First Aid Kit upgrade

Aug 27, 2007
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I am upgrading my first aid kits following this one put together by USNERDOC:

These will be for my Get Home Bags and when we go backpacking. I will probably put 6 of this size together.

And then 2 of this size:

I am looking to order from Stat Medical. They seem to have good prices and excellent supply. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in doing the same and we could combine our orders. I created a spreadsheet with the items from the kit or very close substitutes. If you are interested, PM me. Will also be looking to buy the Aloksaks and other items to complete the kits. Possible group buy?
I am upgrading my first aid kits following this one put together by USNERDOC:

These will be for my Get Home Bags and when we go backpacking. I will probably put 6 of this size together.

And then 2 of this size:

I am looking to order from Stat Medical. They seem to have good prices and excellent supply. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in doing the same and we could combine our orders. I created a spreadsheet with the items from the kit or very close substitutes. If you are interested, PM me. Will also be looking to buy the Aloksaks and other items to complete the kits. Possible group buy?

Looks interesting. Going to watch more. I couldnt figure out how to get the sidebar notes from the video.
I think if you go to his channel you can get all the docs and links. The sidebar notes may get disabled after a while.

This is a really good First aid kit. I have been backpacking quite a bit in my life and always trying to figure out what to take and what to leave behind. I think he really has his bases covered in the Level I kit for short trips and individual carry. It's the one item I bring and hope to never use. Everything else, if it doesn't get used, usually ends up not making another trip. The level II kit is definitely for longer term/larger groups. I will tweak mine based on our own personal needs but not by much.
I am upgrading my first aid kits following this one put together by USNERDOC:

These will be for my Get Home Bags and when we go backpacking. I will probably put 6 of this size together.

And then 2 of this size:

I am looking to order from Stat Medical. They seem to have good prices and excellent supply. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in doing the same and we could combine our orders. I created a spreadsheet with the items from the kit or very close substitutes. If you are interested, PM me. Will also be looking to buy the Aloksaks and other items to complete the kits. Possible group buy?

If you were to start a group buy, I'm sure many people would be interested.
I know I would go in for at least 3 of the Level 1 kits.

Let us know if you can get a group buy deal. I'm sure you could get enough interest. I think I'd be looking at 4-6 level 1 kits and maybe a couple of his level 2 kits.
They are only selling the Level I kits at this time. They are $53 each or 3 for $150 (incl shipping). I am fairly certain I can make these cheaper for myself since I am making a number of them. Also, I will be able to customize as I said for my family. Was curious if anyone wanted to buy the supplies in bulk to make their own. I have already done a lot of research on getting most (or all) of this stuff.
Sorry guys, I don't think this kit (level 1) is good enough or even balanced enough for any purpose. I admit, I only glanced at the kit without detailed analysis of contents. But still. Like he included QuickClot in the kit. Fine. But the main reason for the Clot is to stop profuse bleeding, like from a bullet wound. You are supposed to put a compression bandage on the wound, not 5 gause pads. Where is the bandage? What if there is a heavy bleeding? You need a tourniquet, because SECONDS count. Then he has sutures. What for? You are not supposed to close a serious wound; surely, not as a first aid solution. He has a syringe, great. Where is the cleansin solution? And there must be more than one (desinfecting and water or saline). So it is not a first aid kit, and not a trauma kit, either.
Out of respect for you I watched both parts complete. It was even worse than I thought originally. I thought they would refer to another package for the missing pieces. Unfortunately they, apparently never even heard of a compression bandage. Telfa pad is not it! If someone wants an IFAK, he better look at actual USMC IFAK for contents. This is a survival forum on SHOOTERS webside. So it would be good to assume SHF scenario: injury on patrol or injury at home. And, if on patrol, there would be a very small group, and, at home even smaller. So
medical kits must be comprehensive. First, there should be a first aid kit. The best I found is a big kit by FAO and sold by Costco (unfortunately only once a year). It is very comprehensive and deeper than usual (10-12 pieces of supplies rather than 2 or 4). So that kit may be divided into 2-3 kits. It still has some gaps (like burn jels and some other. Then one needs a trauma kit, Such a kit must contain a tourniquet (even a cheap one is better than none), a compression bandage (Israeli is the best), Kerlix rolls for wound packing, QuickClot or Celox(preferred), especially one version in a syringe, specifically for deep penetrating wounds and a chest seal. These are major, critical pieces. Trauma kit should be packaged in a specially design pouch, which unfolds, so all the pieces do not fall on the floor/ muck. IFAK pouches are available, or one can be made using SAW pouch to start with. The cleaning / desinfecting solutions, syringes, sutures etc. should be kept at home base.
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