Doomsday Preppers - New Show on National Geographic

trucker rocking the high point carbine in .45 I guess having one caliber makes sense for a handgun carbine combo with his limited storage. Must be tough to be a trucker and abide by all different state laws.
trucker rocking the high point carbine in .45 I guess having one caliber makes sense for a handgun carbine combo with his limited storage. Must be tough to be a trucker and abide by all different state laws.

I thought he said he was an ex Leo, so can't he carry everywhere? And wouldn't he be covered under federal laws when passing through bad states... just a thought

This show has got me thinking I need too do something... still feels kindah crazy too me....

sent from my truck while driving down 95 in the high speed lane doing 55
That girl from next week is gonna get her guns taken as she uses Remington 700 with scope to open curtain and show the Capitol building in the back ground!!!!
My son came into the living room when "pandemic woman" was on, watched it for 5 seconds and just said "heh...germaphobe" lol.

That lady might have been the biggest dipshit on the show to date. Hairnets and shoe covers aren't going to do shit in some type of highly contagious pandemic. The one thing that MIGHT that she had was the n95 masks and they weren't even fitted properly, the kids didn't even have kid sized ones.
Oh, also... did anyone else after watching the guy from Jax moving to TN have to google and see if Louis CK and Morgan Spurlock had a manchild?
I felt bad for the guy from Jax's kids. It looked like they didn't buy Mom and Dad's story.

And the pandemic woman. I loved when she does the drill and the old man says "I'd rather watch the game".

Isn't it funny that they take the most likely disaster (in terms of happening) and couple it with the craziest person...
i caught on two episodes. wow. [laugh]

i like how the USAF (RET) guy set up his brother for a mock drill. they had blank ammo w/o blank firing adapters and basically made their AR-15's bolt guns.

so many other failures... the camouflage meeting to conceal an 18 wheeler... really? omg!

the one family with the solar panels and food prep seemed the most normal of them all. the clean freak / germaphobe was a riot.
I learned that 96% of people are nutjobs
3% are practical
And if all else fails, 1% just whore yourself out to survive with murdering gangs.
i caught on two episodes. wow. [laugh]

i like how the USAF (RET) guy set up his brother for a mock drill. they had blank ammo w/o blank firing adapters and basically made their AR-15's bolt guns.

so many other failures... the camouflage meeting to conceal an 18 wheeler... really? omg!

the one family with the solar panels and food prep seemed the most normal of them all. the clean freak / germaphobe was a riot.

The germaphobe woman was nuts. She had more gear then the CDC for setting up hazmat, but no food. If she came to my house, i'd take the bucket, then throw her the F out. Those older people she went to visit, you could tell the guy was thinking "This chick is nucking futs!"
We watched the 4th episode last night. They are getting nuttier. Germaphobe lady was scary. I was waiting for Grandpa to hit her with his cane so he could watch the ball game. I loved them sitting down to dinner while the DIL and her grandson sat behind the plastic. I thought the Florida family was funny and sad at the same time. Dads heart is in the right place but I hope he understands what it takes to raise animals and grow crops. I liked the truck driver. His situation is tough and it seems like he has thought a fair amount out. There isnt a chance in hell you could pay me enough to drive a truck after TSHTF. It is a big fat target.
They didn't say this, but I got the impression from the follow-up that the trucker's wife had passed away. He just talked about himself and the dogs in the follow-up.

He seemed like a nice guy. In a way it is kind of cool to have a mobile BOL like that. He would be golden if he was pulling a fuel tanker when it went down.

I just don't get the 'polar shift' people. They focus on one specific event, that might have happened 8 million years ago, decide that Florida is going down, and plan their whole life around it. I wonder how much of that is just NatGeo's creative editing.
They didn't say this, but I got the impression from the follow-up that the trucker's wife had passed away. He just talked about himself and the dogs in the follow-up.

He seemed like a nice guy. In a way it is kind of cool to have a mobile BOL like that. He would be golden if he was pulling a fuel tanker when it went down.

