Concealed Carry Hammer Fired

How do you like it? I'm thinking now I'm between the EMP and Sig p938. P938 still seems more friendly to conceal but hard to argue with the EMP as well.
Because it's a windshield smashing .40, it's all steel, to reliably contain and direct the immense power conversion. So it's not feather light. It's also got an ambidextrous safety, which isn't the hot setup for deep concealment. And while it's not inexpensive, it's slick AF. My primary ccw is a p365. That thing's so boring. The EMP is very nice. But, it's a better fit for OWB.
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I'll toss in my experience with summer carry guns:
For many years it was a Walther PPK/s. Ultimately I decided the gun was not reliable enough to trust my life on.
After that for almost a decade, it was an east German Makarov. Ridiculously more reliable, but big as hell for such a caliber.
In 2017 I bought a P938 and it immediately became my new favorite warm weather carry gun. Capacity is lacking but even with a seven round magazine the gun is easy to conceal and I shoot it well.
Fast forward to 2021 and cutting alcohol out of my daily intake dropped 40lbs off my frame pretty quick. I stopped carrying a full size 1911 for cold weather as much, instead going with the G48, MUCH lighter and easier to carry. I then figured may as well stick with a similar manual of arms for the summer gun and got a P365.

The idea of staying with the same manual of arms between different carry guns for different dress never crossed my mind for years but lately I've been paying more attention to it.
I'll toss in my experience with summer carry guns:
For many years it was a Walther PPK/s. Ultimately I decided the gun was not reliable enough to trust my life on.
After that for almost a decade, it was an east German Makarov. Ridiculously more reliable, but big as hell for such a caliber.
In 2017 I bought a P938 and it immediately became my new favorite warm weather carry gun. Capacity is lacking but even with a seven round magazine the gun is easy to conceal and I shoot it well.
Fast forward to 2021 and cutting alcohol out of my daily intake dropped 40lbs off my frame pretty quick. I stopped carrying a full size 1911 for cold weather as much, instead going with the G48, MUCH lighter and easier to carry. I then figured may as well stick with a similar manual of arms for the summer gun and got a P365.

The idea of staying with the same manual of arms between different carry guns for different dress never crossed my mind for years but lately I've been paying more attention to it.
Another one of my favorite DA/SA guns I own is my CZ82 in 9mm mak

My train of thought on manual of arms WRT my carry is ideally a gun with no safety, be it Striker fired or DA/SA or DAO
Although I haven’t owned a DAO gun in quite some time
I don’t carry my beretta 92 because it has a safety, and I don’t want to think about where it may be in SD situation, same reason I don’t carry the CZ82 much. Although the safety is easy to manipulate on the 82 being a lefty with small hands, it’s quite difficult on the 92.

This is just my logic, I’m not afraid of carrying a single action cocked and locked I’m afraid of fumbling when my life may depend on it
Sometimes I think you guys dress like MC Hammer or something, because I definitely cannot conceal a fullsize gun very easily in summer.

Part of the problem is you have to see whether you're hallucinating or not. Honestly even what I would call a 50% print is almost completely undetectable by most. My ex KNEW I carried a gun and she couldn't tell half the time. How do I put this... we are biased because we know exactly where the gun is. It is difficult to subtract this bias when evaluating

You have to ask yourself this: What are you concealing against? randos in general public land where you're otherwise legal? then its like, who gives a shit. Or are you carrying in an NPE (eg, someplace where you're not supposed to be with the a gun) or against higher security or sharper tacks?

Those are two ENTIRELY different grades of concealment, IMHO. And 95% of the public will never see even a 70% print, they will be completely oblivious. And I mean obvious rules are obvious... I'm talking not having a belt that lets it flop around, and not touching the gun, like, ever, though your clothing. Not having cover garments that are too short, easily bunch up and completely blow concealment.

If you're not comfortable with anything outside of "nearly 100%" then I get that, but IMHO in real life, most of the time.... it simply isn't necessary.

ETA: most of the braying I hear about summer carry has nothing to do with concealment and everything to do with people being lazy shitbirds about the type of clothing they wear
during the summer. At least if you can admit that and go from there, then make choices... if thats the actual problem.
The gun you carry is all about how you dress. It'd amazing how many small guns sell because people want concealment, but a simple tweak in your clothing and you can CC a Glock 34 in a t shirt in the summer and be fine...

99% is lazy men that dont want to wear belts or like skinny guys that want to wear hipster fitted jeans or bullshit like that. [rofl]
You have to ask yourself this: What are you concealing against?
In my case, besides NPEs, I'm concealing against the 2 groups most likely to notice, cops and criminals. I'm a law-abiding citizen, and I only carry where it's legal ("no guns" signs have no force of law here), but I still don't want to draw the attention of the police. Criminals, well that should be obvious.
In my case, besides NPEs, I'm concealing against the 2 groups most likely to notice, cops and criminals. I'm a law-abiding citizen, and I only carry where it's legal ("no guns" signs have no force of law here), but I still don't want to draw the attention of the police. Criminals, well that should be obvious.

You're still way overstating the "challenge"- I guarantee you most cops and most criminals wont see through even the most rudimentary concealment attempts, unless the person carrying is really bad and gives off a lot of tells or something, or has completely blown concealment.

You guy sare smoking crack if you think most cops or most criminals have secret "gun radar" or something. [rofl] They don't, theyre not that much different from the rest of
us. It's a lot harder than you think it is.
I guarantee you most cops and most criminals wont see through even the most rudimentary concealment attempts, unless the person carrying is really bad and gives off a lot of tells or something, or has completely blown concealment.
Like this guy at Market Square Day in Portsmouth about 4 years ago. He and his old lady were walking toward us on Fleet Street. He was printing so hard that from 10 yards away, I would be almost willing to swear he was carrying a G19.
99% is lazy men that dont want to wear belts or like skinny guys that want to wear hipster fitted jeans or bullshit like that. [rofl]
I'll also echo your earlier statement. My girlfriend could never tell whether I had a gun on me or not. And most of the time she was a lot closer than the cashier at Costco...
I'll also echo your earlier statement. My girlfriend could never tell whether I had a gun on me or not. And most of the time she was a lot closer than the cashier at Costco...
How does a GF NOT know you are carrying?
I'll also echo your earlier statement. My girlfriend could never tell whether I had a gun on me or not. And most of the time she was a lot closer than the cashier at Costco...
Same here, wife never notices unless she goes in for a hug. G19 with a spare mag appendix all year round, shorts or jeans and T-shirt. Get the right holster and belt and printing is a non issue, I could do it with a 17 if wanted but I like the 19. As for hammer fired the cz p01 is just as easy to conceal. The only thing that actually prints on me is the hood of the red dot.
Apparently my GFs have been abnormally affectionate, they may not know I'm carrying when I walk out the door, but it doesn't take long before they figure it out.

You guys need more hugs
Hi All,
Looking to pick up a concealed carry, only considering hammer fired. Currently looking at Sig P938 and CZ 75 Compact. Sig seems easier to conceal especially in warmer weather attire. What other make/models would you consider taking into account the ability to carry.
Do you realize that these are entirely different operating systems? Are you comfortable carrying cocked-and-locked on the P938? Are you comfortable manually decocking the CZ 75? Are you comfortable with DA/SA?

Decide your preferred operating system first. Only then decide on which gun.
I’m late to the party.

Smith and Wesson 3913, the Ladysmith model without the pink grips.

To the member I sold mine to, I’ll buy it back if you are interested……

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