Exploding pagers

even if this is fake and gay it makes great propaganda
Yes, that might be an inert training prop, but you are correct - if a soldier's buddy's AK blows up in his face and he filled his mags from the same can as the buddy, then he's got a real dilemma on his hands as does the rest of the platoon.
These replies are amusing but I am imagining the chaos of, say, 25 houses or businesses being on fire in every town at the same time. The economic and psychological impact of such an event would be uuuge.

I don’t think we can discount this scenario at all, especially if there is the possibility for someone to be able to overload any smart device to catch fire. We already know that Wi-Fi signals can be used as an internal radar inside a building, even reportedly being able to map out where people are in a building. Add to that smartphones and other devices with apps that people willingly gave access to their cameras and mics and ALL of the data of their movements, and it isn’t out of the realm of possibility to think that a superpower could coordinate some really precise attacks. Heck, they know exactly when you’re looking at a screen less than 2 feet from your face, set off a few thousand of those and you suddenly shutdown everyone’s ability to stay connected. I am convinced people would still use their devices because they’re addicted, and the second wave would take them out, and the flow of information would utterly screech to a halt as people unplugged their devices and tossed them in their back yards. We would basically be in the pre-telegraph days, and the economy would crumble. That would be even more effective than something taking out the power infrastructure. Of course of our economy crumbles, then a country like China’s economy gets completely swamped, so it would be tough for them to justify an attack like that on us. If it comes to that, then we’re in a hot war and it’s going to escalate really fast.
I think it's less than useful to view the Middle Eastern crisis as black and white. Jews good. Arabs bad. Muslims evil. Jews and Christians saints.

It's not that simple.

Imagine if you will, the American Indians get pissed that European settlers took their land, and drove them into reservations after murdering millions of them. They enlist the aid of China, who provides funding and arms, and they take over the northeast US from Jersey to Maine. They displace 700,000 Americans, taking their land, their houses, and their businesses. They take over government, all the institutions, and make all the laws. They let the Americans stay, but really view them as second class citizens who really can't be trusted.

Do you think the Americans who were displaced would roll over, and accept the situation? Don't you think they would be enraged, and would fight back against their oppressors? And what if the Indians cracked down even harder against those who oppose their taking the land back, and started making incursions into Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio,etc? If the American lacked the resources and arms to fight a conventional war, wouldn't they turn to terrorism and improvised munitions?

I'm not saying who is right and who is wrong. The Jews need a safe homeland after how the world has treated them for centuries. The Jews need to protect that homeland against enemies. Their ability to survive is at stake.

On the other hand, the Arabs have been getting screwed by the Jews and the west for more than a century, and they rightly are angry that Israel took their land and property.

The entire thing is a complicated, nuanced mess. The worst part is that on account of our support for Israel, that Arab rage is also getting directed at us. With the wide open borders, and the reality that a ton of Arab terrorists have flooded into our country unchecked, it's likely a terrorist incident that makes 9/11 look like childs play will soon be visited upon us. And you know that the gummint will use that as an excuse to take away more freedom, impart more surveillance and control, and implement gun control.
I think it's less than useful to view the Middle Eastern crisis as black and white. Jews good. Arabs bad. Muslims evil. Jews and Christians saints.

It's not that simple.

Imagine if you will, the American Indians get pissed that European settlers took their land, and drove them into reservations after murdering millions of them. They enlist the aid of China, who provides funding and arms, and they take over the northeast US from Jersey to Maine. They displace 700,000 Americans, taking their land, their houses, and their businesses. They take over government, all the institutions, and make all the laws. They let the Americans stay, but really view them as second class citizens who really can't be trusted.

Do you think the Americans who were displaced would roll over, and accept the situation? Don't you think they would be enraged, and would fight back against their oppressors? And what if the Indians cracked down even harder against those who oppose their taking the land back, and started making incursions into Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio,etc? If the American lacked the resources and arms to fight a conventional war, wouldn't they turn to terrorism and improvised munitions?

I'm not saying who is right and who is wrong. The Jews need a safe homeland after how the world has treated them for centuries. The Jews need to protect that homeland against enemies. Their ability to survive is at stake.

On the other hand, the Arabs have been getting screwed by the Jews and the west for more than a century, and they rightly are angry that Israel took their land and property.

The entire thing is a complicated, nuanced mess. The worst part is that on account of our support for Israel, that Arab rage is also getting directed at us. With the wide open borders, and the reality that a ton of Arab terrorists have flooded into our country unchecked, it's likely a terrorist incident that makes 9/11 look like childs play will soon be visited upon us. And you know that the gummint will use that as an excuse to take away more freedom, impart more surveillance and control, and implement gun control.
We expected the Indians to suck it up and shut up......we had bigger guns....bigger balls.....and bigger bank rolls. Why shouldn't we expect the Muslims to do the same?

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Then don’t whine when they strike back, big time. All’s fair in love and war.
It was a sarcastic comment.....that's why I put the lol emoji at the bottom to help everyone out.


I've spent time in a few Muslim majority countries......I'm not a fan of that culture. Doesn't make me racist......they have a right to exist in their own way......but I have also have a right to dislike the culture.
Aaaaaaand we have a winner

1726658510734.png Now on a more serious note- the trail leads to Budapest. Who knew.

