Comcast on demand under Nat Geo.
I found it under 'All TV Series', but not under HD. It's only in 'regular D'.
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Comcast on demand under Nat Geo.
I found it under 'All TV Series', but not under HD. It's only in 'regular D'.
That one girl from Texas is like the Napoleon Dynamite of preppers. She's a few rounds short of a full mag. Like why would someone think Mexico is a safe place to go during a crisis??? It's not safe now!
I watched the old episodes last night on-demand. Interesting format. I smiled when they critiqued the one guy for NOT having guns for defense. I kept smiling when he responded with something like, "I didn't talk about those issues but acknowledge they are important," which led me to believe he might own guns but just didn't want to talk about it.
Are you talking about the first guy with the greenhouse pool setup?
If so, he put a pistol case and a box of ammo in his bug out bag and he had a bunch of winchester boxes in his supply room.
I saw that. Who the F carries their pistol in the original case in their backpack, LOL? Maybe staged for the cameras though. But I was referring to the California guy prepping for the big one (quake). He had like 12 knifes with him but they criticized him for not having a gun--warms my heart. But he responded with some ambiguous statement that led me to believe he could have one but wasn't going to talk about it.
Any one know what channel will it be on Comcast
Was there two episodes?
I never saw the guy from California.
These shows bum me out kinda because despite being a dilligent prepper for about 2 years, I am NOWHERE near the level of these guys and never will be.
Those 2 families that had the farm with the truck converted to run on wood reminded me of why I disliked the book "Patriots". They are simply all in with their preps. The only criticizm I would give them is that they need more people to secure that much land and the house did not lok like it was hardened at all. No fighting positions, etc.
These shows bum me out kinda because despite being a dilligent prepper for about 2 years, I am NOWHERE near the level of these guys and never will be.
Those 2 families that had the farm with the truck converted to run on wood reminded me of why I disliked the book "Patriots". They are simply all in with their preps. The only criticizm I would give them is that they need more people to secure that much land and the house did not lok like it was hardened at all. No fighting positions, etc.
I lost a $1 bet with myself...the show's theme music is NOT the R.E.M. song.
so this one is the repeat, btw
California guy is my favorite, "my survival kit includes salad dressing."![]()
so this one is the repeat, btw
California guy is my favorite, "my survival kit includes salad dressing."![]()