Ever wonder what happens after they take your guns

Aug 27, 2007
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Amnesty nets over 100,000 knives

Knives are being turned into reinforcement rods
More than 100,000 weapons were handed to police in England, Scotland and Wales during a national knife amnesty.
During the five-week amnesty, which ended on 30 June, people could dispose of knives in secure bins without being prosecuted for possession.

The Association of Chief Police Officers' Tony Melville thanked everyone who made use of the amnesty.

"Every knife that is taken off our streets is one that cannot be used to kill, maim or intimidate," he said.

Mr Melville, Acpo's lead official on knife crime and assistant chief constable of Devon and Cornwall, said the move had helped make communities into safer places.

"The amnesty is certainly a step in the right direction and I hope it will prove to be a catalyst in changing the culture of routine knife possession, minimizing the opportunity for the serious harm that can follow from the violent use of a knife," he added.

They are absolutely determined to make people victims in the UK.[angry]
Like that's going to do any good. Give me a piece of rebar and a grinder or a belt sander and I'll MAKE you a knife. Hell, give me a piece of rebar and a FILE and I'll make you a knife.

Or, for that matter, a piece of rebar, a torch and a hammer & anvil.

Feeeeeeel good, do-nothing legislation by politicians desperately trying to look like they deserve their over-paid, feather-bedded positions.
When are they going to have the National Stick Amnesty?

How about the National Naughty Word Amnesty? That's where you can swear into a bucket so as not to offend anybody.
I wonder if the average Brit realizes how much danger they are in.

A heavily armed government and a disarmed populace is a recipe for disaster.

Perhaps it is time to start evacuating England?

course it makes you wonder whos actually turning them in? the thugs that use them??? [rolleyes] stupid stupid stupid....
I dont understand this either....but MAN i want some of that rebar!!!!

Rebar in the states doesnt have enough carbon to harden at all....too bad they will end up mixing all that good knife steel into some kind of horrid mild steel...what a waste of materials!

I bet there are some custom knifemakers over there who this put directly out of business....i cant imagine a ban like this turning me into a felon overnight! Not only a loss of posessing knives, but complete destruction of one of the oldest crafts known to man in the form of blacksmiths and bladesmiths passing on thousands of years of steel knowledge that will now be lost forever.
Sticks? Rocks? Aren't we all high and mighty. We'll get around to those as soon as we deal with the dangers posed by unlicensed possession of fresh fruit.

Like that's going to do any good. Give me a piece of rebar and a grinder or a belt sander and I'll MAKE you a knife. Hell, give me a piece of rebar and a FILE and I'll make you a knife.

Or, for that matter, a piece of rebar, a torch and a hammer & anvil.

Feeeeeeel good, do-nothing legislation by politicians desperately trying to look like they deserve their over-paid, feather-bedded positions.

how about, just give me a peice of rebar... cause I know no one has a knife or a gun, so I can surely club the shit out ouf you with rebar. [rolleyes]

let me ask, when you get off the plane in the uk.. do they give you a case of vasoline?
No knives... how do you cook? I'd give up my guns before I'd give up my knives, and I won't give up my guns until after I'm dead.

Some commie chef douchebags over there have insinuated that you
don't need knives with pointy ends on them to cook. So
apparently the norm over there will be a butcher knife of some sort
with a rounded end on it. Just when you thought British cooking
couldn't get any worse.... [laugh]

Some commie chef douchebags over there have insinuated that you
don't need knives with pointy ends on them to cook. So
apparently the norm over there will be a butcher knife of some sort
with a rounded end on it. Just when you thought British cooking
couldn't get any worse.... [laugh]


You don't need a knife with a pointy end on it to slit someones throat either.
You don't need a knife with a pointy end on it to slit someones throat either.

While that is true, I think the socialist logic was that more people
"stab" with knives than anything else.

Course, they also fail to realize that even if only dull-end knives
are sold in GB, that some guy with a file will just file the end into
some kind of a point, that is, if he doesn't just make a shiv out of
a bedpost with a nail in it first. [laugh]

It just goes to show that we can never concede to any of their liberal requests because they will never stop. EVER!!! We must fight the good fight and do something about the liberal politicians we have in this state. We must give the sheep the information to make educated decisions at the ballot.
Knives!! Are you kidding me!! No offenses to anybody but the English “people” are a joke. First your guns and then your knives, there is not much else to take.[hmmm]
They also banned steel toe work boots for the public. A construction worker must check in his/hers steel toe work boots before they leave a work site.
You forgot the "Rock Amnesty". [rolleyes]

That's when these guys come down and set up shop.

I think they should ban blunt objects...they can be used to batter people to death... can't wait to see how much they collect then!
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