Deval wants to hear from you.

That's what stopped me from joining in.

If you have an FID/LTC in MA, they already know where you live and have your fingerprints. You don't think that if they came to collect your firearms, internet anonymity will shield you, do you?
Governor's Web Site Reveals Voters' Home Addresses

Governor's Web Site Reveals Voters' Home Addresses
Secretary Of State Wants It Taken Down

POSTED: 5:03 pm EDT March 26, 2007
UPDATED: 8:19 pm EDT March 26, 2007

BOSTON -- Gov. Deval Patrick launched a new page on his political Web site this weekend to organize supporters behind his issues, but Secretary of State William Galvin Monday asked the governor to take it down, fearing the identity of voters may be compromised.

Team 5 Investigates Janet Wu discovered that when people register to participate, it discloses their home address as listed in the Massachusetts voter database. Wu found that anyone could enter a name and a town and find the street address for any registered voter. For some searches, unpublished phone numbers were revealed.

Team 5 Investigates entered the name of a woman with a restraining order against a stalker. Her full address popped up on the Patrick campaign Web site.

Galvin said that he is concerned about privacy issues and worried about misuse of the information.

"I think we're all concerned about people's private information getting public. Just to be clear, this information did not come from my office," said Galvin. "We know elderly voters in particular (are) concerned about people finding their address, what apartment they're in."

"It's information that's publicly available from your city, your city hall, your local voter registration, " said Liz Morningstar of the Deval Patrick Committee.

But Galvin said he believes this is the only Web site where every Massachusetts voter's name is publicly available on one database. The database was purchased by the Patrick committee from a private vendor.

"We don't want this to have a chilling effect on people registering to vote," said Galvin.

Morningstar said if anyone has a complaint to lodge, she welcomes them to go online and register their concerns, but she said the campaign has no intention of taking down the new page.
Verizon does the exact same thing, even with unlisted numbers. At least Deval had to buy the database with some of that campaign money.
Well... at least at the time of this post... we're in the top 15... [smile]

Lets bump it up a few more.

On Patrick's new website, GOP pushes again for income tax rollback

By Andrew Ryan, Globe Staff

The issues generating buzz on Governor Deval Patrick's new civic engagement website are largely predictable: gay marriage support, renewable energy, and the administration's proposed municipal partnership package.

But one subject gaining popularity on the three-day-old site was championed by the Democrat's opponents in his successful campaign last fall. The long-time Republican rallying cry to rollback the state income tax from 5.3 to 5 percent has received enough "votes" to make it one of the top 15 most popular issues on

While gay marriage support has received seven times more votes than the rollback, the income tax issue has gotten enough support to show that the new site can be a vehicle to push the agenda of interest groups and the Republican minority.

"I would hope the Governor did not envision an echo chamber," said Robert Eno, 33, a salesman from East Boston, who made the first post about the tax rollback. It was approved by voters in a 2000 referendum but has never been adopted by the Legislature.

"The tax rollback is an issue that many people care about, and I felt it should be heard," said Eno, who is the vice chair of the Greater Boston Young Republicans.

Some advocacy groups seized on the site before it even launched. The Conservation and Recreation Campaign, for example, blasted its 1,500-members an e-mail urging them to log on to the site and "vote" to increase funding for parks. The site is financed with political donations to Patrick's political committee, not taxpayer money.

Patrick faced the income tax rollback issue during both the primary and general election campaigns. It was supported by the early Democratic front-runner, Thomas F. Reilly, and Republican Kerry Healey vowed to make the income tax rollback her first legislative act if she won election.

Patrick, who won in November in a 20-point landslide, rejected the rollback. He pushed instead for property tax relief and pledged to help reconnect citizens with their government with tools such as the new website.

"The idea of an on-line 'suggestion box,' to the Governor's credit, is a great idea," wrote Donnarose Agri in a message posted on the site. "Now, I just hope he doesn't ignore the suggestions. We voted for the tax rollback. Where is it, already?"

The idea has good intentions, but the way it's applied is thoughtless.

And to think, some $80,000 per year, college educated 20 something-or-other brainiac couldn't figure out the concept of online privacy... what a joke.

I'll wager that in the next few days....

The site will be taken off-line until a reasonable privacy protection policy is instituted...


Patrick will issue yet another apology for another mess he created.
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(cross-posted at NLB)

"It's information that's publicly available from your city, your city hall, your local voter registration, " said Liz Morningstar of the Deval Patrick Committee.

Well, shit, now where have I heard that line of reasoning before?

