Doomsday Preppers - New Show on National Geographic

Did anyone else notice the last guy committing multiple federal felonies by creating destructive devices? I bet he didn't register those molotov cocktails as DD's.....Yes, lets self incriminate on national television. Noone will EVER see this show. PSGWSP. I can see just about every person who appears on this show doing something retarded or potentially very illegal, and then getting busted. NG will say "woah, we're not supporting you"
Don't put anything in front of the muzzle - EVER; unless you are cleaning and the action is locked open and firearm is damn sure empty.

Did they show the shot that took off the thumb or was it just after the medic had wrapped it up?

In fairness, he may have had a hangfire or been carrying the gun by the barrel and hooked the trigger on some of his tacti-cool gear.

But, back to rule one, nothing in front of the muzzle ever.

In regards to the guy with destructive devices......

We should start a pool on how many people that appear on this show get arrested/deemed crazy/committed.

Finally - All you people, that carry guns by the barrel, you are all idiots. Guns have foregrips, stocks, handles, and slings - USE THEM.
Dirtypacman -

I guess I should have included don't get in front of the camera either. How long after 0bama care goes into effect do the doctors get to decide that if I don't go see them for check-ups that I must be crazy.
Dirtypacman -

I guess I should have included don't get in front of the camera either. How long after 0bama care goes into effect do the doctors get to decide that if I don't go see them for check-ups that I must be crazy.

You talk the truth my friend. The trend is already started and will continue to only get worse.
The guy who is building the bug out house in the ground out of a shipping container is a ****ing idiot. Unless he has an old car that they didn't show (which is highly unlikely due to all his 'practicing' - why would he be practicing with a different vehicle?), his brand new-looking Jeep isn't going to start after an EMP... effectively making all of his planning useless. Hope he has an alternate plan for bugging in.

Better luck next time!
SO we watched the 2nd and 3rd episode last night. I had seen clips of the 2nd but not in its entirety. I would take anyone of those people as neighbors in a heartbeat. They all had their issues but seemed pretty solid. The third episode was just scary. My wife couldnt stop laughing about the guy who shot his thumb off. Until that point I felt like it was a long ad for the super shovel. The other thing I loved was the secret room in the barn. WTF? Same with the firearms. Someone was showing off their stuff.
I got their super-duper 6lb $395 SubMariner version ( I was out for a walk when I found it. At first I thought someone trashed it, but now I am not sure. The ONLY review of the wonder shovel says,

“I received my submariner Crovel last week and took it on a trip. Now it is gone. Got stolen from my travel partner. Now I need to order another. Pricey but well worth the money. Got to get another one.”

I was wondering what kind of idiot would blow $400 on a shiny shovel that weighs a ton, well, now I know. [laugh]
"Only family members and close friends know about it".........along with EVERYONE watching the show. [hmmm]

And the clerk at the liquor store...

"You guys having a party?"
"No, we are saving it to barter during an economic collapse"

OpSec my a$$.

Another thing I didn't get about the liquor hoard - Why do they have to buy so many individual brands? And why do they leave them exposed on a shelf? If you're just buying it for barter, wouldn't you buy it by the case, and store it by the case? They were picking out individual bottles like they had specific mixed drinks in mind.

And how many 'practice' molotov cocktail throws do you really need?

Oh, and what the hell does a box of broken glass on the hallway floor accomplish? Is he expecting his attackers to be unarmed AND barefoot? And if he is concerned about making it to his cache and back on a tank of air, maybe he should cache a tank of air.
...And how many 'practice' molotov cocktail throws do you really need?

As many as the producer was willing to pay for. [wink] The whole thing was likely a stunt for the show. Although the wick can be soaked in alcohol (kerosene is better), the bottle content is almost never alcohol. Actually, even gasoline, which is most often used in the cocktail, not viscous enough and thus diesel, motor oil and other things are added to the mixture. And only a numbnut would practice throwing it only 5 feet and onto a pile of rocks. You must have strength and agility to throw it at least 20 yards, preferably without getting shot. And where would he exactly be throwing it in real life. Is there a nice pile of rocks there to help him break the bottle?

As I said number of times in this tread – the whole show is a joke and an insult.
Tim said:
It was one of those malfunctions. My thumb went in front of the barrel, and it went off."

WTF??I might have to bail on this show. Good thing Eastbound is coming back. Thank goodness for the medic, truck, airlift, and hospital. I hope they are around when doomsday hits.
And the clerk at the liquor store...
. . . Oh, and what the hell does a box of broken glass on the hallway floor accomplish? Is he expecting his attackers to be unarmed AND barefoot? . . .

He saw it in a movie worked then. [thinking]

I SAW that movie, and it worked!

Home Alone

The kid sprinkled broken glass just inside a window. It was freaking awesome! Bad guy didn't know WHAT to do!
I have a new name for the show:

"Out the loonies"

Seriously spending 6-8 hours per day prepping? I'd rather enjoy my life and die when the SHTF and obsess all these years.
WTF??I might have to bail on this show. Good thing Eastbound is coming back. Thank goodness for the medic, truck, airlift, and hospital. I hope they are around when doomsday hits.

I'm with you on that. I took it off my DVR schedule and I'm moving on. I just think the show is making a mockery out of the prepping community with these fruit loops, not to mention the clever editing helps as well. When I saw that woman has a special language when they were searching the house did it for me.
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