CO: Shooting at Movie Theater in Aurora

What's a 3-month old baby doing at a midnight screening??

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I asked that this morning as soon as I heard the info. Like seriously! Find a baby sitter or don't go. The shooting aside, nobody wants to watch a movie with a infant screaming in there ear. Not too mention it's midnight!! I just hate stupid. Seriously..
I asked that this morning as soon as I heard the info. Like seriously! Find a baby sitter or don't go. The shooting aside, nobody wants to watch a movie with a infant screaming in there ear. Not too mention it's midnight!! I just hate stupid. Seriously..

At what age should a baby be allowed to a movie? And what is the latest start time I can bring the baby to? Just curious in case I ever become a dad. Thanks!
Lot of Rambos in here.
On that note, I really do not know what I would do, my first instinct, even with the training I have been fortunate to receive, would be GTFO, ASAP. But in reality, every hostile situation, every one, has its own set of parameters that one must make split second decisions on. I do not know for I was not there. I do know this, if there were folks that were carrying in that theater, they are running this incident over and over through their head right now, saying what ifs.

- - - Updated - - -

At what age should a baby be allowed to a movie? And what is the latest start time I can bring the baby to? Just curious in case I ever become a dad. Thanks!
It's common sense to make that call, but there is a serious lack of that right now in this country.
a beta mag? Holy crap.

I was thinking the same thing. I am a pretty calm guy and the only thing that scares me is the fear of heights. That being said, if I was in that theater when tear gas went off, a guy with full body armor, a Glock 40, a Remington 870 12 gauge, and an AR-15 with BETA mags started shooting into the crowd, the thought of that scares the shit out of me. I can't believe I am the only one on here that is frightened by this story.

I always carry and I have carried to every movie since I got my LTC. I don't know what I'd do if that happened to me but I'd hope that I would draw my weapon and protect my girlfriend and get the hell out of there.
I was thinking the same thing. I am a pretty calm guy and the only thing that scares me is the fear of heights. That being said, if I was in that theater when tear gas went off, a guy with full body armor, a Glock 40, a Remington 870 12 gauge, and an AR-15 with BETA mags started shooting into the crowd, the thought of that scares the shit out of me. I can't believe I am the only one on here that is frightened by this story.

I always carry and I have carried to every movie since I got my LTC. I don't know what I'd do if that happened to me but I'd hope that I would draw my weapon and protect my girlfriend and get the hell out of there.
Any time bullets are coming my way, I'm scared shitless, I'll be the first and I know not the last to admit it. It's what you do when that shit happens, ( read earlier post referencing GTFO ASAP ) but I would rather have some arsswipe in full auto unable to control the climb wasting his ammo than some arsswipe with 100 rounds of controlled shooting coming in my direction.
I think I am going to go. Since I don't think watching a movie is considered "Sporting" I won't be carrying. All I have is my two get away sticks and my wit. Wish me luck.
At 2:00 pm they had over 100 FBI and >50 BATF agents on scene. WTF, they already arrested the psychopath.

I heard one of the people who was at the movie near the door he entered. She said that another guy got a call, got up and went over to the door and propped it open for the scumbag so he may not have been working alone.

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At 2:00 pm they had over 100 FBI and >50 BATF agents on scene. WTF, they already arrested the psychopath.

I heard one of the people who was at the movie near the door he entered. She said that another guy got a call, got up and went over to the door and propped it open for the scumbag so he may not have been working alone.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I guess Obama was right. You can't do anything in America without help.
..and BTW, if I am in a theater and a dude shows up in full body armor tossing gas canisters, then wields an AR with a Beta-Mag 100 rd drum (or hell, simply the AR) along with a shotgun and semi-auto HGs, I am indeed GTFO ASAP, on the floor, prone crawl. I can shoot well, but not in that situation.
CNN now saying that he bought all the guns legally.Jessie jack off is saying all semi auto guns need to be banned. Thankfully the only sane person there is Newt Gingrich. He mentioned that New York and Chicago have strong gun laws and murder still happens very freqeuntly.He said laws do nothing to stop criminals.I never thought I would say I liked something Newt said but bravo. These stupid sheep are saying they need metal detectors in places like that. Do they forget that the guy entered without the guns and went out to get them through an emergency door? What dumb asses.
It sure as hell ain't the craziest by any means...but in that scenario, knowing a nutjob has 100 rounds under controlled fire circumstances sure isn't good.

You get the point, right?

The hysterics (quote Jose) in this thread are ridiculous.

The issue isn't the equipment.
You get the point, right?

The hysterics (quote Jose) in this thread are ridiculous.

The issue isn't the equipment.

I AGREE 100% and do get the point. U R right in your Beta-Mag hysteria, I get that.

The issue is/was a sick, twisted **** who planned a heinous crime, executed his plan, and should be put down like a ferrel animal
Jesus christ...I just watched the news. Why I don't know.........

Welcome to your nightly news.........

:que extremely somber music:

Live to aurora-

"And now we have the guy who sold popcorn to someone who knew someone in a theater once"

:reference columbine; invoke somber memory:

"Diane, he had hi powered assault machine ak 47s with cop killing bullets that can go through 5 people before it makes it's right turn and kills the pope"

:que sad music:

"this has been your nightly news, I'm going to now insert some deep thought provoking quote that we got off google"

:fade to black:
I AGREE 100% and do get the point. U R right in your Beta-Mag hysteria, I get that.

The issue is/was a sick, twisted **** who planned a heinous crime, executed his plan, and should be put down like a ferrel animal

Gotcha, but there's not much us regular folk can do about something like this. We do our best to protect ours.

I went out today and saw the new Batman in a crowded theater. I didn't carry an RPG for fear of my personal safety. I refuse to let shit like this make me worry.
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