Connecticut Gun Owners Revolt; Refuse to Register Firearms & Magazines


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Dec 13, 2006
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Just 38,000 of 2.4 million magazines registered after passage of new law

January 30, 2014

Gun owners in Connecticut have revolted against a new gun control law, with just 38,000 out of 2.4 million high capacity magazines being registered with authorities.

Following the Sandy Hook shooting in December 2012, Connecticut passed a law which banned ammunition magazines capable of carrying more than 10 rounds. Residents who had acquired such magazines before the law came into effect were mandated to register them with state police by January 1, 2014. The law also banned assault rifles manufactured after 1994, requiring them to be declared to authorities.

Weeks after the deadline expired, authorities revealed that 50,016 assault weapons and 38,290 ammunition magazines had been registered.
Good to know that there not all sheep in CT.
Well, there is one piece of new information in this new article.

It states that there are an estimated 370,000 "assault weapons" in CT as of a 2011 survey. I have not seen that figure anywhere else. If that information is reliable, then is it clear that the residents of CT did in fact tell Malloy to take a long walk off a short cliff.

Other states should take notice, the people will ignore any ban or registration you implement. So unless you intend to come to their door, and who knows how that will end, you would be better off to find some other BS feel-good cause...
Well, there is one piece of new information in this new article.

It states that there are an estimated 370,000 "assault weapons" in CT as of a 2011 survey. I have not seen that figure anywhere else. If that information is reliable, then is it clear that the residents of CT did in fact tell Malloy to take a long walk off a short cliff.

Other states should take notice, the people will ignore any ban or registration you implement. So unless you intend to come to their door, and who knows how that will end, you would be better off to find some other BS feel-good cause...

For the record, noncompliance is a long way off from revolt.

The next step is to demand that the CT legislature follow the law they created and confiscate the, "assault weapons," from the felons who possess them and try the alleged felons.

The CT gun owners have the power now. Unless they demand that the legislature follow the law they will get picked off one by one.

ETA. I am in on this even though from MA. I think we can all join the gun owners against the CT politicians.
I'm not advocating violence, just taking issue with the choice of words of the article. Gun owners in the northeast don't have the numbers or sympathies needed for a peaceful revolt, FWIW.
I'm not advocating violence, just taking issue with the choice of words of the article. Gun owners in the northeast don't have the numbers or sympathies needed for a peaceful revolt, FWIW.

First off, revolt is the wrong word to use in conjunction with "peaceful." "Peasant" goes good with revolt, along with "religious fanaticism", and "slave."

A "peaceful" revolt would be better described as passive resistance, non-violent resistance, a strike, a rally, or a protest. Maybe a boycott. Be careful about words, they have many subtle meanings.

Second, I do think New England has enough gun owners to put together a campaign of passive resistance. How many people do you need? 100? 200? 500? 1000? 10,000?

Think about it like this - a gun club holds anywhere from 50 to 600 members usually. There's 25 gun clubs in Rhode Island. If you use an average number of 250 members, that's 6250 people. Not including people who aren't members of gun clubs, etc.

We don't need a mass of people - we already have that. What we need is better communication between groups. Does GOAL talk to the RI, CT, VT, NH and ME groups? Do the groups in each state talk to each other? In my experience, the answer is a strong NO.
I'm not advocating violence, just taking issue with the choice of words of the article. Gun owners in the northeast don't have the numbers or sympathies needed for a peaceful revolt, FWIW.

So non gun owners have the numbers? And what would they fight with, hope and change?
The majority is always apathetic...on every issue. That works against gun owners fighting against legislation but works for them when it's obvious the law is not being followed or possibly enforced.
It's called civil disobedience and it is what leads to revolt. Either passive or non.

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Supposing 10% of the state of CT effective Monday, walked out of their jobs and stopped paying for taxes and utilities, that would send a pretty big shock to a system. Technically, that would be peaceful. I don't know about you, but I work for a small corporation of about 2,500 and if 250 people didn't show up for work for the next month that things would grind to an absolute stand-still due to over-interconnectivity and or dependency of critical positions. Anyone got the balls for that??? Doubt it....
For the record, noncompliance is a long way off from revolt.

This is thankfully true.

Non-Compliance is exactly how the Canadians beat their own gun registry.....took something like 10+ years but they eventually buried it in a deep hole largely as a result of non compliance......and quebec is now fighting to retain registration info.....f-ing frenchies.......
Gun owners in the northeast don't have the numbers or sympathies needed for a peaceful revolt, FWIW.

If that were true, why aren't they rounding people up for non compliance? I think the fact they're talking "amnesty" means gun owners are winning. In reality, it doesn't take that many people to gum up a gov't system.
I like how Patton said it better

"It's not your job to die for your country, it your job to make the other poor dumb bastard die for his."

I have no illusions, a firefight with 10:1 odds is not a good place to be. The question is, is Freedom worth it? Even if you aren't around to see it? Think of all the nameless/faceless hero's from the Revolutionary War that did great things to further the idea of Freedom and are no longer remembered. Far more likely we would fall into that category than the Washington/Jefferson catagory - but if the cause is just, and the fight moral - in the end, Freedom wins and our descendants do as well - even if they don't even know our name.
50,000 semis and 38,000 mags are only a drop in the bucket in CT out of a populace of 3.4 million hahaha...of course CT its a victory for gun owners that didn't comply.... Now will the swat team start confiscating guns....NO bcs they don't have the resources and the will to do so...there would be a big outcry from the sheep and a lot of political backlash here in CT. We are not California were the next state is 100 of miles away... this was from a Hartford cop i spoke too not long ago. CT is mostly sheep very close to NYC. A lot of sheep thinking you can get infected quickly.... I say to the people that have guns and prefer a peaceful revolution then bullets sell your gun buy a slingshot it will suit you better.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson
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