I like how Patton said it better
"It's not your job to die for your country, it your job to make the other poor dumb bastard die for his."
I have no illusions, a firefight with 10:1 odds is not a good place to be. The question is, is Freedom worth it? Even if you aren't around to see it? Think of all the nameless/faceless hero's from the Revolutionary War that did great things to further the idea of Freedom and are no longer remembered. Far more likely we would fall into that category than the Washington/Jefferson catagory - but if the cause is just, and the fight moral - in the end, Freedom wins and our descendants do as well - even if they don't even know our name.
Exactly. The minutemen didn't take on King George looking for fame and recognition. They did it to save their children and future generations from having to fight for their freedom.