Exploding pagers

Think about it for a minute.

Hezbollah quit using "smart phones" because they can be tracked.
They found out yesterday that their pagers can't be trusted.
Today they found out that handheld radios can't be trusted.

They're gonna be stuck with landlines - which by definition disallow mobility.
Their communications "network" is in shambles.

They're gonna have to gather - and their gathering is a target.
They still have their old equipment, and can get new equipment from trusted sources. This is likely a hiccup but it's not knocking them into the dark ages (except to the extent they're already there).
They stopped using their old devices because they were compromised by the Mossad. Going back to them would be a gift to Israel.

They still have their old equipment, and can get new equipment from trusted sources. This is likely a hiccup but it's not knocking them into the dark ages (except to the extent they're already there).
I'm starting to think that this is battle space prep for a much larger operation. If Hezbollah Command and Control is severely degraded, it works in Israel's favor.
That is one of the theories I’ve read. That it was set up as to assist with a broad based attack by Israel against Hezbollah. But they feared it was about to be compromised in the last couple of days. So they just set them off. We’ll see if IDF follows up with anything.
I wonder how many so called friendly haji assets were wounded by this and didn’t show up to work today.

Gives the IDF Intel agencies an idea of how badly they themselves may have been comprimised by the enemy and now need to make changes and tighten their own circles up.
Ha, there would be a lot of Jihadis running around with no hands and no D***
A laptop could take out an entire office, vehicle, etc.

Genie is out of the bottle on these. As somebody else already mentioned, this tech could really screw up air travel.
Hezbollah S-4 skinflints: “Hey boss TSA is having a sale on X-ray machines, 5% off with Amazon Smile, but we have to wait til next quarter, you think we can hang on til then?”
Pagers then radios. Now solar power systems. The hits just keep coming. Can't wait to check the news tomorrow. Maybe cars will be accelerating into brick walls.
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