Doomsday Preppers - New Show on National Geographic

With the exception of testing his armor with .22lr the first couple seemed to have all the bases covered.
at least she is prepared to whore herself out after 3 months

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I'm looking forward to that part she's cute enough.... Lol
What I don't get is why there all fixated on one disaster I mean the odds of any one happening are slim the odds of simply having to be self reliant are considerably higher! Oh and poor cats :-/
I have no idea why they put that girl on the show! Lol smh

Couldn't find enough other folks dumb enough to go on the show?

At least she wised up about going to Mexico. Even my old mom, who knows nothing about bugging out or shtf thought That was a bad idea.
The hippie kid who said he is going to provide a feast to his enemies and then if they weren't nice he would poison them or slit their throats made me laugh.
Worst prepared

"We are not ethicly able to own firearms to protect ourselves with weapons.... we will rely on our community!" <------I know where I am attacking first.. lock and load. I could probably overtake them with a jennings .22. lol

"I don't need guns.... I'll just invite the marauding thugs to dinner and poison them or cut their throats in their sleep."
So far, I find myself most inline with the liberal New England hippies with regards to the self-sufficiency, gardening, canning and so forth... and I think they are right when they refer to the idiots who think guns and ammo is all they need. But, why the hell not leverage the best of both worlds? I don't plan on going through a shit ton of effort living off my garden and not being prepared to defend it when the have-nots start wandering my town. (and I still plan on moving further north)
I would like to know where that New England family was. Talk about a free ready made homestead. I bet if you went in there with a loud voice you'd get all they had.
One thing they did that was - typical - the chances of the said event happening. EVERY TIME it was low (single digits), to less than 25%; depending on who they spoke with I guess.....but the history of the planet tells me some things are a much higher percentage than represented.

I'll watch it next week - I can handle it and it gives me ideas. If I even pick up one cheap easy idea it's worth the 'Party Girl' in Texas.
I thought I was pretty good on op-sec, particularly about certain specifics... but the fact that a number of coworkers want to buy eggs from me and that rumors spread of my gun ownership have made me a target for questions about this show. The picture of me and my wife with Ron Paul posted in my cube might not hurt either.

I may use this as an opportunity to give those interested a death-by-PowerPoint on my methodology and motivations regarding preparedness, for coworkers. Ironically, I work with scientists in Cambridge... it might really be on its way to mainstream. It's actually quite amazing how many of these moonbat lefties throw out their ideals when it comes to making sure their families are secure.
Worst prepared

"We are not ethicly able to own firearms to protect ourselves with weapons.... we will rely on our community!" <------I know where I am attacking first.. lock and load. I could probably overtake them with a jennings .22. lol

"I don't need guns.... I'll just invite the marauding thugs to dinner and poison them or cut their throats in their sleep."

Big supprise, they live in western Mass.
I enjoyed the retired trucker w/his XXXL chest rig , renolds wrap chicken coop faraday cage and lethargic lust for processed meat...reminded me of Shade WPI.
His mouth went like a briggs & stratton motor...Lets hope he dosn't eat his "Ham" radio. [laugh]
I thought I was pretty good on op-sec, particularly about certain specifics... but the fact that a number of coworkers want to buy eggs from me and that rumors spread of my gun ownership have made me a target for questions about this show. The picture of me and my wife with Ron Paul posted in my cube might not hurt either.

I may use this as an opportunity to give those interested a death-by-PowerPoint on my methodology and motivations regarding preparedness, for coworkers. Ironically, I work with scientists in Cambridge... it might really be on its way to mainstream. It's actually quite amazing how many of these moonbat lefties throw out their ideals when it comes to making sure their families are secure.

Tell them to reserve their "sidewalk cracks" for their gardens because when push comes to shove, the Rt 2 corridor east and west will be closed at 128.
Holy crap that party girl in Texas is an annoying blabbermouth!

Watching that show only reinforces the fact that I am woefully unprepared for any SHTF type thing. Although it would be pretty easy for me to GTF outta dodge because I have no wife or kids, don't own my home, and don't live near any major city. I could pack a basic bugout pretty quickly and jump on my mountain bike to head somewhere secluded. I've got plenty of .22's for hunting small game, a botany book for edible plant ID, and a basic knowledge of wilderness survival. LOL who am I kidding I'd die in a month.

Honestly though, you need to ask yourself what kind of world you'd be subsisting in if the absolute worst scenario for mankind was realized. If you're a guy like me with no dependents, out on your own and the world around you is a lifeless gray wasteland, how long would you think you'd want to stick around to see if things got "better"? I imagine after a certain time living like that (most likely slowly starving anyhow) you might start to think the idea of becoming worm food would be a blessing.
Overall the show was less "look at these freaks" than I expected. I like lots of the ideas but think these people are nuts to go on tv and show their preps. My next project for fun is to get an old generator running from a wood gassifier. It doesn't appear all that difficult.
Overall the show was less "look at these freaks" than I expected. I like lots of the ideas but think these people are nuts to go on tv and show their preps. My next project for fun is to get an old generator running from a wood gassifier. It doesn't appear all that difficult.

Dry the gas through a filter as best as possible to remove heavy tars and creosotes as they'll gum up the combustion chamber. Keep a few sparkplugs and head gaskets and several head bolts as spares on hand too as you'll have to remove the head at some point to clean the cylinder.
I suggest you remove and reinstall the existing head bolts one at a time on whatever generator you're using and coat the threads and bolt shanks with an antiseize compound to insure they come out when you need them to without breaking.
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