First firearm ownership suggestions

I have the M&P compact. It's a great gun, but I swear by my Berettas. My opinion only so maybe renting a few will narrow it down for you.
No one said yeet cannon yet?
If I had to chose between a high point and a grock (as much as I HATE grocks), I wouldn't pick a high point [anything]. Hell, I'd sooner get a M&P stupid compact. Then again, I DO have standards that aren't at the 99 cent bargain bin level. Which rules out high point. [rofl2]

As already mentioned, go to stores and at least fondle the options. If possible, test fire stock versions of them as well. Don't test fire someone else's version that has an upgraded trigger, unless you factor the cost of that into your budget. I can't recall how many people have posted about swapping out grock triggers immediately in threads.

I think the only pistols I have, in the sub $500 range include a Ruger Wrangler and Old Army. Otherwise, everything else either started over that, or ended up over that before I was done working on them. The Ruger 22/45 (mark 4) is the closest when I got it. Went beyond that rather quickly once I started altering it. I suggest NOT doing that too fast with your first pistol. Especially if you're thinking about using it as a carry piece. IF you want it upgraded, get a good gunsmith to do it.
If I had to chose between a high point and a grock (as much as I HATE grocks), I wouldn't pick a high point [anything]. Hell, I'd sooner get a M&P stupid compact. Then again, I DO have standards that aren't at the 99 cent bargain bin level. Which rules out high point. [rofl2]

As already mentioned, go to stores and at least fondle the options. If possible, test fire stock versions of them as well. Don't test fire someone else's version that has an upgraded trigger, unless you factor the cost of that into your budget. I can't recall how many people have posted about swapping out grock triggers immediately in threads.

I think the only pistols I have, in the sub $500 range include a Ruger Wrangler and Old Army. Otherwise, everything else either started over that, or ended up over that before I was done working on them. The Ruger 22/45 (mark 4) is the closest when I got it. Went beyond that rather quickly once I started altering it. I suggest NOT doing that too fast with your first pistol. Especially if you're thinking about using it as a carry piece. IF you want it upgraded, get a good gunsmith to do it.
I think you fail to see the superior quality of my sarcasm
Go with the MP 2.0

I have had at one point or another all the Glocks besides the 48/43 singles. The MP is better than them.

I personally hate the sig 320s
37 responses and no one has suggested a Ruger SR22 although someone did recommend a MK4 a few posts back. Actually a .22 to practice and or play with is a good idea.
I think you fail to see the superior quality of my sarcasm
Meter must be on the fritz... I suppose the yeet could be used as a projectile itself. So add another 'round' to it's capacity over what's listed.

@Lennypeters I mentioned the 22/45, but it starts outside his stated budget level (sub $500). Maybe finding one that's used would work.
A quality 22LR pistol would be a good first choice to get into shooting. Then progress up to other calibers along with makes and models. OP also needs to allocate funds for ammo... No matter how much you have, it's really never 'enough'. It's more "I have a decent amount, currently".
37 responses and no one has suggested a Ruger SR22 although someone did recommend a MK4 a few posts back. Actually a .22 to practice and or play with is a good idea.
Buy the MP 2.0 and shoot it, enjoy it and plan your next purchase…which should include the Ruger SR22

Lots of fun to shoot with low cost ammo, my range trips always include the SR22
No answer here is going to be right for you.

What are you looking for in a first handgun?
A range/target shooting firearm or one you would carry and am looking for concealability?
A full size pistol can be all those depending on how you would dress or horrible depending on how you would carry it.

Have you shot a firearm before.
Can you handle a bit of recoil or are you better suited to a rimfire cartridge.

Are you willing to learn the mechanics of a self feeding, magazine fed firearm? Or are you better off with a revolver?

What is your hand size? How far you do like the trigger reach and size of the grip of the pistol you are looking at?
Do you prefer a striker or hammer fired pistol?

The best answer here is try before you buy or at least handle some pistols to see how they feel in your hand.
The pistol you shoot most accurately and feels the most natural in your hand is the best logical choice given what you have told us.
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No answer here is going to be right for you.

What are you looking for in a first handgun?
A range/target shooting firearm or one you would carry and am looking for concealability?
A full size pistol can be all those depending on how you would dress or horrible depending on how you would carry it.

Have you shot a firearm before.
Can you handle a bit of recoil or are you better suited to a rimfire cartridge.

Are you willing to learn the mechanics of a self feeding, magazine fed firearm? Or are you better off with a revolver?

What is your hand size? How far you do like the trigger reach and size of the grip of the pistol you are looking at?
Do you prefer a striker or hammer fired pistol?

The best answer here is try before you buy or at least handle some pistols to see how they feel in your hand.
The pistol you shoot most accurately and feels the most natural in your hand is the best logical choice given what you have told us. a glock 20 in gods caliber is always the answer for these
Might I mention Walther PDP or HK VP9? Go German. S&W is a fine gun but will need a trigger upgrade right away. You can get a VP9 for around $500 and will be good to go right out of the box unlike a S&W or Glock. Same with the PDP (or PPQ if you can find one). Also check out Canik.

365 macro comp are very hard to beat for do it all guns.

Good size...good cap...good shooter
DAO and striker not that different

DA/SA is where people tend to stumble.
All my pistols are SAO. The only thing I have that's DA/SA is my GP100. I've yet to handle a DAO gun that trigger didn't SUCK, at least to my standards. It's one of the reasons I refuse to get any DAO pistols at this point. IF I ever find a DAO pistol that has a trigger that isn't dog crap right out of the box, I'll think about purchasing it.
All my pistols are SAO. The only thing I have that's DA/SA is my GP100. I've yet to handle a DAO gun that trigger didn't SUCK, at least to my standards. It's one of the reasons I refuse to get any DAO pistols at this point. IF I ever find a DAO pistol that has a trigger that isn't dog crap right out of the box, I'll think about purchasing it.

Had a SW 3rd gen that was DAO…horrible.

My DA/SAs CZs are pretty nice little heavy but not gritty and shitty like the 3rd gens.
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