This is CT, it will not cost them seats.
How big was the Malloy's margin of victory?
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This is CT, it will not cost them seats.
What else does it say? What is the point? I don't see that it has anything to do with the common run of semi-auto rifles that the AWB is all about. More likely, it's to keep the CT AWB separate from the Federal Laws concerning full auto weapons, so that if the Feds say you can have an M-16, then the state won't get in your way.
How big was the Malloy's margin of victory?
Ok we need to fill up this place with lots of us. Put that link up in every fourm in ct you can thx's... What sucks is I have pistol that they don't even make 10 round mag's. so I would have to sell like 4 guns and get ride of 40 or sou mag's. thats a lot of cash mutiply that times 25,000 people here in ct thats a lot of monet there gonna cost us in these tuff times.. Lets beat this all of you show up take the day off do whatever go to all you gun stores and put up this date and tell people to go. see all you there....
HARTFORD, Conn. -- Gun owners packed a state legislative hearing Wednesday to voice opposition to a bill that would ban semiautomatic guns with a magazine.
(c) Any person who (1) prior to the effective date of this section, lawfully possessed a large capacity magazine, and (2) not later than ninety days after the effective date of this section, removes such magazine from this state or surrenders such magazine to an organized local police department or the Department of Public Safety for destruction, shall not be subject to prosecution for a violation of subsection (b) of this section.
Connecticut man allegedly threatens legislator over ammo bill