CMP received some surplus ammo set to be on sale soon,

so 2k for me and 2k for each of my 4 kids [smile]
I'm not sure where I would store it, or if I can haul that much, but it's a nice dream. Besides, don't I deserve something for raising those kids?
2000 rounds is not a lot 10,000 is not a lot.
I hauled 14 1000 round cases in back seat of a civic.
Is it worth the time/gas?? This stuff would have to be super cheap to worth burning all that gas and time. Be better off buying new production PPU at that point no?
I doubt it would be worth the drive just for ammo, need to make the trip worth while over all.
you don't just go for ammo, you also hand pick your guns and them soot them at the marksmanship center. It's worth the drive, did it once before.
This. I picked up a Remington 03A3 with a pristine 1-1 barrel for at least a couple hundred below the going rate for 03A3's plus I could hand pick it. I was in the area anyway and wish I had time to go shooting at the park- it is awesome.
The CMP intends on maintaining a surplus ammo inventory large enough to support CMP Matches for the next several years and to provide discounted surplus ammo to competitors attending CMP events. All sales will include set limits to remain in compliance with guidelines specified in the Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of the Army and the CMP.

Gone are the days when dudes backed their trucks up and left with 2 tons of HXP.

I'd even say it's 50/50 if the ammo even hits the e-store.
Last time I was in Merrimack I was hoping for 2 tons of GT x39 but gone are those days 😉
This. I picked up a Remington 03A3 with a pristine 1-1 barrel for at least a couple hundred below the going rate for 03A3's plus I could hand pick it. I was in the area anyway and wish I had time to go shooting at the park- it is awesome.
pics from my little trip to heaven
CMP road trip

And check out the 0-1 eddy , they didn't have any 03A3 when I was there, had to settle for the 03, 17, and a couple M1s it was tragic [laugh]
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They also have a store in Ohio. I’ve thought about making the drive. Shorter than going to Anniston if you are just looking to get to the store. I’m not sure if the inventory is different but the CMP forum regularly posts inventory at both stores.
Lets hope they have higher end of 10s of millions of rounds.

For a little compparison
Cmp had a run on surplus 22lr Fifteen Million rounds. Sould out in a week.
Oh that was only 3000 cases.

Short math lets say its club and matches only
How many competitors are shooting surplus and how many will be buying surplus at a match.
A small club with 10 shooters with 1 match per month buying ammo from the club will need 5000 a year
They also have a store in Ohio. I’ve thought about making the drive. Shorter than going to Anniston if you are just looking to get to the store. I’m not sure if the inventory is different but the CMP forum regularly posts inventory at both stores.
I’m only about 4hrs from there. You and any others would be more than welcome to pop down for a visit and stay a night before or after you hit the store.

Please EVERYONE…stop bumping this thread. I was trying to keep this a secret and now EVERYONE is gonna know about the cheap ammo!
Actually we can pile in 3 other people into @42! Jeep and we'll attach a UHaul trailer and head down. I'm sure he won't mind driving!!! [laugh] [wink]
Who's paying for the gas?
They also have a store in Ohio. I’ve thought about making the drive. Shorter than going to Anniston if you are just looking to get to the store. I’m not sure if the inventory is different but the CMP forum regularly posts inventory at both stores.
They check and refurb the guns in the south and ship some north.
thats seems expensive for 30 years ago , lol

Yeah, but it was USA made Lake City not the Port. 7.62N and South African 5.56 that were about 12¢/round in bulk in those days.

File photo of how .30 Carbine was packaged - 27 x 50 round boxes inside


CMP Sales Update​


The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of .30 carbine, .22 pistol, M2 ball, and .22 Long Rifle surplus ammunition supply that will soon become available to CMP customers. Currently, the items are in the cataloging and assessment stage by staff members.

“The CMP plans to make the ammunition available to our loyal constituents sometime this spring, after the surplus ammo goes through all CMP in-processing procedures,” said Mark Johnson, CMP’s Chief Operating Officer and Director of Civilian Marksmanship. “Purchase limits and restrictions will be set to ensure that the mission of CMP is well served.”​

Ammo1_w image

The CMP intends on maintaining a surplus ammo inventory large enough to support CMP Matches for the next several years and to provide discounted surplus ammo to competitors attending CMP events. All sales will include set limits to remain in compliance with guidelines specified in the Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of the Army and the CMP.​
Ammo6_w image

CMP recently received significant quantities of surplus ammunition.​

Further surplus sales details will be forthcoming in the near future.​

The language in bold tells me that you NES skinflints hoping for internet mail order "cheap" M2 ball will be pissed. There wont be any "deals " such as HXP crates were back 12 years ago. Ill guess your going to pay $.50 cpr ?
The language in bold tells me that you NES skinflints hoping for internet mail order "cheap" M2 ball will be pissed. There wont be any "deals " such as HXP crates were back 12 years ago. Ill guess your going to pay $.50 cpr ?
If its 50cpr im calling for sale at matches only and affiliated clubs.
Soooo, did anyone see this ammo come through? I've watch the CMP site for new ammo just about every day but didn't see anything come across.
I’ll go by the past what we will call CMP# time it will come when it comes. If it comes online I’m going to guess it won’t be until June at the earliest what I do see in the future is that the surplus 30 Ott six will probably only be sold to active clubs and at the matches
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