Doomsday Preppers - New Show on National Geographic

Good advice. I have all the old FEMA manuals on this and many others. I also had some info from some British guys who did some advanced work on one to make it safer. I am waiting to get a chance to head back to CT to talk to a friend of my brothers from HS. He had converted his truck to run wood and figured he would be able to give me the best practical advice.

Here are articles from his truck.
I enjoyed the retired trucker w/his XXXL chest rig , renolds wrap chicken coop faraday cage and lethargic lust for processed meat...reminded me of Shade WPI.
His mouth went like a briggs & stratton motor...Lets hope he dosn't eat his "Ham" radio. [laugh]

Iam def not as big as that guy but it placed an even bigger inspiration to push harder into my fitness regiment then i already am.

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Beside the first dude, that show kept me laughing, with so much fail all night long.

Where did they find those freeks?

She said she was gonna bug out in Mexico?

The dude with the salad dressing, oh my.

Comedy gold.
still laughing at the chick talking about how she "almost bust some caps", she was the best by far, next to salad dressing man, he said she would go to mexico and whore herself out, good times.
Saw the one with the girl in Houston. Claimed to work out 4hours a day (not likely, unless she was benching twinkies). Halfway through her segment I realized that she was the female equivalent of a mall ninja. I don't know if was because of the bf or she just wanted to be on TV. Her supplies consisted of 12 bottles of water and some dried pasta. She also felt she could barter before she was forced so sell herself.
Haha...4 hours a day? 6 days a week? She's full of sh*t!

She got tired after doing a "Hump" with a 40lb bag. Is she serious? I guess those 4 hour work outs didn't help her much...
Oh god. What a shit show. Besides the bad editing, such as the first couple testing their house armor, when one one shot shows him walking to the house after he shot at it with a Marlin 22, the next shot he has what looks to be either a Garand or 1903 with a green rifle sling, and then next shot back to the Marlin.
Haha...4 hours a day? 6 days a week? She's full of sh*t!

She got tired after doing a "Hump" with a 40lb bag. Is she serious? I guess those 4 hour work outs didn't help her much...

LOL do you remember when she said she had about 160 condoms and her and her bf would go through them in about 4 - 5 days? WTF she could barely do a push up...
I watched both episodes and I was surprised when that bubbly fat lady was teaching self defense and her and her husband were doing tactical drills in the dark..
I agree with you guys the hippy made me laugh and I thought the same thing as some of you when the hippies were talking about not wanting or needing firearms. 5guys well trained hell even 5 guys not so well trained but well armed could take that community just by intimidation alone. I do however like their setup with the canning and tons of garden supplies.
I like how the chick from Texas joined the army after the show...
I only caught the last 30 minutes of the 10:00 show. I guess I missed a WHOLE bunch of things on the shows before it. I will have to go watch on demand.
Holy crap, do you have to be obese to be on the show? They better be stockpiling insulin, lipitor and blood pressure meds. If you spend all that time stockpiling food and guns do you think you could find some time to get to the gym? I don't think they could walk a mile never mind run.

I may only have supplies for a month but I don't need to stock oxygen tanks and defibrillators
Holy crap, do you have to be obese to be on the show? They better be stockpiling insulin, lipitor and blood pressure meds. If you spend all that time stockpiling food and guns do you think you could find some time to get to the gym? I don't think they could walk a mile never mind run.

I may only have supplies for a month but I don't need to stock oxygen tanks and defibrillators

food that keeps for 5+ years, maybe not so good for you?

these shows are a bonanza for BJ's and Costco. They should have sponsored them years ago, LOL!
It occurs to me that today's 'preppers' are doing exactly what 'everybody' did 100+ years ago, at least if you lived in a region more or less on your own.

Make sure you have supplies on hand and a plan what do do, just in case.
This really has that Ruby Ridge flavor to it – doesn’t it?

This is a prime example of why keeping all assets in one location is a bad idea. The rule of two is one and one is none is the key, but do not store everything in one place.

I often wonder why people are allegedly willing to defend themselves and property against BG, but if BG wears a costume, the would be defender peacefully surrenders and quietly gets raped. I hear some Mexican gangs do silver or lead thing, but it seems vast majority of the civilians just quietly take it up the ass. Was not firebombing popular in the south 50 years ago? [rolleyes] I am not necessarily advocating violence, but these bastards just destroyed that man’s live. [angry]
I've seen a couple of people here mention that the community-loving hippies were from Western MA. Did that get said on the show? I only remember them saying they were "New Englanders"

I was thinking that's what I would expect out of Vermont, not necessarily W. MA
I've seen a couple of people here mention that the community-loving hippies were from Western MA. Did that get said on the show? I only remember them saying they were "New Englanders"

I was thinking that's what I would expect out of Vermont, not necessarily W. MA

Not true Vermonters, they have more than enough guns. Its usually the transplants from MA and CT that take it too far.

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Just saw this posted by Down Range Firearms on Facebook...

Even if I were to believe that this guy was really that mentally ill, the policy of taking guns makes no sense. I've never seen the government make sure to take every piece of rope or all kitchen utensils.

Hell, the very fact this guy is a serious prepper is overwhelming evidence of a will to live.
Even if I were to believe that this guy was really that mentally ill, the policy of taking guns makes no sense. I've never seen the government make sure to take every piece of rope or all kitchen utensils.

Hell, the very fact this guy is a serious prepper is overwhelming evidence of a will to live.

Agreed, The doctor violated his hippocratic oath. He failed to use "better judgement" and failed to live up to the clauses:

"I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone."

"All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal."

The doctor harmed the guy in the worst an most egregious way he could have.........he caused others to take not only the guy's possessions and freedom, they also took his spirit.

If the guy harms himself over this episode, the doctor should be held responsible.....he initiated the chain of events that lead to it by his actions. But the doctor will turn around and say "see I was right". No doc you weren't right, you threw to the wind any credibility you had when you succumbed to the pressures of other men in the practice of your profession. You failed!!!!

[edit] The Physician's Oath At the time of being admitted as a member of the medical profession:

I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of humanity;
I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due;
I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity; the health of my patient will be my Number One consideration;
I will maintain by all the means in my power, the honour and the noble traditions of the medical profession; my colleagues will be my brothers;
I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics, social standing, or sexual orientation to intervene between my duty and my patient;
I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception, even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity;
I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour.[3][4]
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I've seen a couple of people here mention that the community-loving hippies were from Western MA. Did that get said on the show? I only remember them saying they were "New Englanders"

I was thinking that's what I would expect out of Vermont, not necessarily W. MA

Parts of Western Mass, specifically around the Amherst area are arguably more moonbat than Cambridge. Its a whole different planet out there.
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