I just don't get the 'polar shift' people. They focus on one specific event, that might have happened 8 million years ago, decide that Florida is going down, and plan their whole life around it. I wonder how much of that is just NatGeo's creative editing.

Both my wife and I felt the same way about the truckers wife.
Not so surprisingly a lot of these people seem to have their priorities way out of whack. I hope the trucker did something special for his dying wife before he blew $$$ on camo netting for his truck--what a waste.

Then stubby digits: first rule of survival is DON'T HURT YOURSELF. Fail. Kind of ironic how he touted that he likes to shoot in the desert because some ranges are "too restrictive" then he blows off his digit. I'm no fan of restrictive ranges but he's not helping the cause any. Watching that episode again, I have a theory, which is complete speculation: he was wearing a vest with what I think had a cross draw holster. Then he was shooting a pistol righty (one handed). I wonder if he caught some blast on a ND while re holstering his tact-o-cool cross draw. Just one possibility I guess.
They didn't say this, but I got the impression from the follow-up that the trucker's wife had passed away. He just talked about himself and the dogs in the follow-up.

He seemed like a nice guy. In a way it is kind of cool to have a mobile BOL like that. He would be golden if he was pulling a fuel tanker when it went down.

I just don't get the 'polar shift' people. They focus on one specific event, that might have happened 8 million years ago, decide that Florida is going down, and plan their whole life around it. I wonder how much of that is just NatGeo's creative editing.

I worry about Florida getting wiped out from a tsunami more than anything else. Could it happen? Sure. Will it happen (in my lifetime)? Dunno.
Just my $0.02 [wink]
I've seen a couple of people here mention that the community-loving hippies were from Western MA. Did that get said on the show? I only remember them saying they were "New Englanders"

I was thinking that's what I would expect out of Vermont, not necessarily W. MA

They were called " New England Liberals " . I just saw that episode for the first time . They were dead set against having firearms . The tough guy said if anyone gave them trouble they would poison them or cut their throats when they sleep . Semms like a bad plan LOL
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They were called " New England Liberals " . I just saw that episode for the first time . They were dead set against having firearms . The tough guy said if anyone gave them trouble they would poison them of cut their throats when they sleep . Semms like a bad plan LOL

I couldn’t see that pathetic excuse for a human being killing anyone. A tough guy like him can probably even urinate standing up… all by himself… with no help from mommy at all. He’s a BOG boy, now!

Killing people in there sleep. Ya, I’d like to see how that would work out for him. [rofl2]
I just saw this for the first time last night; what a train wreck! The NY firefighter who owns no guns(yeah, sure!) but takes knife-fighting lessons from the Mossad, and has a year's worth of MRE's in storage 4 blocks away? Really?!? And now everybody who knows you knows where to go when the super-volcano blows. By the way, how do you refill your oxygen tank for repeat trips? And then, the guy who blew his thumb off?

Why do the poster children for gun control always have to be the ones who want to be on TV?
I love how the germaphobe was so scared of germs, but would willingly go into her neighbors houses to give them a sales pitch and hang her clothes outside. If I was a germaphobe, I would not want to do either.
I just saw this for the first time last night; what a train wreck! The NY firefighter who owns no guns(yeah, sure!) but takes knife-fighting lessons from the Mossad, and has a year's worth of MRE's in storage 4 blocks away? Really?!? And now everybody who knows you knows where to go when the super-volcano blows. By the way, how do you refill your oxygen tank for repeat trips? And then, the guy who blew his thumb off?

Why do the poster children for gun control always have to be the ones who want to be on TV?

1-1/2 thumbs up.
The show is unwatchable

Yup. The show sucks.

Just caught an episode for the first time. It was the one with the NE liberals. If the S truly HTF, the nice "community" they say they'll rely on for security will shoot them and take everything they've worked hard to put away. Although they might keep the womenfolk alive for amusement.

Some preppers believe an EOTWAWKI scenario will bring about some agrarian, bartering society where everyone gets along blissfully. They're 100% wrong. If it really happened it will get ugly, and it will get ugly quick.

Those people are delusional.
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