Dallas Shooting Thread

I wonder if people realize how the murder of five cops is going to change things? One man shoots 11 cops, that is huge. After the Miami shootout the cops made huge changes but think about this murder, how will they continue to do business as usual when lone gunmen are killing so many? How will this change policing and in turn how will this affect crime?

Plate armor for starters

How many of these officers would have survived with level 4 armor?

Might be a bitch to wear but when the alternative is dead......
I believe the cops tactics and training are going to change big time. Plates will help but having to wear 40 pounds will change the way they do things too. Maybe some of that lighter stuff but then two hits in the same place and it goes through.

Miami shooting the cops changed just about everything they did, it's going to be difficult to maintain the same profile now that so many have been shot and murdered.
Plate armor for starters

How many of these officers would have survived with level 4 armor?

Might be a bitch to wear but when the alternative is dead......

Some will probably wear it contextually, others won't. It's a huge burden to guard against a corner case. You can bet they're probably going to go full retard at these BLM events, though.

This WILL lead to departments across the country to think, act and make purchases more military like. Police forces are already militarized, this will justify it in a lot of minds and further the progression.

When this thread was starting a few days ago, one of my early thoughts was "what company makes those bearcats, that stock is going to go up"
Some will probably wear it contextually, others won't. It's a huge burden to guard against a corner case. You can bet they're probably going to go full retard at these BLM events, though.


Big City, Major Event, yeah, they will add plates, partners and near-by heavy back-up. The big black trucks parked just out of sight are already there.

"Black Lives Matter" protests get ugly when SWAT officers appear, and they often pull them off. But if posted before TSHTF, they will become expected.

Wandering around London, where I'm at on business, one finds LEO units/partners strolling around with automatic weapons and body armor, with hard armor worn by officers at gov't center entrances. All mingling with the throngs of tourists, who hardly glance at them. I'll post pictures later ;-)
And now this:

Obama: 'Demented' Dallas shooter doesn't represent all Americans

US President Obama said the United States is not as racially divided as some believe following a deadly shooting in Dallas. He also said the proliferation of guns contributes to tensions between communities and police.

The president also brought up the issue of gun control in the United States, saying that the proliferation of guns contributes to tensions between police and the communities they serve.
Police often have a difficult time in communities where guns are more plentiful and have very little margin for error when making decisions, he said.
"If you care about the safety of our police officers, then you can't set aside the gun issue and pretend it's irrelevant," Obama emphasized, defending calls for stricter gun control in the wake of the shootings.
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I've missed about 70 pages of this thread, so was it an sks he used or what?

I've read several places that it was an SKS, and he also had a handgun. The fact that the media hasn't reported that it was an AR lends credence to the SKS thought.
And now this:

Obama: 'Demented' Dallas shooter doesn't represent all Americans

US President Obama said the United States is not as racially divided as some believe following a deadly shooting in Dallas. He also said the proliferation of guns contributes to tensions between communities and police.

What I get from that is police want to be able to shoot people without being afraid of getting shot at in return.
We should ask Barry on Monday:

1. Where is the report from ambush and killing in Oregon? That was a clear FBI violence.
2. Where is the report from Orlando?
3. Where is the wife of the shooter from Orlando?
4. Why Barry refuses to use his influence over BLM and why he does not order them to stop immediately their calls for attacks on police?
5. Why he insists on disarmament of law abiding citizens when he can't provide security?
Police often have a difficult time in communities where guns are more plentiful and have very little margin for error when making decisions, he said.
"If you care about the safety of our police officers, then you can't set aside the gun issue and pretend it's irrelevant," Obama emphasized, defending calls for stricter gun control in the wake of the shootings.

One trick pony.

So, the Charleston killer's actions were considered a hate crime, but a guy specifically saying that he wanted to kill white people and especially white cops is nebulous? Makes total f-ing sense.

When black protesters shout on camera:"Kill pigs!", they just want more meat because they are hungry.

When white citizens ask for detailed report on ambush and killing in Oregon they must be all crazy!

America is not divided!

Barry needs to stop spreading non-sense!
What I get from that is police want to be able to shoot people without being afraid of getting shot at in return.

Not only that. Police will be converted into military units with technology used on front lines. Obviously, recent shootings of innocent people clearly show that police knows what they are doing. Very soon we will deal with fully armed robots in our hoods. Is this what we want?
Not only that. Police will be converted into military units with technology used on front lines. Obviously, recent shootings of innocent people clearly show that police knows what they are doing. Very soon we will deal with fully armed robots in our hoods. Is this what we want?

The militarization of our PDs is well on track, and hit a nice uptick these last couple weeks! If only these crazy protesters that advocate for violence against cops knew how it's really going to turn out.. Still plenty of Iraq/Afghanistan surplus and the Military-industrial complex is getting a bit slow unless you're doing UAVs or shipbuilding.

3 people are still in custody but we have "a journal" from shooter's house which clearly show he was completely crazy because he was writing about changing positions while shooting. WTF? :

A journal “filled with combat-type tactics” was recovered from the suspect’s home, said Judge Clay Jenkins, Dallas County’s chief executive. The “somewhat voluminous” journal includes “shoot and move” strategies, Jenkins said.
“It’s a concept of wanting to move from vantage point to vantage point, without being pinned down in one location, to inflict as much damage as possible,” Jenkins said.
The journal was one piece of a puzzle that has led investigators to believe that the suspect acted alone. Initially, because gunfire appeared to have come from multiple locations, shooting people at different angles, authorities believed more than one suspect could have been involved.

