CT man fires shot to scare off burglar, both arrested

Yet that article and even this "plain english" interpretation for juries says it's perfectly legal to defend your home with deadly force.

I actually feel better now knowing this. Still don't want to ever have to put it to the test though. [wink]

Thanks for finding that link. One thing interesting in those jury instructions is that it makes clear that the burden of proof is on the state as to whether the conditions justifying deadly force existed.

In other words, you are innocent until proven guilty. That's amazing, I thought that concept was obsolete!

Wow, you're absolutely correct. I'm honestly shocked. It's been drilled into my head for so long that defense of your property, including home, was not allowed. Everyone from my NRA safety instructor to local LEOs have echoed the same thing.

Yet that article and even this "plain english" interpretation for juries says it's perfectly legal to defend your home with deadly force.

I actually feel better now knowing this. Still don't want to ever have to put it to the test though. [wink]

You really need to read the laws of the State of Connecticut thoroughly.Thinking like that will get you killed.Connecticut has what's called the Castle Doctrine which states basically the same as the laws posted above.In Laymans terms it states that if "you fear in any way for your life" in your home you have every right to use deadly force.You are only required to "retreat" if at all possible if you are in public.
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