CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park & an 03A3 Score


NES Member
Jan 6, 2013
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Spent a little over a week in Louisiana to help out family and stopped by the CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park. Beautiful place, run by super nice people. I had planned on attending their Talladega 600 match, but life got in the way and I'll have to visit for shooting another time. Electronic targets all the way out to 600 yards and the facilities are first class. Having Easter a little late because one of my kids is working, so some time to post:




It's bigger than it looks in the pics and covers huge acreage for various activities. The South Store is closed to catch up on mail orders but there were a few rifles at TMP. M1C's, D's, and IHC gap letters. Cheapest M1 available was $1900. Not my thing- I was hoping to find a HRA Service Grade. They did have a rack that was half and half M1917's and 1903A3's. Picked up a nice arsenal rebuilt Remington with a 1-1 barrel (nice!) and a NS bolt (very nice!). Per John Beard it was overhauled by Remington at the end of WWII and has a Springfield NS bolt (AOK with me, and better for match shooting) and a Smith Corona stock. Otherwise all parts are Remington. I bought it to shoot Springfield matches. If I am OK with the straight stock, I'll leave it alone. Otherwise I'll get a C stock. I think it would be cool enough to leave as Remington rebuilt it and more legit that way than via artificially 'correcting'.








Probably will have a chance to shoot next weekend.
It is something isn't it. I spent some time there myself when I did my CMP road trip. Not a match, just shooting. Next time I'm going to plan more time at the range. Love the electronic targeting.
Purchasing rifles at the stores is currently quite tough. South Store completely closed to focus upon mail order. North Store hit and miss depending upon re-stock status. Same for TMP. Best to check CMP forums regarding store status. I was lucky to hit the TMP half a day after a re-stock. Even then, all the standard SA and HRA Garands were gone. There are plenty of local buzzards who swoop in regularly until they hit their annual limit.
Imgur not working at the moment for me or I'd post the target, but this is ending up to be a pretty decent shooter. Did some clean-up work on the trigger with an Arkansas stone and replaced the main spring and return spring and got it down to ~4.5 lbs with a decent break. I'd prefer closer to the 3.5 lbs but at least it's better. Lube up, properly torque the action screws, and off to the range. Once I adjusted elevation hit the 10-ring at ~10 o'clock, one click right and the 3 last shots ~1 MOA with 2 X's. Time to leave it alone and just shoot it. Going to use some vintage 168 SMK's, 47.0 grains of Varget, and Lapua brass. I'll shoot this at the next OCSA Springfield match.
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