Clubs NOT run by Fudds

Is this the same scarborough at with links to photos such as this:

Which held the July 2012 NE High power Regionals? If it is, please notice the lack of "no blue sky" baffles, and the gentleman in COMPLETELY TECHED OUT Long range gear's muzzle position in the middle of the photos. Is this the place with lots of rules, and no "no blue sky" baffles on a long range course? Yet worried about putting one off property?

Or perhaps it is the same club with UBELIEVABLY AWESOME trap fields, that have people violating Rule #1 and pointing shotgun muzzles at body parts on a regular basis?

Even if it is not, my point is this FUDS come up with bassackwards solutions to often nonexistent problems. Then justify their existence with the same excuse - but for us we might get closed down.
I can't speak to the trap shooting, as I do not participate. As to your issues with the Highpower, you really don't know what you're talking about.
I think we need to keep in mind the difference between a club with a board full of FUDDs, and a club with a membership full of idiots.

I say this with Mass Rifle Assoc in Woburn in mind. I've never gotten the "Fudd" impression from the board, but at times I think they resemble prison wardens with the way they keep that club on lockdown. With the exception of the indoor Loeb range, every range has caliber and capacity restriction and requires qualification under the watchful eye of the board. The club is covered in cameras and every wall is plastered with signs reminding you that you're on camera. They keep the club on lockdown because the club membership is full of idiots that shoot up target carriers, put shots over berms and do god-only-knows what else to endanger the club and the people around it.

I hate shooting there because I feel like there is someone sitting over my shoulder from the minute I pull up the driveway, but it has its purposes.
I would happily pay 10x the dues to be a member of a club with nice facilities, a limited membership, and a staff (as opposed to volunteers) that treats its members like valued customers instead of untrusted inmates.
Worcester is pretty easy going with reasonable rules and just a few dicks I have run into, I just ignore them. Any time you have 500+ members of anything there are going to be a few ass holes. It is not a social club by any stretch, no bar (thank god), no cook outs etc. It is a gun club in the purest form.
I would happily pay 10x the dues to be a member of a club with nice facilities, a limited membership, and a staff (as opposed to volunteers) that treats its members like valued customers instead of untrusted inmates.

Sounds like you need to buy 100 plus acres in NH and build your own range then! [wink]
Shawme Sportsmans Club on the Cape is a non-FUDD zone. Well run with good leadership, decent and reasonable rules, and a good cross section of age groups. No complaints.
Plymouth Rod and Gun has a lot of Fuddy rules, but I've genuinely come to believe it's because the Scituate-esque closure of their outdoor range for nearly a decade is seared into the memory of older members, and not simply the result of Fudd bias. There's no disdain for people with AR's and polymer guns, but don't expect so see an IDPA match coming to Plymouth anytime soon.

If you're a tactical shooter and you want to draw from the holster and train for personal defense, you're likely not to be happy with the round limits and paper target-only restrictions. Shooting at paper becomes boring after awhile.

The trade off is the facilities are beautiful and well-maintained. I've seen to notice there's in inverse correlation at clubs between freedom and facility quality.
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Georgetown is pretty good been a member for 20 or so years and I'm only 30. Pretty much grew up there. The old man was president for 15 or so years. Very quite I would say about 80 percent of the time I go I'm the only one there.
I can't speak to the trap shooting, as I do not participate. As to your issues with the Highpower, you really don't know what you're talking about.

Seriously, Muzzle over berm with action closed? If I am wrong, I will admit it. Or are you just a fudd who thinks starting with the muzzle above berm and dropping to target with a hot gun is appropriate?
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Londonderry Fish and Game. Absolutely fantastic club. It's well run and the president is a stand up type of guy. The range rules are safety oriented without the "fudd" nonsense over and above what is necessary.

Yes, I went to a machine gun shoot there years ago. Any club that promotes belt-fed full-auto fun can't be all bad.
Seriously, Muzzle over berm with action closed? If I am wrong, I will admit it. Or are you just a fudd who thinks starting with the muzzle above berm and dropping to target with a hot gun is appropriate?
Before every Match at the highpower range in Scarborough there is a safety briefing (tedious, but is done every time). It is explained that when the bolt is dropped, the muzzle must be at target height or lower. After that, you can settle in as normal. No fingers on triggers, obviously. That's as safe as it can be done, unless you believe guns fire on their own. Sounds like something a Fudd would think.
Before every Match at the highpower range in Scarborough there is a safety briefing (tedious, but is done every time). It is explained that when the bolt is dropped, the muzzle must be at target height or lower. After that, you can settle in as normal. No fingers on triggers, obviously. That's as safe as it can be done, unless you believe guns fire on their own. Sounds like something a Fudd would think.

