Dealing with the gen z.......I swear some days I just want to say f*** it and head to the woods and be a hermit.

I found the youngest to be the best so far. At least in sales, and the company I work at being hard to get into, the people that join young want to grow and make money.

My youngest guy is 29, he is running circles around everyone. I recently promoted him.

I had 3 interns, they did great and were eager to learn and kick a**.

The older ones are corporate zombies and do the minimum to get by.

But, my world is very different. Someone managing people in a warehouse might have a different experience.

Don't get me wrong, we have our fair share of young kids that are horrible at their jobs. But that is mostly because of sh*t hiring practices and ah*t managers that encouraged them to move on to other teams rather than do the hard, and right, work and get them out of the company.
Gotta realize a guy that's 55 with a paid for house and no bills and a lot of his/her financial goals attained for the future....doesn't give a fxck about running around for you, the company or a promotion. He probably was busting his ass that before most of his millenial managers were born. Add to that, he/she probably got downsized and shit on in some bad economies after working very hard. Each situation is different.

In manufacturing....these are the guys who's value is experience. They may not be busting ass, but they've seen a lot of different situations....and save a lot of time when problems pop up that they've seen before. Where some intern or newbie would be scratching their head, wasting time, product and pissing off customers. That old dude goes and turns a few knobs and a button and shit is back online running good product.

That said....not a lot of companies value that anymore and finding a job as an old engineer....the companies mostly know you are just there til retirement and don't want to put any money into you and would rather train and program a young kid.
I'll say that my superstar is is 63 and I'm shitting a brick at the thought of finding anyone close to her level of work ethic, quality, detail and depth of knowledge. I'm hiring and some kid with 2 years experience and no license sent me his resume and his salary ask was $70K!! The going rate with his experience and credentials in about $40-$45K. I haven't responded yet because I haven't found the right words to tell him he's an ass yet.

A client of mine works closely with buy here/pay here dealerships. One of his contacts had a high school grad apply for a spot to basically wash and park cars around the lot and wanted $2K/week. What the frick is wrong with these kids?? He told the kid to go forth and multiply, but seriously...
I'll say that my superstar is is 63 and I'm shitting a brick at the thought of finding anyone close to her level of work ethic, quality, detail and depth of knowledge. I'm hiring and some kid with 2 years experience and no license sent me his resume and his salary ask was $70K!! The going rate with his experience and credentials in about $40-$45K. I haven't responded yet because I haven't found the right words to tell him he's an ass yet.

A client of mine works closely with buy here/pay here dealerships. One of his contacts had a high school grad apply for a spot to basically wash and park cars around the lot and wanted $2K/week. What the frick is wrong with these kids?? He told the kid to go forth and multiply, but seriously...
I'm going to.guess that there is no need to worry about how your going to tell him he is an ass because he will tell you your an ass for what your looking to pay him

Isn't 40/45k a hair above basic entry level wages? if it's that type of job and the kid expects almost double that then nothing your going to say is going to matter much anyways lol
I'm going to.guess that there is no need to worry about how your going to tell him he is an ass because he will tell you your an ass for what your looking to pay him

Isn't 40/45k a hair above basic entry level wages? if it's that type of job and the kid expects almost double that then nothing your going to say is going to matter much anyways lol
45k is a bit more than entry level out to over $21 an hour.....mass minimum wage is $15.

Guess now we can start a session in "minimum wage vs living wage" 😂

I'll start......minimum wage jobs are not meant to live on.......they are for high school students and the like that are trying to make some exta cash. If someone is expecting to have a minimum wage job at mcdonalds and pay all their bills they are borderline retarded......your McDonald's job isn't meant to pay all your bills on.......find another job.

Now.....are there business that exploit the minimum wage? Sure. But heres the problem......there are lots of jobs in manufacturing that are virtually brain dead labor........are those worth more than minimum wage? We have positions in the plant i work at that the job is literally take boxes off the end of a conveyer and stack them on a pallet. Brain dead zero skill zero thinking teaining soneone to do it takes 15 minutes. What's that kind of job worth?
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45k is a bit more than entry level out to over $21 an hour.....mass minimum wage is $15.

Guess now we can start a session in "minimum wage vs living wage" 😂

I'll start......minimum wage jobs are not meant to live on.......they are for high school students and the like that are trying to make some exta cash. If someone is expecting to have a minimum wage job at mcdonalds and pay all their bills they are borderline retarded......your McDonald's job isn't meant to pay all your bills on.......find another job.