The senior Lebanese security source identified a photograph of the model of the pager, an AR-924. Hezbollah fighters have been using pagers as a low-tech means of communication in an attempt to evade Israeli location-tracking.
The senior Lebanese source said the devices had been modified by Israel's spy service "at the production level."
"The Mossad injected a board inside of the device that has explosive material that receives a code. It's very hard to detect it through any means," the source said.
The source said about 3,000 of the pagers exploded when a coded message was sent to them, simultaneously activating the explosives.
Another security source told Reuters that up to three grams of explosives were hidden in the new pagers and had gone "undetected" by Hezbollah for months.

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Thats one thing mossad et al are very good at. Another fun techical thing.... you know that pager was keyed to blow up with one specific piece of code/phone number. That means they hacked the firmware or something too, or tapped into it somehow. This is probably an idea they'd been working on for years.

It's also fun that supply chain management has been a hot topic in computer security the past 5 years or so, but particularly hot in the past year. Lots of warnings about "be careful where you buy your shit from. " If I was going to make a wag, a double actually set this whole thing up. There's likely Lebanese people who have grown sick of Hezbollah and Hamas dragging their country into bullshit.
I was just thinking the same thing- Mossad's human assets must be both extensive and incredibly talented. They bugged Arafat's helicopter and while he flew to the peace accords listened to him speak about playing nice for the cameras but in the end they will kill all the Israelis. The guy who was listening is a friend. If their declassified capabilities from way back then were that effective, the pager bombs really aren't a surprise. What's surprising to me is Mossad's 'reach'.

The psy-ops value of these things blowing up in dudes front pockets is priceless. I wonder who gets their virgins if they lost their junk?

So, NES: Where does everyone carry their phones?
I think it's less than useful to view the Middle Eastern crisis as black and white. Jews good. Arabs bad. Muslims evil. Jews and Christians saints.

It's not that simple.

Imagine if you will, the American Indians get pissed that European settlers took their land, and drove them into reservations after murdering millions of them. They enlist the aid of China, who provides funding and arms, and they take over the northeast US from Jersey to Maine. They displace 700,000 Americans, taking their land, their houses, and their businesses. They take over government, all the institutions, and make all the laws. They let the Americans stay, but really view them as second class citizens who really can't be trusted.

Do you think the Americans who were displaced would roll over, and accept the situation? Don't you think they would be enraged, and would fight back against their oppressors? And what if the Indians cracked down even harder against those who oppose their taking the land back, and started making incursions into Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio,etc? If the American lacked the resources and arms to fight a conventional war, wouldn't they turn to terrorism and improvised munitions?

I'm not saying who is right and who is wrong. The Jews need a safe homeland after how the world has treated them for centuries. The Jews need to protect that homeland against enemies. Their ability to survive is at stake.

On the other hand, the Arabs have been getting screwed by the Jews and the west for more than a century, and they rightly are angry that Israel took their land and property.

The entire thing is a complicated, nuanced mess. The worst part is that on account of our support for Israel, that Arab rage is also getting directed at us. With the wide open borders, and the reality that a ton of Arab terrorists have flooded into our country unchecked, it's likely a terrorist incident that makes 9/11 look like childs play will soon be visited upon us. And you know that the gummint will use that as an excuse to take away more freedom, impart more surveillance and control, and implement gun control.
Lol there is no Arab rage. The moderate Arab countries know exactly who the terrorists are and are staying clear of them.
I doubt there was much of a delay. I'd imagine all the devices went off near-simultaneously; it would not have taken long for everyone with one of those pagers to ditch his the moment they started exploding out of their buddies' pockets.

I don't imagine Mossad cared about killing all that many people. The sheer effectiveness of the charges themselves wasn't the point. This was like that elevator scene in Untouchables, where the main point was the "touchable" graffiti.

That's the real beauty of this: the reminder that nothing is really all that safe.

Mossad is very good at that kind of warfare.

what I don't quite get is why didn't they make the pagers EXTRA killy?
Seems like they missed a perfect opportunity to just wipe 'em out.

Add some ball bearings dipped in anti-coagulant so the Hezi's DIE, not just

Maybe they can just shoot any young men limping or on crutches ;)

I assume- to prevent collateral damage. A small charge near some of the biggest arteries in the body … you know- placement is ideal actually. I am sure they also had space constrictions- pagers are pretty tightly packed with battery, pcb, screen… just some considerations

imagine the amount of intelligence this is going to generate for Israel.

This wasn't about killing them all, it was about letting them know they can reach out and touch them wherever they are and it also forces them to abandon their comms. While it killed relatively few, hundreds if not thousands of terrorists are now out in the open and has also sidelined many of them even if temporarily. It's not hard for Mossad to find people in hospitals or see who's walking around with a limp or missing fingers, etc. They now know for certain who had most of those beepers and it likely corroborates and enhances their database of known terrorists. This operation was a resounding success.
I would think it would be to bump off as many as they could. If that’s the case it’s an epic fail.
It was more of a psy ops thing
Hezbollah terrorists that were flying under the radar got exposed.
None of the bad guys will feel safe around their tech, or anything else.
Recruits might not mind the idea of getting 72 virgins, but going through life without your junk or a butt cheek is pretty unappealing to a young man.
Friends won't want to hang around them for fear they might explode.

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