Doomsday Preppers - New Show on National Geographic

Just watch the first show (comcast on demand), wife and daughter came in after 15min and stayed to watch the rest.
It kind of worked, wife is now worried we don't have enoght water. I told her i have that covered some what.
shes now ready to build a shelter, I had to pull her back a little, Id be happy with a months supply of food to start.
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The show so far has been marginal between providing valuable information and presenting preppers in a poor light.

I had the same response to the .22RL as "civilian small arms fire" While .22LR might be the most common round in the US, they live in Texas, and I suspect anyone actually taking a shot at a house built from shipping containers will likely be better than a .22LR. I think I'd have tested it with 9mm, .30-30 soft point and .223 FMJ just to know what they're likely to do.

I do like the idea of the shipping container as a building material. Not for a house, but as a basis for a shed / workshop or a bug-out-shelter, it would make a nice starting point. Add an exterior so that it looks like a normal stick and timber building and blends it better, but it's a good start for a building.
I know I just dropped this in another thread 30 sec ago, but it's pertinent to this one as well.

Don't have cable myself, but I certainly won't be bothering to ask anyone to DVR this for me. From the reactions I've gotten from others, it's likely that the vast majority of the info is available from other sources without giving money to people who pull crap like this.
I know I just dropped this in another thread 30 sec ago, but it's pertinent to this one as well.

Don't have cable myself, but I certainly won't be bothering to ask anyone to DVR this for me. From the reactions I've gotten from others, it's likely that the vast majority of the info is available from other sources without giving money to people who pull crap like this.

Thanks for posting that, it was a good read. This is why I always swear against "reality" TV, but somehow thought this show would be different. The effort that they go through to make these people look crazy is absurd.
He said "It was one of those malfunctions that my thumb went over the barrel and it just went off" [rolleyes]
Yes it's a type 5 malfunction otherwise known as a mental malfunction! Lol
Oh and the way the episode started I thought it was gonna be his fancy sharpened shovel that did it not a .22!
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Yes it's a type 5 malfunction otherwise known as a mental malfunction! Lol
Oh and the way the episode started I thought it was gonna be his fancy sharpened shovel that did it not a .22!
I looked at the shovel and thought oh oh.

I love the little commentary, like from the container salesman. Something along the lines that they haven't sold any to peppers.

That you know about...
Where do they find these losers? This show is even worse than I was afraid it’d be. I am now convinced the producers have an agenda - and it is not to make money or educate. [angry]
Where do they find these losers? This show is even worse than I was afraid it’d be. I am now convinced the producers have an agenda - and it is not to make money or educate. [angry]

You could be right on that one. However, I do enjoy watching it. You just have to take notes on who has what & [wink]

[/sarc on the notes part]
I know I just dropped this in another thread 30 sec ago, but it's pertinent to this one as well.

And something that Nat Geo didn’t mention? The producer offered me $1,000 to shoot my cat on camera. **** him, **** the editor.
Say what?
JG: Has your rigorous fitness regimen helped you as you started your military career?
MH: More or less. I have consistently improved on my APFT. My 1-1-1 is about 250-260 adjusted.
Not too shabby.
Call me a cynic, but the show looks more like something to make preppers look ridiculus for the masses.
Why all the .22 hate?

Sure, it isn't going to do a whole lot against a bear or maybe even a human, but squirrels just might start looking real tasty after a while. (or for that matter, the meal that dare not speak it's name; cat)

Call me a cynic, but the show looks more like something to make preppers look ridiculus for the masses.

You might in fact be a cynic, but you're not wrong.
I cant wait to see this episode. So far I think the only one that has totally been whacked has been the party girl. All the others have for the most part been fairly sound fundamentally. While I dont agree with their choices they would probably survive. You have to figure that of course the producers are going to push these folks to do crazy stuff. Who wants to watch someone count cans or grind wheat? I would much rather watch someone blow their finger off or talk about shooting their cat.

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