Now.....are there business that exploit the minimum wage? Sure. But heres the problem......there are lots of jobs in manufacturing that are virtually brain dead labor........are those worth more than minimum wage? We have positions in the plant i work at that the job is literally take boxes off the end of a conveyer and stack them on a pallet. Brain dead zero skill zero thinking teaining soneone to do it takes 15 minutes. What's that kind of job worth?
I should have clarified, your correct about minimum wage but when I say "Entry Level" I'm not talking about minimum wage jobs, I'm talking about starting off new at a company and getting a job that could turn into a career for your basic person out there looking for a "Real" job not a gig at a fast food place
45k is a bit more than entry level out to over $21 an hour.....mass minimum wage is $15.

Guess now we can start a session in "minimum wage vs living wage" 😂

I'll start......minimum wage jobs are not meant to live on.......they are for high school students and the like that are trying to make some exta cash. If someone is expecting to have a minimum wage job at mcdonalds and pay all their bills they are borderline retarded......your McDonald's job isn't meant to pay all your bills on.......find another job.

Now.....are there business that exploit the minimum wage? Sure. But heres the problem......there are lots of jobs in manufacturing that are virtually brain dead labor........are those worth more than minimum wage? We have positions in the plant i work at that the job is literally take boxes off the end of a conveyer and stack them on a pallet. Brain dead zero skill zero thinking teaining soneone to do it takes 15 minutes. What's that kind of job worth?
I agree with all of this. The biggest problem right now is this country’s (long, slow) decline to a service economy instead of a manufacturing economy. There’s plenty of blame to go around for that. No, one can not “live” on a wage paid for moving boxes or flipping burgers but when those are the vast majority of jobs that don’t have artificial entry barriers how do you solve the problem quickly? I see it taking years to fix. It requires repatriation of manufacturing, training, loosening some regulations while tightening others, tax policy changes……plus a huge culture shift around education and entitlement mentality. I wish there was a magic potion to make all c-suite bros turn into benevolent capitalists.
45k is a bit more than entry level out to over $21 an hour.....mass minimum wage is $15.

Guess now we can start a session in "minimum wage vs living wage" 😂

I'll start......minimum wage jobs are not meant to live on.......they are for high school students and the like that are trying to make some exta cash. If someone is expecting to have a minimum wage job at mcdonalds and pay all their bills they are borderline retarded......your McDonald's job isn't meant to pay all your bills on.......find another job.
^^^^^ This.
Now.....are there business that exploit the minimum wage? Sure.
If there was no minimum wage they wouldn’t be able to exploit it.
But heres the problem......there are lots of jobs in manufacturing that are virtually brain dead labor........are those worth more than minimum wage?
They should be “worth” what the market will bear.
We have positions in the plant i work at that the job is literally take boxes off the end of a conveyer and stack them on a pallet. Brain dead zero skill zero thinking teaining soneone to do it takes 15 minutes. What's that kind of job worth?
Less than minimum wage is my guess.
Which is just one reason why it shouldn’t exist.

I agree with all of this. The biggest problem right now is this country’s (long, slow) decline to a service economy instead of a manufacturing economy.
Thanks .gov.
Although people can do just fine in a service economy if they want to stops subsidizing them staying home.
There’s plenty of blame to go around for that. No, one can not “live” on a wage paid for moving boxes or flipping burgers but when those are the vast majority of jobs that don’t have artificial entry barriers how do you solve the problem quickly?
They can if they do it 80 hours a week.
They can also go work for plumber or an electrician or insert trade here and learn a skill that will pay them far better than their bullshit degree in gay crying.
I see it taking years to fix. It requires repatriation of manufacturing, training, loosening some regulations while tightening others, tax policy changes……plus a huge culture shift around education and entitlement mentality. I wish there was a magic potion to make all c-suite bros turn into benevolent capitalists.
If .gov would get out of the way and we went back to an actual capitalist society I bet the speed in which it happens would be amazing.

And I’m just kicking it around with you guys, I’m not being a dick.
^^^^^ This.

If there was no minimum wage they wouldn’t be able to exploit it.

They should be “worth” what the market will bear.

Less than minimum wage is my guess.
Which is just one reason why it shouldn’t exist.

Thanks .gov.
Although people can do just fine in a service economy if they want to stops subsidizing them staying home.

