Fabric Store protests gun shop

Swanson’s Fabrics across the street from The Gun Rack in western mass. Evidently they put these signs up and have been protesting the shop. It has resulted in a ton of 1 star reviews on google and Facebook for the fabric shop. 🤣

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Classy sign for your storefront. Good grief. That's dumb on so many levels, but I thank them for outing themselves.
Classy sign for your storefront. Good grief. That's dumb on so many levels, but I thank them for outing themselves.
It's equal to the stickers I've been seeing on cars lately. A car on 95 in Providence had "I eat ass" emblazoned across the rear window and today at the grocery store I saw "Butt Diver" on the back of an SUV.
f***. A friend of mine lives on a main road in town, 50 mph road, right near an intersection that apparently a lot of people miss, and choose to use his big wide driveway to turn around in. He doesn’t appreciate this. Few years ago, he spray painted on a 4x8 sheet of plywood ‘NO f***ING TURNING!!’ And had it right at the road. The kids drive by and saw it, and read it aloud in the car!! I laughed, but apparently others didn’t. A few hours later we drive by and the swear was crossed out in spray paint.
I demand common sense fabric control. No one needs an entire bolt of fabric and we need to regulate semi-automatic sewing machines
Bonus point for knowing “bolt”. 😂

If I was down there I could go to one shop and my wife to the other. She could pack heat inside as well.
My wife is an avid sewer and has a sewing business. We are not far from Turners Falls so I showed her the picture, she said she would never set foot in that shit hole anyway just from the looks of it.

She is active in the sewing community but also has an LTC. She will spread the word. This is Western MA, not Eastern. Lots of green towns out here. I wonder how long it will be before they realize that they have committed retail suicide.
This is the perfect example of liberalism at its finest . Norm at the Gun Rack is an awesome person. He does so much for the surrounding community and is more than a stand up guy. I know him personally and see what he gives back. I’d love to know if the nice sewing lady contributes or extracts from the community. I have my hunches
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