Deals and steals

Under deals some left over HK parts.

HK PSG trigger pack for HK 91/93.


Nambian stock set with HD buffer.


Stock barrels are absolutely fine. You can easily get 5000 through it and it will keep on working. There are two reasons aftermarket barrels exist:
1) Glocks are so simple, anyone can customize them. People like to make their guns unique, different. slides, barrels, and triggers are the three most common and easier upgrades for a glock, requiring no special tools.
2) Polymer80 has started a revolution by enabling people to build their own guns. This resulted in even more demand for aftermarket parts.
Third reason is that some folks believe that the polygonal rifling in the standard Glock barrel tends to foul when shooting lead bullets. Folks will switch to a conventionally rifled barrel because of this. For example, in the description of the referenced barrel:

  • Conventional rifling with a polished chamber and bore to perform well with lead, plated and jacketed bullets
They seem to have a 'special' now for 9 more hours, unless it is a thing they always have, but, anyway - there:

NordVPN 2 year Premium Subscription
$89.00/2 year​
Yeah, a bunch of you can’t buy this but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good deal. Don’t @ me.

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$77???? Damn. I used to be pissed when I had to pay more than $20.
at the height of primer hype, gunbroker had them at $300. today, anything under $100 is a good deal. if things continue as they are, we'll be back to $50 in a few months. If the supreme court rules in favor of 2A, the prices will drop further
we'll be back to $50 in a few months. If the supreme court rules in favor of 2A, the prices will drop further

good luck with that. #nothappening

Mark my words...primers will not decrease until AFTER if/when there’s a red tide in November of 2022. Enjoy your ‘new normal’.

All that being said, buy what you can while you can and do it with a smile because you’ll have them the next time they’re no longer available.
It’s 10% off, thanks!

Nice. I may stock up, but it only took me a quart on the spray gun plus a single spray can to do my new dodge Sunday.

I love this kit with the wands to get inside the frame: Woolwax® Lanolin Undercoat Kit 4 quarts

edit: just bought a case of spray cans. 10% coupon code + 5% paypal bonus category from my cc makes it much cheaper than buying Fluid Film from Lowes.
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How is Zaffiri? Coincidentally I was looking on their site earlier today with an eye towards finishing my P80 into a G34 clone.
At the height of the tardness over the last 18 months. They've been selling slides like hotcakes on Ebay.

I checked into them. They mainly seem good to go. Reddit had a few instances where the channel liner bore wasn't correct and they never got a solid resolution from the seller.

Even better deal. Looks like you can do a whole build for $449. Never bought from 80P before and don’t know anything about them…

Even better deal. Looks like you can do a whole build for $449. Never bought from 80P before and don’t know anything about them…

Even better deal at 80P Builder for $400:
I wonder how it compares to the $700 Odin Works upper from Primary Arms that you persuaded me to get a couple of weeks ago in the 9mm vs 45 acp .223/5.56 vs. ????? thread.:) (So far I’m happy with the Odin upper, but haven’t gotten any serious range time with it. Only function checked it on my backyard range.)
I’m pretty sure it’s just the UU kit with out all the extra stuff (stock buffer trigger lpk etc) and if it is it should be pretty damn good
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