Oh, yeah, from "compassionate" liberals seeking to protect the identities of convicted Level III sex offenders by fighting efforts to have their personal information, all of it public records, centralized on one website accessible to the general public.

Morningstar said if anyone has a complaint to lodge, she welcomes them to go online and register their concerns, but she said the campaign has no intention of taking down the new page.

Get your scorecards out, people!

Protecting the personal information of violent, dangerous, most-likely to reoffend, sexual predators? Good.

Demonstrating the same level of compassion and respect for the balance of the citizenry of the Commonwealth? Go f*** yourself, you dirty peasant.
Let's see, you have to register before you can file a complaint that it further exposes your personal info, right?

They won't be hearing from me via their "mechanism" that's for sure.

I just found two news reporters' home addresses in Newton thanks to Devil's system. They were "unpublished" before this.
Well... at least at the time of this post... we're in the top 15... [smile]

Lets bump it up a few more.

The idea has good intentions, but the way it's applied is thoughtless.

And to think, some $80,000 per year, college educated 20 something-or-other brainiac couldn't figure out the concept of online privacy... what a joke.

I'll wager that in the next few days....

The site will be taken off-line until a reasonable privacy protection policy is instituted...


Patrick will issue yet another apology for another mess he created.

I love this line:

the income tax issue has gotten enough support to show that the new site can be a vehicle to push the agenda of interest groups and the Republican minority.

WTF? Sure, Republicans are a small group in the Commonwealth but aren't they constituents of Cadillac Deval too?

This website is a joke. Deval is only interested in listening to his sycophants from the moonbat community. Ten bucks says that nothing (NOTHING) changes because of his slick new site.
Looks like the idiots got the message. All users are now identified by first and last initials. The voter database appears to be gone too.
Looks like the idiots got the message. All users are now identified by first and last initials. The voter database appears to be gone too.

Patricks staff really fumbled the ball big-time with the webiste.

Not only did he get hammered over the privacy concerns, now he's getting some criticism because voters are creating policy pages that run counter to Patricks goals. They've also added a disclaimer that wasn't there before...

The views expressed by users of do not necessarily represent the views of Deval Patrick, the Deval Patrick Committee or anyone else other than the person responsible for posting them.

In addition to changing the privacy information, the top 15 issues is now the top 12 issues (I wonder why they did that? [smile] ).

The "No More Gun Control" page is currently at number 7 [party] with 93 comments (surprisingly, there's only 2 or 3 negative comments posted).

If anyone hasn't posted over there yet... now's the time to do it before they do some more house cleaning or abandon the webite.

Your/our participation probably won't make a lick of difference in the insane gun control laws here.
Patrick may not care or change his mind... but others reading the comments just might.

If we can't change his mind, at least we can shove it in the weasels face and add to his
embarrassment. [wink]
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The fact that the pro gun sect can only muster 93 registered voters is pretty sad...
not exactly a show of strenght..

Considering that there's only 3621 votes (at this time), total for all issues combined, registered voters (3,934,672), aren't that interested in posting on the website.

Even the gay marriage coalitions (for and against), don't have very impressive numbers... and that is easily the most controversial and most talked about political issue in this state.
The fact that the pro gun sect can only muster 93 registered voters is pretty sad...
not exactly a show of strenght..

Some of us value our privacy (what little we have left) over a useless blog poll that will be ignored anyway.

Letters and phone calls count 100x more than registering on this jerk's blog.
Some of us value our privacy (what little we have left) over a useless blog poll that will be ignored anyway.

Letters and phone calls count 100x more than registering on this jerk's blog.

I agree with your value of privacy, but I don't see it as an issue here. And while it may be a jerk's blog, its the medium of the time.

Any avenue to get out our message to not only those elected, but to the general masses works better than letters and phone calls to those that don't respond or respond with simple minded form letters. [thinking]

And we're at 100 votes now.
Shameless bump...

The "No More Gun Control" issues page has moved up the charts to #6 with 251
signatures (finally surpassing... Funding for the Massachusetts State Parks, More Funding to Public Education, Gives Us a Voice, Roll Back the Income Tax to 5% and Coalition: Chapter 70 Coalition). [smile]

Sure, it won't make any difference, but Patrick and his staff must be gritting their teeth over it. [smile]
I've added my two cents...I've managed to get a couple of letters to the editor in the Globe so many folks already know where I stand on this issue.
I have tried 3 times to post my message and it it will not post on the site. WTF[angry]
Thanks for the link. I registered and posted to ""No More Gun Control" so far. There's only 3772 users in that system... it seems like we could easily get a majority of pro-gun folks onto that system.
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