We must be all crazy thinking that these 3 are there for parking violations only:

Police had also said they took three other people into custody — two men and a woman — but they have offered no word on if these people were still being held or why. A Dallas police spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment.

Avis Blanton, who lived next door to Micah Xavier Johnson and his family for more than 12 years in the Dallas suburb of Mesquite, said Johnson “was a good kid. He was truly, truly good.” In an interview Friday, she said she believes Johnson “just snapped.”
“Black folks are tired,” Blanton, 43, said. “We are just tired. I am not justifying what he did, but I see why he did it.”

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One nut case can't bring chaos!

Rawlings, the Dallas mayor, toured the site of the shooting Saturday, stopping at a park bench for a moment before breaking down in sobs.

“I just want everybody to take a time out here. I just want those officers lives to matter,” he said. “If we don’t use this to create something good, then it’s just an absurdity what happened, a Camus-like absurdity. It’s like watching a plague take over. History is a dance, we go backwards and forwards. And now we can dance toward progress, or dance toward chaos.
What was posted by JTNf about what Mike Rowe said in the last 2 paragraphs I thought was well said:

"It’s not just the world, Alicia, or all the trouble in it. And it’s not just the news, or our ability to cover so much more of it. It’s our conscious decision to present it like some never-ending promo for Game of Thrones. That’s why you’re anxious. Because the media has discovered that keeping you informed, is not nearly as profitable as keeping you on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

.....To sum up, it’s human to feel bad in the wake of tragedies like this one, and normal to feel sad when innocent people are murdered. But do yourself a favor - don’t let cable news or social media or anything else suck you into their bottomless pit of high anxiety. Believe me - they will if you let ‘em. And if that happens, you will indeed reach the point of no return.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to dry the pee out my smartphone.

The media is complicit in what is going on. They fuel the flames and stoke the fires of peoples emotions. Civil unrest brings ratings.
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What was posted by JTNf about what Mike Rowe said in the last 2 paragraphs I thought was well said:

"It’s not just the world, Alicia, or all the trouble in it. And it’s not just the news, or our ability to cover so much more of it. It’s our conscious decision to present it like some never-ending promo for Game of Thrones. That’s why you’re anxious. Because the media has discovered that keeping you informed, is not nearly as profitable as keeping you on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

.....To sum up, it’s human to feel bad in the wake of tragedies like this one, and normal to feel sad when innocent people are murdered. But do yourself a favor - don’t let cable news or social media or anything else suck you into their bottomless pit of high anxiety. Believe me - they will if you let ‘em. And if that happens, you will indeed reach the point of no return.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to dry the pee out my smartphone.

The media is complicit in what is going on. They fuel the flames and stoke the fires of peoples emotions. Civil unrest brings ratings.

In this case media are downplaying craziness of the community disorganizer.
The militarization of our PDs is well on track, and hit a nice uptick these last couple weeks! If only these crazy protesters that advocate for violence against cops knew how it's really going to turn out.. Still plenty of Iraq/Afghanistan surplus and the Military-industrial complex is getting a bit slow unless you're doing UAVs or shipbuilding.

Yesterday, Fox News and CNN covered for few hours Dallas PD searching their own parking garage for a possible intruder who supposedly escaped. We have entered The Age of Non-sense.
I do not think we have a luxury to be quiet anymore. Barry and his admin launched an attack on us and they will not stop. Real issues are not being addressed. They are actually neglected and eventually erased. BLM has no problem to block streets in major cities right after racial motivated killings.

I do not see our strategy of polite objections working at all.
“Black folks are tired,” Blanton, 43, said. “We are just tired. I am not justifying what he did, but I see why he did it.”

Frankly, I'm getting tired of hearing how tired "black folk" are, given that, as a demographic, they commit violent crimes a vastly disproportional rate. What was it some wise man purportedly said about removing the beam from one's own eye before scrutinizing the speck in your neighbor's?
Frankly, I'm getting tired of hearing how tired "black folk" are, given that, as a demographic, they commit violent crimes a vastly disproportional rate. What was it some wise man purportedly said about removing the beam from one's own eye before scrutinizing the speck in your neighbor's?

If she can "see why he did it" maybe we need to stop being tired.
And in fairly usual style of many NES posters, you shoot the messenger and completely ignore the message.

I have served, matter of fact I did my full six year commitment on active duty and got out, honorably discharged with no strings attached.

Do you know what part of my duties and training involved? Contingency Planning, so yes I understand fully that plans can and do go to shit at times so you can check that false narrative off your list.

So, knowing that plans can and do go to shit, that doesn't mean you discontinue to make them or not improve on those already made. You assumed a lot of things to try and bolster your insults, none of which are true and no I am not the type of person "they" (who ever the hell they are) are coming for, neither now or when/if things fall apart. Who "they" and everyone else will be coming for are those who become predators, most likely you and certainly the poster you are so willingly defending.

Think about being part of the solution way ahead of time, it will come much easier if/when you really need to be rather than becoming the predator that you defend.

I knew you had served, that is why I didn't say " If you had served.... " but rather " Those of us who served...."
I really want to stop this back and forth. But there you go again, with your Holier than thou position. Why do you assume that people will become predators? You don't know what plans he may have in place, or I may have in place, what our training or situations are.

You talk about " losing all credibility" and call for less government but you are a retired government employee.. So, I defend the poster that you say will loot and pillage ( not sure where that came from ) and you defend the poster that calls for murdering police, .gov officials and their families, and every month you cash a government retirement check... from Mass. Hmmmm. OK.

I agree with you that this country is in trouble. I just don't think that killing people, cops or civilians, is the right course of action.
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