not destroying them. It's pretty hard to tie that group with another group who first destroyed and killed on a large scale, and now wants to erect a monument to that atrocity nearby.

Currently - all over Africa

Previously - the 200 years worth of crusades against...guess who?

And they may not be screaming, but that doesn't mean their motives are any less insidious. I'm no fan of any religion; I think they all do more harm than good. That being said, I respect anyones right to practice whatever faith they desire.
Currently - all over Africa

Previously - the 200 years worth of crusades against...guess who?

And they may not be screaming, but that doesn't mean their motives are any less insidious. I'm no fan of any religion; I think they all do more harm than good. That being said, I respect anyones right to practice whatever faith they desire.

yes I had forgot all about those christian terrorist doing such insidious things like building wells and teaching people how to purify water giving them food and vaccines and other medicine oh the humanity

If you think that what they did in the past is justification to label them as terrorist then if you are a white European do you think you owe African Americans restitution for what your ancestors did?
I don't believe that a couple of hundred Christian missionaries scattered around a large continent with millions and millions of people qualifies as a large extremist group. Plus, I have not heard of any of these missionaries blowing up what infrastructure is in that area.

If someone killed thousands of people in the name of Catholicism, the time until the pope denounced it would be minutes or hours. (Although this has not always been the case with that religion). I must have missed the news reports of the middle eastern Imams denouncing 9/11.
If they in fact end up building this insult, I say we arrange bacon eating contests on their front steps.

If we have to tolerate them, then they will have to tolerate our pig devouring.
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