They can if they do it 80 hours a week.
They can also go work for plumber or an electrician or insert trade here and learn a skill that will pay them far better than their bullshit degree in gay crying.

If .gov would get out of the way and we went back to an actual capitalist society I bet the speed in which it happens would be amazing.

And I’m just kicking it around with you guys, I’m not being a dick.
Learning a trade to make more money wpild require

1. Showing up to work on time and putting forth effort
2. Showing up to work not high......I don't give a shit what people smoke on their own time....but Showing up to work not blazed would be required
3. Alot of today's society is certainly not in favor of overtime at all let alone 80 hours lol. I worked 2 jobs till i was 47 years old to get ahead and pay off my house. I have been told by gen z in my family that was a mistake.....that nobody ahoikd have to work 2 jobs ever and by doing so we hurt the economy. 😂😂😂😂😂
Learning a trade to make more money wpild require

1. Showing up to work on time and putting forth effort
This is true.
2. Showing up to work not high......
You might be surprised here.
Weed is pretty rampant in the trades.
Those of us pulling levers and driving trucks obviously excluded.
Wtbs if you didn’t smell it you’d be hard pressed to tell fwiw.
I don't give a shit what people smoke on their own time....but Showing up to work not blazed would be required
It’s crazy how many people function high nowadays. I’ve worked with plenty of guys that I KNOW were smoking in their trucks 15 minutes before we start and like I said above they haul ass and aren’t afraid to call someone out for being unsafe or doing something stupid.
I’m NOT condoning it at all just reporting what I’ve experienced.
I see far dumber shit from our foreign help on a regular basis and never smell weed on them.
3. Alot of today's society is certainly not in favor of overtime at all let alone 80 hours lol. I worked 2 jobs till i was 47 years old to get ahead and pay off my house. I have been told by gen z in my family that was a mistake.....that nobody ahoikd have to work 2 jobs ever and by doing so we hurt the economy. 😂😂😂😂😂
I hear that.
For 25 years I worked as much overtime as I could get and when I couldn’t get enough I worked a second job on weekends for “gasp” straight time.
Even nowadays I have a tough time turning it down and I sure as hell don’t NEED it.
I’m also not crying about buying a house or who’s going to be responsible for my bills and shitty decisions.
I should have clarified, your correct about minimum wage but when I say "Entry Level" I'm not talking about minimum wage jobs, I'm talking about starting off new at a company and getting a job that could turn into a career for your basic person out there looking for a "Real" job not a gig at a fast food place

Yeah but let's be honest here not all that long ago in this country somebody with a shitty job could easily survive off of it it's not until the recent past where basically inflation f***ed all that up and everything got overpriced. Like as an example one of my exes has two kids from her previous marriage and she was only getting CS for one of them she didn't have a pot to piss in and she still was able to run her house and probably would have been Hood Rich if not for pot and cigarettes. No welfare (too white, made too much despite way under 20/hr).

You take her scenario now and if the kids hadn't grown up and moved out she would be in serious f***ing trouble vs 10ish yrs ago.

I'm not suggesting that people should aspire to work at McDonald's but I think there's a serious problem that's being ignored which is the government in various other factors have all combined to make base requirements for living exceedingly high compared to what they used to be. America used to be a place where poors could actually live comfortably (if they stayed off drugs and hooch) and it's definitely shifting away from that. A lot of it is because of illegal freeloader bullshit but a lot of it is also because of actions of the government f***ing the whole economy up.
i get waiting for him to come to you and say something, but obviously that wasn't gonna happen.

if you knew he lost it, and he is your subordinate, you could have approached him once you were aware and then used that as an opportunity to explain to this kid that people f*** up and he should have come to you right away. Not hidden his situation from you. the way you handled it, kids never gonna trust you, or whoever else he told and then went and squealed to you.

