Cleaning a polymer framed pistol

Mar 23, 2006
Live Free or Die !
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I've just acquired a S&W .40VE and spent part of today shooting. Now I need to get this pistol cleaned. I’ve never owned anything polymer before so I’m not sure what to use. With my rifles & shotguns I usually scrub out the bore with Hoppe's #9 and give the rest a good blast of brake cleaner while it's disassembled and then reassemble using either Rem Oil or graphite. My concern is I don’t want to blemish or melt the frame. [thinking] Suggestions ?
The Hoppes never hurt my Sigma, but you may want to be careful of the break cleaner (I don't know if it will be to harsh on the plastic). There is Gun Scrubber made for polymer frames.
Funny... I've never really cleaned my Glock frames other that a wipe down with a rag. Of course the mechanicals get cleaned plenty!
Nothing special, but I would NOT use brake cleaner on plastics. Some plastics may become damaged by it, so I wouldn't chance it.
I remember a while back I was watching American Shooter and they showed a product called Poly Dunk. It was in a bucket and all you had to do was toss the whole gun right in. I'm guessing a take down and drying afterwards is in order but being a guy who soaks milsurp rifle/pistol parts in Ed's Red to loosen comsmolene, the whole idea sounds good to me.
Heres an article I just found.
You'll really like the gun scrubber, i use it on my Glock, after that i use the Hoppe's and with the whole thing down. Your not gonna damage the polymer,
your really gonna have to go out of your way to do it.

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