Connecticut Gun Owners Revolt; Refuse to Register Firearms & Magazines

I like how Patton said it better

"It's not your job to die for your country, it your job to make the other poor dumb bastard die for his."

I have no illusions, a firefight with 10:1 odds is not a good place to be. The question is, is Freedom worth it? Even if you aren't around to see it? Think of all the nameless/faceless hero's from the Revolutionary War that did great things to further the idea of Freedom and are no longer remembered. Far more likely we would fall into that category than the Washington/Jefferson catagory - but if the cause is just, and the fight moral - in the end, Freedom wins and our descendants do as well - even if they don't even know our name.

Exactly. The minutemen didn't take on King George looking for fame and recognition. They did it to save their children and future generations from having to fight for their freedom.
The next step is to demand that the CT legislature follow the law they created and confiscate the, "assault weapons," from the felons who possess them and try the alleged felons.

The CT gun owners have the power now. Unless they demand that the legislature follow the law they will get picked off one by one.

ETA. I am in on this even though from MA. I think we can all join the gun owners against the CT politicians.

Seeing that the lawmakers don't care much about enforcement and only care about passing feel-good legislation, I'm afraid people will get picked off one at a time. Unless the first one is the perfect case to get the law overturned, it will ruin a bunch of people before things get settled.

Any bets on a member of the protected class getting caught with an unregistered rifle/magazine and not getting punished?
Just 38,000 of 2.4 million magazines registered after passage of new law

January 30, 2014

Gun owners in Connecticut have revolted against a new gun control law, with just 38,000 out of 2.4 million high capacity magazines being registered with authorities.

Following the Sandy Hook shooting in December 2012, Connecticut passed a law which banned ammunition magazines capable of carrying more than 10 rounds. Residents who had acquired such magazines before the law came into effect were mandated to register them with state police by January 1, 2014. The law also banned assault rifles manufactured after 1994, requiring them to be declared to authorities.

Weeks after the deadline expired, authorities revealed that 50,016 assault weapons and 38,290 ammunition magazines had been registered.
Good to know that there not all sheep in CT.
i guess most gun owners dont care about the children or worse. [shocked]
Supposing 10% of the state of CT effective Monday, walked out of their jobs and stopped paying for taxes and utilities, that would send a pretty big shock to a system. Technically, that would be peaceful. I don't know about you, but I work for a small corporation of about 2,500 and if 250 people didn't show up for work for the next month that things would grind to an absolute stand-still due to over-interconnectivity and or dependency of critical positions. Anyone got the balls for that??? Doubt it....
they are doing this one at a time by moving. i am thinking of selling my current house and buying a tiny house here and a nice spread in NH for weekends. i will do what i can to starve the beast.
Use it to transport your ammo cache, of course...

That's not going to work if I have to hide in the woods. It might give my location away.

- - - Updated - - -

I think it was a metaphor. Like "the Little Engine That Could".

I think I can...I think I can...[wink]

Last time I said that I had to change my underwear.
That's not going to work if I have to hide in the woods. It might give my location away.

Not if you move to Carver...

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When Mass changed licensing, only 250,000 people "complied" and got a new FID or license, also about 10% of the estimated number of active FIDs (as if they had any clue).
Well it should be obvious to the legislators why it did not work, there was no reason behind registering the guns,

it has no potential of solving or stopping crime, (kinda like knowing a person has knife dose not stop it from being stolen or used in a crime) so the only other reason for it is................thats right folks, a confiscation in the future,

Some people like to think that wont happen, well the legislators almost showed there hand already saying thats exsactly what they were trying to do
Any bets on a member of the protected class getting caught with an unregistered rifle/magazine and not getting punished?

Unless it happens under the right conditions, you probably will never here of it if it dose, just a have a nice day mr money bags, sorry to bother you
so when will the "non registereds" be visiting their local range for a quick couple of mag dumps?
I've read here and there that in CA police will patrol ranges and the roads near ranges. Apparently game wardens question anyone with an EBR too. Can't remember if it was in the TTAG comments section or on Calguns.

Questioning is fine. One doesn't need to answer. Nor can they search without probable cause. Sadly, the police are the dupes in the politicians plans. And, that's simply not right. In fact, that's oppression. If the police have nothing better to do than monitor gun ranges, there better be a zero crime rate in that town. Otherwise, that's a complete waste of funding.

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Connecticut politicians have become quite proficient at driving productive people out of state. I cannot help but to think that's the plan. Not sure why, though, since the productive are the ones who pay for their horsecrap.
I figure most folks just registered the 2 or 3 mags that they normally bring to the range and have stashed the rest. Of course having to reload magazines at the range provides a great opportunity to bitch about the government now don't it. [wink]
Supposing 10% of the state of CT effective Monday, walked out of their jobs and stopped paying for taxes and utilities, that would send a pretty big shock to a system. Technically, that would be peaceful. I don't know about you, but I work for a small corporation of about 2,500 and if 250 people didn't show up for work for the next month that things would grind to an absolute stand-still due to over-interconnectivity and or dependency of critical positions. Anyone got the balls for that??? Doubt it....

Never said I did. I was just describing a situation. I'm not in the NES tough guy army.

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Here is the statement that matters going forward:
As Guglielmo pointed out, it's hard to think of an issue Malloy would less rather deal with in an election year. A reopening of the registration period would reopen emotional debates.
If they send out letters, write 'Molon Labe' across them and send them back.

I would also come to Hartford - it's 100 miles for me, I'd also fill up on fuel and food before I left so as not to spend a dime in CT while there.
Guglielmo heard from a constituent at a meeting in Ashford, who said most of his friends with military-style rifles such as AR-15s had not come forward.

"He made the analogy to prohibition," Guglielmo said. "I said, 'You're talking about civil disobedience, and he said 'Yes.' "

Moar like "Molon Labe, mother ****er !"
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