maybe it wouldn't change anything, but my experience in your position is for me to take more control of the situation and steer the outcome how I would like
which you eventually did by telling the kid to fill his trailer, exposing the missing fuel card.
the fact that the kid argued after would drive me apeshit.
Being a chemical manufacturing facility, we have a very strict policy around our access control system as it is also part of our emergency mustering process. You swipe your badge when you enter the building and again when you leave. This puts you on the roll call list when coming in and removes you from the list when you leave. This allows us to know if there is someone still in the building in an emergency evacuation. The majority of our millennial and Gen Z staff cannot be bothered to badge out when leaving. I have told them that since they are so lazy, if there is an emergency and they are still showing as onsite, I cannot be sure they are actually here so I will not be sending any emergency responders in looking for them as I am not willing to put the responders at risk for a lazy shitbag. Since they really don't contribute anything to society, letting them burn may be considered a public service.
Lol why does every thread have to be faggoty generational warfare? You've guys never worked with an old person that sucked? 🤣 I've had both experiences as well as the inverse.
You new around here????
You take a hard singular stance regardless of evidence and fight to the death. 🤣🤣🤣
I'll say that my superstar is is 63 and I'm shitting a brick at the thought of finding anyone close to her level of work ethic, quality, detail and depth of knowledge. I'm hiring and some kid with 2 years experience and no license sent me his resume and his salary ask was $70K!! The going rate with his experience and credentials in about $40-$45K. I haven't responded yet because I haven't found the right words to tell him he's an ass yet.

A client of mine works closely with buy here/pay here dealerships. One of his contacts had a high school grad apply for a spot to basically wash and park cars around the lot and wanted $2K/week. What the frick is wrong with these kids?? He told the kid to go forth and multiply, but seriously...
For context the people who clean the bathrooms at Bucees make about that much money (40-45). So put cleaning toilet wage into consideration when you go after him.
Yeah but let's be honest here not all that long ago in this country somebody with a shitty job could easily survive off of it it's not until the recent past where basically inflation f***ed all that up and everything got overpriced. Like as an example one of my exes has two kids from her previous marriage and she was only getting CS for one of them she didn't have a pot to piss in and she still was able to run her house and probably would have been Hood Rich if not for pot and cigarettes. No welfare (too white, made too much despite way under 20/hr).

You take her scenario now and if the kids hadn't grown up and moved out she would be in serious f***ing trouble vs 10ish yrs ago.

I'm not suggesting that people should aspire to work at McDonald's but I think there's a serious problem that's being ignored which is the government in various other factors have all combined to make base requirements for living exceedingly high compared to what they used to be. America used to be a place where poors could actually live comfortably (if they stayed off drugs and hooch) and it's definitely shifting away from that. A lot of it is because of illegal freeloader bullshit but a lot of it is also because of actions of the government f***ing the whole economy up.

During Covid and right after while they were still doing the crowd control distancing bullshit I wholeheartedly thanked grocery store type workers every chance I got, grocery store, fast food, these shitty minimum wage jobs keep the economy rolling and these workers deserve more for showing up to work and doing a thankless job, everyone likes to thank Emergency service workers like they are doing people a favor by suiting up, they get paid retardedly better with wages and benefits, they are important but so are the random store/service employees.
Learning a trade to make more money wpild require

1. Showing up to work on time and putting forth effort
2. Showing up to work not high......I don't give a shit what people smoke on their own time....but Showing up to work not blazed would be required
3. Alot of today's society is certainly not in favor of overtime at all let alone 80 hours lol. I worked 2 jobs till i was 47 years old to get ahead and pay off my house. I have been told by gen z in my family that was a mistake.....that nobody ahoikd have to work 2 jobs ever and by doing so we hurt the economy. 😂😂😂😂😂
As far as #3 goes most of this is often covid malaise. Say you take a whole bunch of people that have been busting their ass for 20+ years and you tell them to stop working for 2-4 years well good luck getting them back on the OT wagon, if they figure out they can get by without having to bust their ass that much. Remember a lot of these people have been doing the "domesticus shuffle" for the past three, four years.... they're boring.
I'll say that my superstar is is 63 and I'm shitting a brick at the thought of finding anyone close to her level of work ethic, quality, detail and depth of knowledge. I'm hiring and some kid with 2 years experience and no license sent me his resume and his salary ask was $70K!! The going rate with his experience and credentials in about $40-$45K. I haven't responded yet because I haven't found the right words to tell him he's an ass yet.

A client of mine works closely with buy here/pay here dealerships. One of his contacts had a high school grad apply for a spot to basically wash and park cars around the lot and wanted $2K/week. What the frick is wrong with these kids?? He told the kid to go forth and multiply, but seriously...

I was making $40K as a Forklift driver back in 2008 while going to College.

If I didn't work over time, the pay was $36K.
I was making $40K as a Forklift driver back in 2008 while going to College.