If the bolt is open then I am wrong and admit it. If the bolt is closed then I simply say "Rule Number 2".
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Bass River is A Fudd Free Zone. Well run ranges for shotgun, indoor and outdoor. No blue sky designed to be used as action pits with forward thought to the future.
If the bolt is open then I am wrong and admit it. If the bolt is closed then I simply say "Rule Number 2".
I understand what you are saying, but I don't think you realize how structured and controlled that environment is. You are told when to load, when you may commence fire, when you must cease fire, etc.. There is always at least one line officer giving commands, watching for violations, safety, etc.. At that match where the pictures are taken (the big NE Regional), I think there were 3 line officers. Also ALL competitors are safety officers. If anybody sees anything unsafe they are required to call an immediate cease fire.
Trust me, there is nothing unsafe going on at Highpower matches in Scarborough, or any other HP Match I've ever been to anywhere else.
At Country Pond F&G in Newton NH, we've tried to keep the Club as Fudd free as possible. The only remotely Fuddish rules I can think of off the top of my head are "Rapid fire is restricted to three round bursts" (A safety issue, to prevent inevitable muzzle climb to unsafe heights) and "No human silhouette targets on the outdoor range" (which is clearly visible from the road).
If you're interested, all of the Range Rules are posted at
Angle Tree Rod and Gun Club in N. Attleboro is the fuddliest of the fudd clubs out there. In addition to the rules for everything (e.g., no jacketed rounds in the indoor range, no silhouette targets in the indoor range, no more than 5 rounds in any gun at a time, no guests on the pistol ranges, have to qualify with a rangemaster at every caliber for handgun ranges, etc, etc, etc), there is just a general stuck up atmosphere where if you're not one of the founding members, then you're not really welcome. I'm a pretty rule-abiding 54 yr old who just likes to shoot and mind my own business, but it seems every time I went some club officer would bust my chops for some rule violation or another, even though I was always trying to follow the rules. Plus all the club officers are there for skeet and trap, and look down on the rifle members and especially on the pistol shooters. Belonged there for three years before I finally had enough. I'm joining the Independent Sportsmans Club in Foxboro in the spring. They have adequate rifle and pistol ranges (sadly, no indoor pistol range), but they have great trap, skeet and 5-stand. They also allow guests and family. I may also join Mansfield for the indoor pistol.
I may also join Mansfield for the indoor pistol.

As much as I like Mansfield F&G for the freedom to shoot at various distances, how I like on the 50 yd range, don't bother joining Mansfield F&G for the "indoor pistol"! There is no usable building and that's true for the foreseeable future! Maybe in 6-12 months we'll be able to go indoors to take a piss or sit down, but any hope of an indoor range is so far in the future that I'm not sure I'll live long enough to see it. Pretty much all funds in the treasury will be needed just to make the building usable (get an occupancy permit), I don't expect that there will be any money left over to continue with the indoor range . . . thus it will be many years before there will be funds to proceed on that project. That's the hard reality as I see it.
1 shooting member guest per month is the reason I haven't joined even with it 10 minutes away. The club I belong to allows 1 guest per day.
That's without asking.

As a practical matter they don't care unless you tear stuff up. Also family members don't count. I've brought several people in a week several times a month: no one cares. You're supposed to ask first - I asked after - still no one cared. They are happy if you are introducing new people to the club or to shooting: they host several college teams, youth team, Second Amendment Sisters events, etc.

What they don't want is a member bringing in the same person regularly who should be ponying up to join for a year.

So if you are looking for a "Two for one deal" it's not the club for you, but if you are looking for a club with many lanes of well-lit, well-ventilated facilities, it's great. They're also perfectly welcoming of people who want to propose new ideas or volunteer to help out.
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I belong to Auburn, that place is ok and sort of limited with facilities-no indoor range, limited guests-pretty decent archery range and its good for bowhuntig-which I do. But for tactical shooting, really limited. I hate to badmouth anyplace, but I call it as I see it and if Auburn Members are reading this I don't care. Had a bit of a peronality clash with one of the new members when I joined-gave me some crap about the unit I just redeployed with from the Stan and some other issues I wont go into that left a bad taste in my mouth. Likely I am not gonna renew since I don't like being around turds who think its funny to bust peoples balls when they get back from a combat tour.

I am looking for a gun and run range-can sort of do that at Norwootock in Amherst-a good club, awesome members. If anyone knows where I can do some tactical shooting in by Worcester, please let me know.

The Best is the enemy of good enough
Russian Proverb
My club is a fudd club....but most are to old to really care,I'm the youngest guy there during the meetings and I'm 38.

My club enacted a work party in order to get people to help around the club,you would have to work 4 hours to get a $100 deduction on your yearly dues....I'm ok with that as $30 a year was cheap and riffraff started to take advantage of it....the 20 something mag dumpers with their one guest....on top of the 4 people that were just "hanging out".

I have multiple places to shoot if I want why do I care right?It's more of a respect thing I guess,it's a beautiful piece of land and would hate to lose it because retards.Last summer I went there on a Tuesday and someone decided to place a clothes dryer out on the 100yrd range,Swiss cheese it and left it there.I drove out and loaded into my truck and took it to the dump.

My club is a super easy going club(even with the fudd rules in place),just don't draw attention to yourself by doing dumb stuff...80% of the time there I am the only one so if you do dumb shit do it alone lol but clean up your own mess.
Seriously, Muzzle over berm with action closed? If I am wrong, I will admit it. Or are you just a fudd who thinks starting with the muzzle above berm and dropping to target with a hot gun is appropriate?

have you been to a match like Eastern Mass at Reading? Very strict about where the muzzle is pointing when the bolt is closed. But you'll see people get the rifle in to their shoulder like that. Finger up out of the trigger guard. This is with instructions and monitoring from the RO.

Does this make Reading a FUD club??
have you been to a match like Eastern Mass at Reading? Very strict about where the muzzle is pointing when the bolt is closed. But you'll see people get the rifle in to their shoulder like that. Finger up out of the trigger guard. This is with instructions and monitoring from the RO.

Does this make Reading a FUD club??

I am not saying that having Hi Power and coming down like that is de facto Fudd. It is an awesome shooting discipline enjoyed by many.

I am saying "Rule Number 2".
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