Found out today how right you guys are about the sheep

I'd say the number one question is "why do you own guns?" I always say "why not?"
Same reason I own condoms and whisky. I like to party.

I had a good moment over thanksgiving. We stayed at the house of one of my wife's old lab mates from MIT. Now this woman's husband is a good guy, badly wants a lever gun but his wife won't let him. So I got to working on his wife a bit while we were cooking turkey and such. After about 15 minutes, and pissing my own wife off because I "always talk about guns." So now my wife's labmate, and her labmate's husband now want me to take them shooting. Not bad imo for a pair of open minded folks that went to MIT and Brandeis.
During the first week of goose season this year I was with a buddy hunting out of a kayak near the edge of a pond/ cranberry bog and we overheard a woman who was walking her dog and staring at us say: "I can't believe that's legal." [laugh] Well it is lady, so go screw.

Proper response is to holler, "@#$% YOU!"
My son is 2.... he is often with me in Wally world when I pick up ammo.... That has got more then a few comments... My usual answer to the BS comments..... I say Ranger (his name). What do you say? ... he says "thank you..." and I say to him that's right we are always polite buddy even to morons..... he then cheers yeaahhhh..... my wife was wondering why I thought him to cheer when I say moron....
Just stop and stare at her till she goes away. Don't say anything. Just stare.

How about:

"Lady, you REALLY need to get to a radio or a TV..."

<look around and start running into the woods, looking back over your shoulder>

Just before you disappear into the woods, shout back "Don't let them bite you!"
overly verbose. just scream.

Like this:

One thing you could have done is file a hunter harassment complaint form. Mass does have one of those, right?

The only time in CT I ever had anyone stop and talk to me while i was walking down or crossing a road, they wanted to know how I did.

There's a part of me that wants to hunt deer with a 6.8 AR just to freak out the sheeple.

My New Yorker sister is still pissed off that I converted her Upper West Side husband into a gun nut who now owns a glock and a .357 mag revolver, and is talking about trying to get his NYC license to carry. The guy is crazed. Its awesome. After shooting my machine gun, he tried to talk my sister into an M16 as "an investment". That didn't go far.
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How about:

"Lady, you REALLY need to get to a radio or a TV..."

<look around and start running into the woods, looking back over your shoulder>

Just before you disappear into the woods, shout back "Don't let them bite you!"
thats awesome. But it'll soon be illegal like shouting fire in a movie theater.
One thing you could have done is file a hunter harassment complaint form. Mass does have one of those, right?

I don't think asking "What are you doing?" and "Are you hunting?" constitutes interfering with the lawful taking of game, especially in an area where he has already acknowledged that he is not actually hunting...
I don't think asking "What are you doing?" and "Are you hunting?" constitutes interfering with the lawful taking of game, especially in an area where he has already acknowledged that he is not actually hunting...

The best defense is a good offense. What if she had called the police and lied about his behavior?

I took a Massad Ayoob seminar about 15 years ago and he said something like "the first one to call the police is the victim". Words to live by.

^^^ This.

Shooting trap this weekend. One of the guys starts in "assault weapons, herp, AK47, derp, blah, blah, no one should, etc, etc." while standing there holding his shotgun in front of about 8 other trap shooters. He was rather quickly informed of his error in reasoning. [sad]

After the Westfield incident, I had this same conversation with a Trap shooter. "Noboby needs to shoot a machine gun!" I replied, "Nobody needs to shoot Trap, either!"


It's the downside of free we have to be equally free, if not more.

WRT the Hunter Harassment - I agree that it's not harassing to do what Ms. Walker did....and, if the OP was in an area where hunting was unlawful (too near a road, etc.), even though he was NOT hunting, it's possible that Ms. Walker would freak out.

A call to the EPOs, saying, "OK....This just happened...." might make sense.


What a world [state] we live in.....that this is even considered.
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WRT the Hunter Harassment - I agree that it's not harassing to do what Ms. Walker did....and, if the OP was in an area where hunting was unlawful (too near a road, etc.), even though he was NOT hunting, it's possible that Ms. Walker would freak out.

A call to the EPOs, saying, "OK....This just happened...." might make sense.


What a world [state] we live in.....that this is even considered.

Didn't even think about calling the EPOs - Does sound like a good way to CYA though.

The whole area is zoned rural so the Taunton police may have just told her to post her land (wasn't on it) if she doesn't want hunters there.

I still can't wrap my head around how irrationally scared the woman was though.. Almost feel sorry for her until I remember she votes, then I vomit a little.
I still can't wrap my head around how irrationally scared the woman was though.. Almost feel sorry for her until I remember she votes, then I vomit a little.

It's truly a "mindset" thing. The woman is most likely an omnivore (i.e. not a vegan) but the thought of where dinner comes from is one that she will not or cannot entertain.

I told a story about my son, at conservation camp. He had chicken pot pie in the Field to Table class. It started with chickens. Going around saying, "Bawk....bawk...." (OK...I suck at chicken noises, typed) and ended up with dinner.

For most people, the thought that one would "do the dirty work" for oneself is absolutely alien. And, being dressed up in all that weirdo orange just makes you more abnormal.

I'm always reminded of the newspaper letter to the editor where the writer was against hunting, and thought that people should get their meat at the store where no animals were hurt.

I'm making a lot of assumptions here, but consider're as much of a mystery to her, as she is to you. And you're the one with the killy gun-thing.
I do have to give the wackjob lefty moonbats some credit. Hunting is now on their "sustainable" radar. With all their efforts against factory farming, many are now realizing that if you are going to eat meat, there is no more "ethically sound" meat than meat that was hunted.
It's truly a "mindset" thing. The woman is most likely an omnivore (i.e. not a vegan) but the thought of where dinner comes from is one that she will not or cannot entertain.

I told a story about my son, at conservation camp. He had chicken pot pie in the Field to Table class. It started with chickens. Going around saying, "Bawk....bawk...." (OK...I suck at chicken noises, typed) and ended up with dinner.

For most people, the thought that one would "do the dirty work" for oneself is absolutely alien. And, being dressed up in all that weirdo orange just makes you more abnormal.

I'm always reminded of the newspaper letter to the editor where the writer was against hunting, and thought that people should get their meat at the store where no animals were hurt.

I'm making a lot of assumptions here, but consider're as much of a mystery to her, as she is to you. And you're the one with the killy gun-thing.

Lots of good points here, especially the ones in red.

I do have to give the wackjob lefty moonbats some credit. Hunting is now on their "sustainable" radar. With all their efforts against factory farming, many are now realizing that if you are going to eat meat, there is no more "ethically sound" meat than meat that was hunted.

This sounds like a good in. Maybe Mother Jones needs to do an article on "organic harvesting" of "protein sources".
At one spot I've gone hunting at a few times I have run in to other people on three separate occasions: A lady walking her dog, two guys jogging, and a guy doing some trail maintenance with a weedwacker..... They all said some combination of "Good luck", "Whats in season now?", and "Hope I'm not scaring everything away from you".

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