I think it's less than useful to view the Middle Eastern crisis as black and white. Jews good. Arabs bad. Muslims evil. Jews and Christians saints.
It's not that simple.
Imagine if you will, the American Indians get pissed that European settlers took their land, and drove them into reservations after murdering millions of them. They enlist the aid of China, who provides funding and arms, and they take over the northeast US from Jersey to Maine. They displace 700,000 Americans, taking their land, their houses, and their businesses. They take over government, all the institutions, and make all the laws. They let the Americans stay, but really view them as second class citizens who really can't be trusted.
Do you think the Americans who were displaced would roll over, and accept the situation? Don't you think they would be enraged, and would fight back against their oppressors? And what if the Indians cracked down even harder against those who oppose their taking the land back, and started making incursions into Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio,etc? If the American lacked the resources and arms to fight a conventional war, wouldn't they turn to terrorism and improvised munitions?
I'm not saying who is right and who is wrong. The Jews need a safe homeland after how the world has treated them for centuries. The Jews need to protect that homeland against enemies. Their ability to survive is at stake.
On the other hand, the Arabs have been getting screwed by the Jews and the west for more than a century, and they rightly are angry that Israel took their land and property.
The entire thing is a complicated, nuanced mess. The worst part is that on account of our support for Israel, that Arab rage is also getting directed at us. With the wide open borders, and the reality that a ton of Arab terrorists have flooded into our country unchecked, it's likely a terrorist incident that makes 9/11 look like childs play will soon be visited upon us. And you know that the gummint will use that as an excuse to take away more freedom, impart more surveillance and control, and implement gun control.