If I didn't work over time, the pay was $36K.
These threads make me jealous of how absolutely clueless people are about low wages. 40k? Like i said, thats the going rate for cleaning f***ing toilets in Florence SC.

Get a clue people.
Being a chemical manufacturing facility, we have a very strict policy around our access control system as it is also part of our emergency mustering process. You swipe your badge when you enter the building and again when you leave. This puts you on the roll call list when coming in and removes you from the list when you leave. This allows us to know if there is someone still in the building in an emergency evacuation. The majority of our millennial and Gen Z staff cannot be bothered to badge out when leaving. I have told them that since they are so lazy, if there is an emergency and they are still showing as onsite, I cannot be sure they are actually here so I will not be sending any emergency responders in looking for them as I am not willing to put the responders at risk for a lazy shitbag. Since they really don't contribute anything to society, letting them burn may be considered a public service.
sounds like you are saying because others cannot do their job, why should you?
that is not a solid mentality for a leader
These threads make me jealous of how absolutely clueless people are about low wages. 40k? Like i said, thats the going rate for cleaning f***ing toilets in Florence SC.

Get a clue people.

This is why I love these threads. You start to understand why people get sh*t workers, but somehow it is a "generation" issue.

People are so out of touch.

If the going rate is $40K, fine. But don't get your hopes up that you will find a superstar. A pre-school teacher in Boston makes $40K and the quality of most of those people is sh*t.
This is true.

You might be surprised here.
Weed is pretty rampant in the trades.
Those of us pulling levers and driving trucks obviously excluded.
Wtbs if you didn’t smell it you’d be hard pressed to tell fwiw.

It’s crazy how many people function high nowadays. I’ve worked with plenty of guys that I KNOW were smoking in their trucks 15 minutes before we start and like I said above they haul ass and aren’t afraid to call someone out for being unsafe or doing something stupid.
I’m NOT condoning it at all just reporting what I’ve experienced.
I see far dumber shit from our foreign help on a regular basis and never smell weed on them.

I hear that.
For 25 years I worked as much overtime as I could get and when I couldn’t get enough I worked a second job on weekends for “gasp” straight time.
Even nowadays I have a tough time turning it down and I sure as hell don’t NEED it.
I’m also not crying about buying a house or who’s going to be responsible for my bills and shitty decisions.
You ever punch down a data closet not high?
It's not an enjoyable thing to do at least baked you just kinda zone out

Im not averse to ot but 80 hour weeks suck and i sure as hell wont work weekend for another job
minimum wage jobs are not meant to live on
it is like a classic nes skinflinting but in application to actual hiring practices. :)

there are surely a lot of those who call themselves 'employers' who still want to pay $40k or less and demand 12hr/day shifts.
and reality is, not too many are interested in such offers. as if you are offering such pay, it is simply not worth it to commute to it.
so here we go with all the illegals and other imports to fulfill this niche.
You ever punch down a data closet not high?
It's not an enjoyable thing to do at least baked you just kinda zone out
Can’t say I have lol.
Im not averse to ot but 80 hour weeks suck and i sure as hell wont work weekend for another job
It does suck.
I know first hand but, it’s one hell of a motivator to learn something better.
Learning a trade to make more money wpild require

1. Showing up to work on time and putting forth effort
2. Showing up to work not high......I don't give a shit what people smoke on their own time....but Showing up to work not blazed would be required
3. Alot of today's society is certainly not in favor of overtime at all let alone 80 hours lol. I worked 2 jobs till i was 47 years old to get ahead and pay off my house. I have been told by gen z in my family that was a mistake.....that nobody ahoikd have to work 2 jobs ever and by doing so we hurt the economy. 😂😂😂😂😂
Officiated a HS Lacrosse game at Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational High School. Coach told me almost every one of their programs has a waiting list equal to the size of the program. Good hard-working kids.

Officiate a lot of youth hockey and high school Lacrosse and gotta say, the kids are as well behaved, or better, than previous decades. I may strangle a coach or two, however….
Officiated a HS Lacrosse game at Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational High School. Coach told me almost every one of their programs has a waiting list equal to the size of the program. Good hard-working kids.

Officiate a lot of youth hockey and high school Lacrosse and gotta say, the kids are as well behaved, or better, than previous decades. I may strangle a coach or two, however….
Doesn't surprise me. Your talking about kids that are taking part in athletics and extra curricular activities.

There will always be achievers in all generstions.......but the number of achievers is dwindling imo
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